
My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

author:Liberty Hawthorn 7L8b

Li Qiang's alarm clock always rings at 6 a.m. every day as scheduled, and in Shenzhen, a city that never sleeps, he is used to getting up early. A glass of honey-scented oolong, a well-prepared breakfast, this is the elegant lifestyle he has set for himself. After washing, he straightened his tie in the mirror, where the handsome man was the middle manager of a large company.

"Dad, you have to do it today, you are the best middle manager in the world!" Li Qiang's daughter cheered him on with a childish voice. He smiled, leaned down and kissed her forehead, "I have the cutest daughter in the world, of course Dad has to cheer up." ”

Before Li Qiang went out, his wife handed him a thermos cup, "Don't forget to drink today's boiled water." The company is so busy, and the body still has to be tight. Li Qiang smiled and took the thermos cup, nodded gratefully, he was always gentle and elegant at home with a serious appearance.

My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

By the time he arrived at the company, his colleagues had already started their busy day. "Li Qiang, the report of the project yesterday was really good, and the customers praised our data analysis ability!" An experienced senior patted him on the shoulder. Li Qiang replied: "This is all the credit of the team, the result of everyone's joint efforts." ”

Despite the pressure of work, Li Qiang never let his family feel a trace of anxiety. Although the monthly salary of 11,200 yuan is not the highest in this city, it is enough for him. Every time he received his salary, he always transferred the family to his wife as soon as possible, and then saved some pocket money for his daughter. The rest, he stays to deal with life's unexpected needs. He has a small wish in his heart - to give his family a more spacious and bright residence, and to have a small world of his own in this crowded city.

But something seems wrong about the company's recent mood. The proprietress suddenly appeared in the office at noon, frowning, and whispering in the corner with the boss. Li Qiang didn't think much about it, he just felt that no matter how strong the wind and rain were, as long as he did every job seriously, he could bring a stable and down-to-earth life to his family.

On that day, Li Qiang arrived at the office on time as usual. He received an email in his mailbox, short and direct, but it hit him like a stone in the chest. The salary was inexplicably lowered to 5,580 yuan.

My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

This news was like a bolt from the blue for Li Qiang, and he immediately went to the proprietress Wang Li to ask for an explanation. In the office, he tried to maintain a calm tone: "Boss, I would like to know the reason for the salary adjustment. ”

Wang Li smiled slightly, her voice was calm but unquestionable: "You also know that the company's operation is a little difficult now, and everyone needs to make sacrifices." ”

Li Qiang was puzzled because, as far as he knew, the company's operations were not so bad. After a day of careful consideration, Li Qiang made up his mind that it was time to find a new job opportunity.

He began to actively submit resumes and soon received interviews from several companies. In an interview with a large company, he was nervous and excited to demonstrate his abilities and project experience. The interviewer nodded to him frequently, and Li Qiang knew that his opportunity had come.

My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

A few days later, the interview turned out as he had hoped, and he received a formal job offer. He was thrilled by the news of the successful interview, and he couldn't wait to share the joy with his family: "I passed, I have a new start!" On the other end of the phone, his wife's voice was full of pride: "Husband, I knew you could do it!" ”

Li Qiang decided to get together with the original company. However, in the final stages of dealing with the handover, he unexpectedly discovered that there were some improper systems and behaviors within the company. This puts him in a dilemma, should these questions be addressed?

Just as he was struggling with whether he should make it public, Wang Gang walked into Li Qiang's office. His face was gloomy, and he did not hide his anxiety: "Li Qiang, you don't have to pay too much attention to those details, you know, every company has an unknown side." ”

Li Qiang couldn't understand that a sense of justice and a sense of professional ethics were at war in his heart. He always felt that what was right should be done, and what was unfair should be corrected. But on the other hand, his sense of responsibility to his family makes him hesitate whether he should be desperate to reveal the truth for the sake of the beginning of a new life?

