
If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

author:Big head talks about literature

First, the noble temperament is poetic and picturesque

In the TV series "Mrs. Huzhu", William Chan played the role of the protagonist Fang Zhu with his unique noble temperament. He is dressed in a delicate black mink coat, handsome and upright in the carefully arranged courtyard in the play.

Snowflakes fluttered and gently fell on his shoulders and on top of his cloak, making the whole picture as beautiful and moving as a poetic painting, his eyebrows were tightly locked, his eyes were deep and full of worry, as if he was looking for a way out of his lover's predicament and fighting for her life, and his tenacious and unyielding determination added endless charm to this character, making his image more full and three-dimensional, noble and extraordinary.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

William Chan's performance allows us to see his deep understanding and affectionate interpretation of the role. His every movement, every expression, deeply touched the hearts of the audience. His acting skills are undoubtedly one of the biggest highlights of this drama.

Looking at his heroic and mighty side face, as well as his unwavering eyes, we can't help but sigh that in recent years, a new trend has gradually emerged in costume film and television dramas, that is, the male protagonist wearing a mink coat This kind of dress not only makes the male protagonists look extremely noble, but also a severe test of the actor's own temperament A person with a mediocre temperament and short stature, even if he wears a priceless mink coat, he can only look superficial and tacky.

However, William Chan's performance in "Mrs. Huzhu" made us shine. The several gorgeous fur-collared capes he wore not only did not make him look tacky, but made his temperament perfectly displayed.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Fans of the show have praised him for his appearance in mink, which is really charming! Especially in the archery scene at the horse farm, he was dressed in a blue robe, covered with a white large fur collar cape, and the wide plush collar set off his temperament to the fullest, like a natural aristocratic son.

In the face of such a heavy fur shape, William Chan did not show the slightest reluctance or twisting, but showed his unique noble temperament, which won warm applause from the audience.

It can be seen that for an excellent actor, temperament is the most critical factor, and no matter how gorgeous the costumes are, only when they are worn on people with outstanding temperament can they exude an unparalleled noble atmosphere and taste.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Second, the awe-inspiring style is fully displayed in the clothes

Surprisingly, as early as 2014, in the costume drama "Pocahonta", Hu Ge had already begun to try this fashion trend of "the male protagonist wears mink". The role he played in the play as the ninth master, with his unique temperament and superb acting skills, successfully led this trend.

Jiu Ye was originally a wealthy businessman with a disability, in order to adapt to the cold climate and environment of the desert area, so he wore the heavy and warm mink cloak all day long, although the texture of those furs looked quite solid in the play, but under the ingenious background of Hu Ge's unique temperament, it made Jiu Ye appear more frugal and simple, which was distressing.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Whenever Jiu Ye sits in a wheelchair, his eyes are indifferent and slightly melancholy, the audience can always deeply feel the loneliness and loss in his heart from his demeanor.

This disabled wealthy businessman is deeply in love with the heroine Xin Yue, but due to his own defects, he can't promise her eternal love, and finally can only helplessly become a sad male number two, watching his beloved enter the marriage hall of others, his eyes often reveal endless melancholy and remembrance.

However, in the TV series "Langya Bang" two years later, Hu Ge once again emerged as Mei Changsu and successfully mastered the mink costume. Mei Changsu was once a young general of the Lin family's Red Flame Army, but he was unfortunately poisoned because of a mistake by the emperor and could only rely on medicine to maintain his life.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

He always walked slowly in that heavy mink coat. A haggard but still heroic face, under the reflection of mink fur, looks more noble and elegant.

Every time I see him wrapped in a fur collar and walking with heavy steps, I feel as if I am in an eerie, cold, solemn and solemn ancient dynasty, which is both cold and a little melancholy.

In these two works, Hu Ge successfully created two completely different mink images of "poverty" and "nobility", which is undoubtedly a perfect interpretation of this clothing element. He shows the profound skill of a truly good actor - to fully integrate the costume into the temperament of the character, in order to achieve the highest level of integration of the costume and the person.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

3. Handsome and picturesque, freeze and move

If Hu Ge's interpretation is a noble and restrained silhouette, then Ren Jialun's performance in the 2022 hit costume drama "Zhou Shengru" is unforgettable.

Zhou Shengchen, the little Nanchen king he played in the play, was wearing a white and flawless mink robe, which was gentle and elegant, fresh and refined, and could be called the reality of "strangers are like jade".

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Against the backdrop of layers of snow-white mink fur, Ren Jialun's well-defined and heroic face looks pure and flawless, as if he is a handsome boy who has come out of the painting.

His eyes are focused and profound, as if they contain endless knowledge and outstanding wisdom, which is amazing!

It is no wonder that in the play, he is rich in five cars, swallows mountains and rivers, and is known as the existence of "invincible accompaniment", and his strength is convincing.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Occasionally, Zhou Shengchen will show a faint smile, and this elegant and noble temperament instantly becomes gentle and cordial, no longer out of reach, but more and more attractive to people.

Whether in or out of the play, Ren Jialun is always comfortable with the interpretation of costume dramas. In the 2016 drama "Under the Brocade" starring him, more than 30 sets of gorgeous costumes are breathtaking, which can be called a visual feast.

Obviously, for this new beautiful man in ancient costume, the mink cape is only part of the icing on the cake, and he has the talent and temperament to control this noble outfit.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Whether in the play or in real life, Ren Jialun's delicate and chic image has left a deep impression on the audience. Especially the scenes where he is dressed in a white sable, as if he has traveled through time and become a child of a certain family.

This gentle and jade-like and otherworldly temperament is undoubtedly the highest standard necessary for the "mink male protagonist" in costume dramas.

