
Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

author:Dao Heart Cultivator

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On May 16, in a seafood and vegetable direct sales market in Lianyungang, the blogger "Hurricane Brothers" encountered merchant fraud and threats of violence here not only aroused widespread public attention, but also allowed Baidu, AutoNavi and other giants to appear in it, and the timely voice of Yang Ma pushed the storm to a climax.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

On the same day, the sun shined obliquely on every corner of a seafood and vegetable direct sales market in Lianyungang, and the market was full of people, and the vendors shouted one after another.

The blogger "Hurricane Brothers" was wandering around and was attracted by a stall of climbing shrimp. He carefully selected a bag of shrimp that looked quite fresh and walked over to the stall owner to be weighed and paid.

The stall owner skillfully picked up the electronic scale and placed the shrimp bag on it. When the "Hurricane Brothers" saw the numbers displayed on the scales, his brow couldn't help but tighten.

The weight of this bag of shrimp far exceeded his estimate in terms of feel. Out of consumer vigilance, he asked the stall owner to weigh again, but the result was still the same.

He began to doubt the accuracy of the scale.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

The "Hurricane Brothers" quickly pulled out the small scale he carried with him from his bag, which was the "weapon" he often carried when shopping at the market.

He placed the shrimp bag on the small scale again, and this time, the weight displayed was very different from the data given by the stall owner.

He immediately realized that this was a typical "ghost scale" phenomenon - merchants used cheating electronic scales to deceive consumers.

Faced with this discovery, a wave of anger swelled in the hearts of the "Hurricane Brothers". He decided to expose this illegal act, let more people know the truth of the market, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

He picked up his phone and started shooting a video recording the entire weighing process. When he showed the video evidence to the stall owner, the stall owner's attitude was unusually arrogant.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

Not only did he refuse to admit his mistake, but he also tried to snatch the phone and destroy the evidence. Seeing this, other vendors around also surrounded them one after another, trying to stop the "Hurricane Brothers" from defending their rights.

At this time, the market management personnel rushed to hear the news. Their involvement did not bring about a fair deal.

On the contrary, they seem to have some kind of tacit agreement with the stall owner, asking the "Hurricane Brothers" to delete the video, otherwise it will not be processed.

This request made the "Hurricane Brothers" feel disappointed and angry.

During the dispute, the atmosphere became more and more tense. The stall owner suddenly rushed forward, snatched the mobile phone of the "Hurricane Brothers", and physically threatened him.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

The crowd around them began to stir, some screamed, some talked.

This sudden act of violence caught the "Hurricane Brothers" off guard, but he did not give in, but firmly stated that he would defend his rights and interests.

After this incident was filmed into a video by the "Hurricane Brothers" and posted on the Internet, it quickly aroused widespread public attention.

The media have forwarded the report, and public opinion has been hotly discussed.

Netizens expressed their anger at the merchant's behavior and called on the relevant departments to thoroughly investigate the matter and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

At the same time, some netizens expressed their appreciation for the blogger's brave behavior, believing that he dared to stand up and expose illegal behavior, which is the positive energy of society.

As the incident unfolded, the market supervision department and the police quickly intervened in the investigation.

After investigation, it was found that there was indeed a problem of shortages in the market, and the market management personnel were dismissed for failing to deal with the problem in a timely manner.

At the same time, Haizhou District set up a joint investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation into the incident, and promised to deal with the merchants involved and relevant responsible persons in accordance with laws and regulations.

In the course of the investigation, there were new twists and turns in the incident. Some unknown people began to physically threaten the blogger in an attempt to silence him.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

At the same time, his live broadcast account was also banned and he could no longer broadcast live. These actions put the blogger under pressure, but instead of giving in, he insisted on standing up and defending his rights.

In the face of this incident, the reaction of the media and online was also extremely fierce.

CCTV News and other mainstream media have reported on the incident, calling on relevant departments to thoroughly investigate illegal businesses and maintain market order.

At the same time, giants such as Baidu and AutoNavi Map also appeared, and they marked the reminder information of "short of catty and shortage" in relevant locations to remind consumers to pay attention to precautions.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

These behaviors not only demonstrate the sense of social responsibility of enterprises, but also provide consumers with more convenient information services.

In the comments of netizens, some people pointed out that the act of snatching a mobile phone has constituted the crime of robbery and should be severely punished in accordance with the law.

At the same time, some netizens called on relevant departments to strengthen supervision and crack down on the arrogance of illegal businesses.

They believe that only by thoroughly eliminating illegal acts in the market can the legitimate rights and interests of consumers be protected and fair competition in the market can be maintained.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

Looking back on this incident, we can't help but think: why did a small electronic scale problem cause such a big storm? Behind this is not only the illegal behavior of merchants and the loopholes of market management, but also the improvement of the society's awareness of consumer rights protection and the pursuit of fairness and justice.

Although this incident has brought a lot of trouble and pressure to the blogger, it is his brave behavior that allows us to see the power of positive energy in society.

Today, this incident is no longer limited to the seafood and vegetable direct market in Lianyungang, but has become the focus of attention of the whole society.

CCTV's authoritative voice undoubtedly injected more attention into the incident, and its influence quickly spread to all corners of the country.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

Major news media also followed suit and reported on the incident, allowing more people to understand the truth of the incident through various channels such as television, the Internet, and newspapers.

As public opinion heats up, so does the public's attention and participation in this event.

Many consumers have said that they have encountered similar "ghost scales" in the past, but due to the lack of sufficient evidence and awareness of rights protection, they often have to choose to endure it silently.

And the brave behavior of the "Hurricane Brothers" undoubtedly gave them great encouragement and inspiration.

In the face of such strong public pressure, we expect the relevant departments to act quickly and thoroughly investigate this incident.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

They should strictly follow laws and regulations, seriously deal with the businesses involved, and investigate the legal responsibility of the relevant responsible persons.

At the same time, they should also conduct a comprehensive examination of the market to ensure that similar "ghost scales" do not happen again.

In addition to the positive actions of relevant departments, we also hope that more consumers can stand up and protect their rights and interests.

They should enhance their awareness of self-protection, increase their vigilance, dare to say "no" to the illegal behavior of merchants, and report to the relevant departments in a timely manner.

Only in this way can we jointly create an honest, fair and safe consumption environment.

Burst! Hurricane brothers follow-up: was personally threatened, leading Baidu and Gaode to appear, and Yang Ma posted

Of course, it is not easy to achieve this goal, and it requires the joint efforts of the whole society.

We call on consumers, media, government departments and people from all walks of life to actively participate in this action and jointly promote the improvement and progress of the consumption environment.

Let's work together to build a better consumer environment.

(Disclaimer) The article description process and pictures are from the Internet, if it involves copyright or human infringement, please contact us in time, we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.