My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

After some inner struggle, he began to organize his belongings. On the table is an offer letter from a new company, as well as an internal document that might make waves. Li Qiang knows that this may be a new beginning in his life, and the moment he walks out of the company's door, he will also determine his future.

Mr. Li stood outside Mr. Wang's office, holding a document detailing the company's misconduct. The scales in his heart oscillated between justice and profit. He knew that once it was revealed, it would undoubtedly be a major turning point in his career. But he also knows that silence is a tacit acquiescence to wrong behavior and a betrayal of one's conscience.

He took a deep breath, pushed the door and walked into the office, Wang Gang and Wang Li were in the room, and the atmosphere was extremely dull.

"Boss, I have something to report." Li Qiang's voice settled, and the eyes of the two fell on him in unison.

My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

Wang Li's voice carried a sneer: "Say, what makes you so formal?" "

Li Qiang firmly stated his decision: "I submit my resignation. This document records certain problems of the company, and I think the relevant authorities have the right to know about them. "

There was a brief silence in the room, and then Wang Gang suddenly stood up from his chair and said angrily, "Li Qiang, do you know what you are doing? "

Li Qiang did not flinch, he knew in his heart that the company's misconduct would one day be made public, and he did not want to be involved, even if it meant that he had to start all over again, and he did not want to carry a heavy moral burden.

My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

"I know." Li Qiang replied calmly, "I can't tolerate these things happening, and I believe that law and justice will eventually give the answer." "

Faced with Wang Gang's angry and shocked expression, Li Qiang handed over his resignation letter and the document. Turning away, he felt a sense of relief and pride that he had never felt before. He chose to stand up for justice, and although the road ahead was unknown, his heart was strong and calm.

The moment he left the company, he didn't look back. He will be greeted with new opportunities and challenges. As he expected, the regulator launched an investigation into the company, and the information provided by Li Qiang as a key witness caused the company to be fined 180,000 yuan.

The result sparked widespread discussion on social media, with many people expressing admiration for Mr. Li's actions. And he quietly started a new life, and gradually, the anger and struggle of the past became a thing of the past, leaving only the same faith in his heart and a purer force for action.

My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

A few months later, Li Qiang was fully integrated into the new company. The sun shines through the large windows of his office on his workbench, and his front is full of papers, but his eyes are always determined and vibrant.

A colleague quipped: "Li Qiang, I heard that your incident in the former company made a fuss, but I didn't expect you to be an out-and-out hero!" ”

Li Qiang smiled and didn't explain too much. All this is just a cloud of the past for him, and he is more concerned about the future and the present.

After work, Li Qiang took his daughter for a walk in the garden of the community. The daughter asked curiously, "Dad, why did our previous company move to a new place?" ”

My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

Li Qiang squatted down, hugged his daughter in his arms, and said gently: "Because sometimes, it is more difficult to do the right thing, but in this way can I feel comfortable in my heart." ”

At dinner, Li Qiang put his arm around his wife's shoulders and helped in the kitchen. "You know, every day I go to work, I think of you and my daughter waiting for me, which is the happiest thing I do every day." Li Qiang's voice was full of gratitude.

My wife smiled and replied, "We too, knowing that you work so hard in the office, my daughter and I are very proud." ”

As night fell quietly, Li Qiang lay on the bed, thinking about his changes. Once, a sense of responsibility to his family was the starting point for all his decisions, but now, he began to think more about social justice and responsibility. On the road of life, he learned how to find a balance between responsibility and justice.

My salary was 11,200, and the boss dropped it to 5,580, and I decisively jumped ship, and the company was fined 180,000 yuan

The ending is not fairy-tale perfect, but in the process, Li Qiang grows. His courage and integrity not only gave his family a sense of security, but also brought dignity and self-worth to himself.

As the night deepened, Li Qiang slept soundly in the warm and quiet night. The outside world may still be in turmoil, but he always retains a peaceful, warm home and determination to uphold justice in his heart, which gives him an inexhaustible source of motivation.