Chapter 4 The Persistence of a Teenager Who Doesn't Want to Cut His Long Hair

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

In the 2018 costume drama "The Ethereal Record of Kyushu", Lu Guichen, played by Liu Haoran, also appeared in a luxurious mink style. When he walked slowly in the dark blue coat, the mink fur around him fluttered in the wind, like a portrait of the prince of Kyushu who had left his independence behind.

However, behind this luxurious outfit, Lu Guichen is not a pampered rich and noble son.

Lu Guichen has been tortured since he was a child, and he has grown up in darkness and hatred. With his extraordinary intelligence and cunning, he barely survived in the misty world of Kyushu.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Despite his humble background, he had an elegant demeanor, and there was often a hint of indifference on the corner of his mouth. Liu Haoran's superb acting skills made this ill-fated character more tragic and moving, which made people feel pity.

Looking at the current entertainment industry, Liu Haoran is undoubtedly the most popular costume beautiful man in recent years. As early as 2017, in the TV series "Langya Bang: The Wind Rises in Changlin", his youthful, youth-like face like a teenager next door has captured the hearts of countless girls.

When he appeared in a white mink coat and a black hair crown, his elegant and handsome demeanor was unmatched. Since then, this originally sunny teenager has embarked on a life journey full of challenges and hardships.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Faced with Liu Haoran's innocent and sunny face, it is often difficult for the audience to associate it with those children of wealthy families. However, when he changed into a mink coat, he immediately showed an otherworldly noble temperament, and at the same time, his face added a bit of maturity and stability.

It can be seen that the image charm of an outstanding actor does not only depend on the level of appearance, but is more reflected in the shaping of temperament and inner cultivation.

Only by truly understanding how to integrate mink into the temperament of the character can it be called the perfect control of this classic element.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Part 5: Gloomy and warm interpretation is different

When it comes to Zhu Yilong, the first thing that many viewers may think of is the resentful man Chi Rui he played in the 2017 hit drama "Three Lives in Love". Chi Rui couldn't do it because of love, he was arrogant and indifferent, and his gloomy handsome face moved countless audiences.

However, in the 2018 costume drama "Flowers and Flowers", he created a new character - Hua Wuxie, a playboy who is open-minded, naughty and cute, and always smiling.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

This lively and cheerful character is a perfect match for the white mink cape he wears. I saw that he was dressed in a plain white shirt and covered with a snow-colored fox fur, and he exuded a personable noble son's temperament when he walked leisurely.

Sometimes he also shows a little calm, his brow is slightly furrowed, and there is a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, which adds a bit of mysterious charm.

In the play, Zhu Yilong is sometimes sunny, sometimes reserved and subtle, and this stark contrast between vitality and warmth and restraint has fascinated countless audiences. This ever-changing superb acting skills also fully demonstrates Zhu Yilong's outstanding talent in controlling various roles.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

From a cold man with resentment and confusion, to an energetic noble boy, to a scholar with elegant manners, he easily controls a variety of completely different character styles, which can be called "mink" full power!

Although the handsome and dashing Hua Wuxie is as dazzling as the sun on the outside, deep down there is a deep worry and confusion about all things in the world. Zhu Yilong skillfully uses a gentle gaze like water to gaze at the sky, or avoids the sight of others with a sly smile, and vividly interprets the inner world of this character.

Whenever I see him wearing a white mink fur, I always feel an elusive and mysterious atmosphere, as if this aristocratic temperament is innate.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Sixth, the temperament calls, and the wine knows the supreme quality

From William Chan , Hu Ge to Ren Jialun , Liu Haoran , from Yang Yang to Zhang Ruoyun , Luo Yunxi and many other beautiful men in ancient costumes, they all showed amazing and peerless elegance under their own unique and different styles of mink costumes.

Only with excellent temperament and strong aura can you control such an expensive and heavy fur shape, making it a "standard" to highlight the noble status of men.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Looking back on the past, we find that there are few large-scale mink elements in costume dramas in the past. Even if there are occasional such shapes, they often give people a sense of luxury and vulgarity, as if they are afraid of being regarded as a "nouveau riche" by the audience.

However, with the significant improvement of the actor's temperament in recent years, as well as the re-examination of the elements of ancient costumes, mink fur, a single item that shows the noble temperament of men, has gradually gained people's attention and love.

When a mink coat is worn on a person with a mediocre temperament, it will only look greasy and bulky; However, if it is worn on a male star with extraordinary temperament, it can reflect an otherworldly demeanor.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

For example, in the hit drama "Splendid Weiyang", Wu Xie played by Zhang Binbin is a typical example of "mink can't live", although his appearance is extremely good, but his temperament is slightly insufficient.

On the contrary, Mao Zijun, who also played the second male lead, successfully showed a bookish luxury when he was wearing a court dress with a mink style.

In addition, body shape is also a key factor that affects the effect of mink fur. If a thin body wears such heavy fur, it is easy to produce the embarrassment of "second"; Those who are overweight may appear quite uncoordinated.

If your temperament is not good, don't wear mink, 10 beautiful men in ancient costumes tell you what is called mink upper body, which is extravagant

Although nowadays, whether it is the young generation who have just stepped into the entertainment industry, or the experienced veteran costume actors, their height conditions are generally superior, so the paradoxical problem is not so prominent! Therefore, we can safely say that the reason why the bright mink elements have been able to shine in many costume dramas in recent years is not the primary factor lower than the material itself, but the wonderful effect of the continuous improvement of the actors' own temperament.

Only by completely integrating such luxurious costumes into the temperament of the character can it be truly mastered and show its original noble demeanor, and to achieve this goal is undoubtedly a strict test of an actor's cultivation and skills.