
Before you know it, it's 62, it's time to slow down, learn these 5 slows, the slower the better!

author:Lao Pang talks about the world

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Before you know it, it's 62, it's time to slow down, learn these 5 slows, the slower the better!

As the saying goes, "Time does not spare people, people do not spare time." "In the blink of an eye, we have entered the age of sixties, and the threshold of 62 years old is quietly approaching. At this age, we begin to realize that life is not just a race, but a long journey. It's time to slow down, learn to enjoy every moment of life, and let "slowness" become the new rhythm of our happy life.

As we grow older, our understanding and pursuit of life are also quietly changing. At the age of 62, an age that marks maturity and wisdom, we begin to focus more on quality of life than on speed. This article will introduce five "slow" lifestyles that can help us enjoy more blessings in our later years.

Before you know it, it's 62, it's time to slow down, learn these 5 slows, the slower the better!

1. Slow food, in fact, is to eat slowly and enjoy the process of eating. It's not just about slowing down the speed of eating, it's about savoring every bite of food and feeling every step of the way from the field to the table. Choose fresh ingredients, make your own, and use simple cooking methods to preserve the original flavor of the food. Sitting around with your family and sharing interesting stories about the day will not only strengthen your relationship, but also allow the food to chew slowly in your mouth, which will help your digestion and be good for your body. Slow food is a kind of life attitude, allowing us to find a piece of tranquility in the fast-paced life, enjoy the moment, and be grateful for everything life has to offer.

Before you know it, it's 62, it's time to slow down, learn these 5 slows, the slower the better!

2. Walking slowly, like a leisurely walk, not in a hurry or impatient, every step is practical and calm. It gives us the opportunity to slow down and admire the flowers and trees on the roadside, feeling the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze. Whether it's a leisurely walk in the park or a natural hike on a country road, a slow walk relaxes our body and mind. Such activities can not only help us exercise and strengthen our physique, but also make our mood more cheerful and calm. Slow walking, it is so simple, but so beautiful, it allows us to find a simple and effective way to relax in our busy life, and make our life more colorful.

Before you know it, it's 62, it's time to slow down, learn these 5 slows, the slower the better!

3. Reading slowly is like slowly tasting a good cup of tea, which needs to be savored and slowly experienced. It gives us more time to think about every word and sentence in the book, to perceive the author's thoughts and emotions. Slow reading is not about turning the pages in a hurry, but about understanding the content of the book in depth, and you can even take notes and write down your feelings and thoughts as you read. Choose some classic literature, philosophy books, or books in your field of interest, make a reasonable reading plan, and take a little time out of your day to enjoy reading. This kind of slow reading can not only enrich our knowledge and broaden our horizons, but also cultivate our sentiments and improve our thinking ability. Slow reading is a kind of spiritual journey, allowing us to find ourselves in the world of books and enjoy the happiness brought by knowledge and wisdom.

Before you know it, it's 62, it's time to slow down, learn these 5 slows, the slower the better!

4. Slow chatting is the kind of communication method that is not impatient, takes its time, chats deeply, and talks thoroughly. It's not the kind of fast-food chat, but like wine tasting, you can savor it slowly and enjoy it slowly. Through slow chats, we can get to know each other more deeply, share each other's stories, and exchange each other's thoughts and feelings. This kind of in-depth communication can make our relationship closer and our friendship deeper.

To practice slow chatting, we can choose some meaningful topics, such as common interests, life experiences, plans for the future, and so on. We can ask some open-ended questions in the chat to encourage the other person to express their opinions, while also sharing their own thoughts. In this process, we need to learn to listen, give the other person enough time and space to express themselves, and also give positive feedback and support.

The benefits of slow chat are obvious. First of all, it can make our social interaction more meaningful, no longer the kind of superficial, superficial communication, but a deep conversation that can touch the heart. Secondly, slow chatting can help us build deeper relationships and make our friendships stronger. Finally, slow chatting can also improve our communication skills, making us more expressive and understanding others.

In conclusion, slow chat is a very valuable way to communicate. It requires us to slow down, listen with our hearts, and express with our hearts. Through slow chatting, we can get to know others better, express ourselves better, make our social activities more meaningful, and make our interpersonal relationships more harmonious. So, from now on, try to slow down and enjoy the joy and satisfaction that comes with deep communication.

Before you know it, it's 62, it's time to slow down, learn these 5 slows, the slower the better!

5. Slow life is like pressing a pause button for a busy life, giving us the opportunity to slow down, take a deep breath, and enjoy every moment of life. It is not laziness, but a conscious choice that makes our lives more relaxed and organized. Slow work means that we learn to simplify our lives, such as reducing unnecessary shopping, cleaning up those things that we don't need, and making our homes more tidy and comfortable; For example, arrange your time wisely, not let yourself be busy and stressed all the time, but set aside time to do things you like, such as raising flowers, fishing, painting, and so on.

By working slowly, we can reduce a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety, make our mood more relaxed, and live a more enjoyable life. Slow living also allows us to have more time to care for our family, spend time with friends, and enjoy the warmth of family and friendship. In addition, slow living is also an environmentally friendly way of life, and by reducing consumption and waste, we can do our part to protect the global environment.

In conclusion, slow living is an art of living that encourages us to slow down, enjoy life, and make life better. From now on, let's start to practice slow life, make life simpler, quieter, and enjoy that calmness and contentment.

Before you know it, it's 62, it's time to slow down, learn these 5 slows, the slower the better!

After going through ups and downs, at the age of 62, it's time for us to slow down and appreciate every detail of life. Slow down, not to give up the pursuit, but to embrace life with a more peaceful and wiser attitude. Slow down, and we will find that life does not need to be so impatient, and happiness and satisfaction are often hidden in those neglected moments. Learning to live slowly, our minds will be more peaceful, our relationships will be more harmonious, and our lives will be more colorful. Let us enjoy the blessings brought by these "five slows" with a grateful heart, so that every moment of the rest of our lives is full of meaning and joy.

Thank you for seeing the end, if you can, please give a attention, writing is not easy, your attention is my continuous motivation. Thank you, good people have a safe life!!

Author: Lao Pang

The picture of the article is taken from the Internet