
Wang Sulong's "Flesh and Blood" sang and cried to the audience, but was played bad by netizens: It's hard to hear on the hot search?

author:Hu Yan


Wang Sulong's stage turmoil

On the stage of singer 2024, Wang Sulong chose an affectionate song "Flesh and Blood" to dedicate to his mother. This song is full of love and longing for his mother, and Wang Sulong's singing is full of emotion, which moved many viewers to tears. However, the response off the stage was unexpected.

Wang Sulong's "Flesh and Blood" sang and cried to the audience, but was played bad by netizens: It's hard to hear on the hot search?

Some viewers bluntly said that Wang Sulong's singing was "ugly", which made him feel lost and confused backstage. Facing the camera, he admitted that he didn't know what to do, and even said the words "It's better to let me go". This sentence was quickly captured and amplified by netizens, triggering a series of discussions and interpretations.

Misunderstandings under hot searches

Wang Sulong's sentence quickly fermented on the Internet and became a hot search topic. Netizens have a lot of discussions about this, some think that this is the true expression of Wang Sulong's emotions, and some think that this is deliberately amplified by the program team in order to increase the topicality.

Wang Sulong's "Flesh and Blood" sang and cried to the audience, but was played bad by netizens: It's hard to hear on the hot search?

Some netizens joked, "What the hell is it when the hot search point comes in, the YXH under the popularity of the show "Singer" all kinds of stalks follow the trend, which really makes people immediately understand what it means to be 'taken out of context'." This kind of out-of-context behavior complicates the originally simple expression of emotions, and also makes Wang Sulong's inner world infinitely amplified and interpreted.

The Art of Comfort


Backstage on the show, Wang Sulong was arranged to comfort another contestant, Yang. As a friend, Wang Sulong felt embarrassed because he didn't know how to comfort his friend who was at a low point. This emotional entanglement and helplessness made him say again, "It's better to let me go."

Wang Sulong's "Flesh and Blood" sang and cried to the audience, but was played bad by netizens: It's hard to hear on the hot search?

This sentence was originally intended to express his sympathy and powerlessness for his friend, but it was misunderstood by the outside world as dissatisfaction with the stage performance. This misunderstanding makes Wang Sulong's emotional expression more complex and difficult to explain.

The boundary between music and emotion

Wang Sulong's music has always been known for its emotional richness, and each of his songs is a direct expression of emotion. The song "Flesh and Blood" is his affectionate tribute to his mother and an expression of his affection. However, this expression of emotion has been interpreted by some as "sensational".

Wang Sulong's "Flesh and Blood" sang and cried to the audience, but was played bad by netizens: It's hard to hear on the hot search?

Netizens have different opinions on this, some think that music is the carrier of emotions, and Wang Sulong's expression is sincere; Others believe that music should transcend emotions and reach a higher artistic realm. This kind of controversy has made Wang Sulong's musical path more tortuous.

Humorous interpretation of netizens

On social media, netizens gave various humorous interpretations of Wang Sulong's incident. Some netizens joked, "If Wang Sulong wants to play the safety card, wouldn't it be simpler to come directly to the song "Let This Heavy Rain Fall", how can such an iron-headed person be vulnerable?" ”

Wang Sulong's "Flesh and Blood" sang and cried to the audience, but was played bad by netizens: It's hard to hear on the hot search?

This kind of humorous comment not only eases the tense atmosphere, but also allows more people to participate in the discussion. In this way, netizens expressed their support and understanding for Wang Sulong, which also made this controversy more interesting.

Summary of the controversy

Wang Sulong's incident, from the emotional singing on the stage to the hot search controversy on the Internet, every step is full of drama. His emotional expressions are misunderstood, his music is questioned, and his inner world is amplified. All this has made Wang Sulong's music path more complicated.

Wang Sulong's "Flesh and Blood" sang and cried to the audience, but was played bad by netizens: It's hard to hear on the hot search?

It's this complexity that makes his music more authentic and his stories more engaging. On this controversial stage, Wang Sulong used his music and emotions to show the world a true self.

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