
The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

author:Grace excellence flower cat Rzv

The death of Elizabeth II symbolized the end of global colonial rule. Born in 1926, Elizabeth II has endured the ups and downs of the entire 20th century. The queen, who witnessed the rise and fall of the British Empire, passed away in 2022 at the age of 96. Her life has covered almost the entire process of Britain from glory to decline.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

The British Empire reached its peak in the early 20th century and was known as the "empire on which the sun never sets". In 1914, Britain participated in World War I, and after the war, it acquired Germany's former colony through the Paris Peace Conference, with a territory area of 34 million square kilometers, accounting for a quarter of the world's landmass, and is the largest country in human history, with territory covering seven continents and four oceans. Against this background, Elizabeth II was born. She witnessed first-hand the glory of the empire and its subsequent decline.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

By her later years, British colonial rule was long gone. Her death was not only the end of an era, but also a symbolic end. Just as she died less than 48 hours after meeting with British Prime Minister Liz Truss, her departure marks the end of an old era.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

In her last moments, the world was changing dramatically. Just a few hours before the death of Elizabeth II, 500 French special forces GIGN and RAID went to New Caledonia. It is a small island in the Pacific Ocean with a population of only 204,000 but still a French colony. Isn't this a symbol of the hand length of the Western colonizers?

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

However, with the rise of global counter-hegemonic forces under the leadership of China and Russia, the collapse of Western colonial rule is accelerating. Elizabeth II's death not only marked the end of her personal life, but also heralded a broader historical turn. Her life witnessed the glory and decline of the British Empire, and her death symbolized the end of global colonial rule. Against this backdrop, is Elizabeth II's death merely a manifestation of the laws of nature, or a symbol of a deeper historical shift? Does her death mark the end of global colonialism?

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

Kissinger's death symbolized the end of Western power politics. Born in 1923, Henry Kissinger is known as one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century. He brokered the ice-breaking of U.S.-China relations in 1972, a handshake across the Pacific that moved China and the United States from hostility to cooperation and hastened the collapse of the Soviet Union. On November 29, 2023, Kissinger died at his home in Connecticut at the age of 100. His death marked the end of an era and heralded the decline of Western hegemony.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

After Kissinger's death, there was no politician like him in American politics. In today's United States, politicians only slander each other and govern the country with their mouths, but have no real political wisdom. In 1992, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin visited the United States and was laughed at by then-President Clinton for a minute. Although Yeltsin was not an agent of the United States, the "shock therapy" he promoted almost sold out of the former Soviet Union's wealth. This scene has become a symbol of American power politics: anyone or regime that does not meet the interests of the United States will be ruthlessly suppressed.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

In 2019, the United States supported Jewish actor Volodymyr Zelensky to become the president of Ukraine. For more than half a century, the United States has cultivated proxies around the world, and whenever a country's regime is not in the interests of the United States, it will be replaced. Saddam Hussein was hanged, Muammar Gaddafi was assassinated, Iran and North Korea were constantly under sanctions, and the United States single-handedly propped up Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro and Argentina's Milley. This kind of power politics has been rampant and hegemonic on a global scale, but with Kissinger's death, this hegemony seems to have come to an end.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

Recently, the mayor of Georgia, Kakha Kaladze, openly stated that he is not afraid of US sanctions. The current Georgian regime is pro-Russian, and they are preparing to pass a bill on the Representation of Foreigners to prevent the West from fostering proxies. If implemented, the law would have a ripple effect in other countries, which would no longer allow foreign nationals to hold key positions. How else can the United States meddle in the internal affairs of these countries?

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

Kissinger's death not only took away the glory of American politics, but also left behind an increasingly rogue America. In today's American political arena, there are no politicians like Kissinger, and all that remains are some noisy politicians. Has Western power politics really come to an end? How long can US hegemony last?

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

The death of Jacob Rothschild, the fourth Baron of the Rothschild family, on February 26, 2024, marks the end of "robber finance". The Rothschilds have been working with the Anglo-Saxons for centuries to harvest global wealth through financial means and debt instruments. Jacob's death heralded the end of this financial hegemony, especially in the face of a joint Chinese and Russian counterattack.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

Jacob Rothschild called himself "We Created Israel," a family that has amassed immense wealth and influence around the world over the years through banking and investment. However, with the strong alliance of China and Russia, especially the rise of the Palestinian anti-colonial and anti-hegemonic movements, the financial hegemony of the United States has gradually lost its foundation. Bankers and investors, once seen as omnipotent, are now less powerful in the face of a counterattack from China and Russia.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

In recent years, Warren Buffett has made high-profile investments in Japan, taking advantage of Japan's "zero interest rate" policy to borrow money aggressively, and then shorting the yen through international travel funds led by Soros, making huge profits from it. Although this kind of financial operation has made a lot of profits in the short term, it is behind the helplessness and subservience of the Japanese government. Japan holds a $1 trillion US debt, but it does not dare to act rashly because of the US military station. The situation is reminiscent of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, when Soros and others swept through Asian currency markets and eventually hit a wall in Hong Kong, which has strong central government backing.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

Today, China and Russia are not only politically joining forces to counter hegemony, but also financially supporting weak and small countries. This made the Jewish capital, represented by the Rothschilds, gradually lose its former advantages. The death of Jacob Rothschild is emblematic of this change, and it will be difficult for Buffett and Soros to maintain their influence in the coming years.

The old man ended his life journey and realized that "the number of qi has been exhausted".

On May 16, 2024, Putin visited Beijing again, and China and Russia unanimously expressed that they will jointly safeguard world peace, world order and the central role of the United Nations. Against this backdrop, the decline of Western hegemony is a foregone conclusion, and will the once deified Western investors, politicians, Jewish capital, and European gentlemen continue to maintain their position in the torrent of the times? How long can the West's financial hegemony last?