
Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

author:Small grains look at the sports world
Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

In the fierce competition in the CBA playoffs, Moreland of the Liaoning men's basketball team has transformed from a team stalwart to a hitter like Warrior Green, and his actions have attracted wide attention from the league and fans.

At the same time, the matchup between the Xinjiang team and the Liaoning team also presents a completely different situation, and the key factors are worth in-depth discussion.

Moreland, as a key player in the Liaoning men's basketball team, should have been the mainstay of the team, but in the playoffs, his role has changed significantly.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

What was once the core of the battle force has now become a fighter in the team, and frequently shows large-scale foul actions in the game, which has aroused the attention and criticism of the league.

In this playoffs, the Xinjiang team can be described as eye-catching.

In the second game, they showed a completely different form than before, it was almost like a different team.

Of course, this is inseparable from the careful adjustment of head coach Qiu Biao and the hard work of all members of the team.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

First, let's take a look at how the Xinjiang team performed on the defensive end.

Hey, don't say it, they're growing by leaps and bounds! Compared to before, their defense is like a different world.

The previous lax defensive attitude is long gone, replaced by a proactive pressing defense, which is simply jaw-dropping.

You see, almost every player of them pounced on each other like crazy, shouting slogans in their mouths, and the whole scene was a baptism of passion.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

Some netizens said: The Xinjiang team's defense this time is like an iron wall, so that the opponent can't break through at all! It's a real effort!

Another netizen couldn't help but sigh: It seems that Qiu Biao, the head coach, is really not simple, and it is amazing to be able to make such a big change in such a short period of time!

On the offensive side, the Xinjiang team has also improved significantly.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

They began to focus more on teamwork, no longer relying on individual players' singles as before, and finding the best position to shoot through multiple passes.

This increased sense of teamwork makes their offense more methodical and more difficult to defend.

A fan commented: The Xinjiang team's offense this time looks clear-eyed, it is like a well-designed tactical exercise!

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

Another netizen also praised: This is real team basketball! It seems that Qiu Biao's adjustment of the team has really achieved good results.

Of course, this change has not been without its challenges.

Some netizens are also worried about whether the Xinjiang team will be able to maintain such a state: although this performance is eye-catching, the playoffs are a protracted battle, and I don't know if they can hold on to the end.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

Others were skeptical about Xinjiang's performance: whether the victory was just a fluke will need to be judged by watching more games.

In response to the positive adjustment of the Xinjiang team, the Liaoning team was not to be outdone, and they made a series of responses and personnel adjustments.

When faced with this situation, head coach Yang Ming did not choose to rest on his laurels, but decisively made some changes to try to turn the tide of the game.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

First, he made some changes to the starting line-up, bringing on some substitutes such as Fergus.

The arrival of these players has brought a new atmosphere.

They played with a tenacious spirit and brought new energy to the team.

Such an adjustment has also made the Liaoning team's lineup on the field more diverse and more capable of dealing with different opponents.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

A netizen said excitedly: Seeing Yang Ming make such a decisive adjustment, I think there is still hope for the Liaoning team!

We can't just throw in the towel! Another netizen also expressed his support: The appearance of substitute players such as Fogg makes the lineup of the Liaoning team more flexible, which is a wise choice.

However, just when it looked like Liaoning was about to turn things around, Moreland's instability resurfaced.

His performance in the game was a little unpredictable, sometimes good and sometimes bad, which caused some trouble for the Liaoning team.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

In order to cope with this situation, the Liaoning team had to take some targeted measures to try to limit Moreland's influence.

One fan worriedly said: Moreland's instability is really a big problem, and his good and bad performances have worried us.

Another netizen also sighed: If the Liaoning team wants to win the game, it must solve the problem of Moreland, otherwise it will be difficult to have a chance to win.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

Moreland's actions not only sparked anger and conflict among opponents, but also caused headaches for referees and league administrators.

Although his actions clearly violated the rules of the game, the referee did not give a severe punishment, which also caused some controversy.

Moreland's presence poses a hidden danger to both teams, and his actions not only affect the team's game form, but also affect the atmosphere and fairness of the entire game to a certain extent.

I don't know if you still remember, but on April 23, 2024, the scene of the quarterfinals of the CBA League playoffs shocked fans.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

In the game between Liaoning Bengang and Shenzhen, an accident occurred that involved Moreland, the No. 25 player of the Liaoning Bengang team.

This incident sparked a lot of discussion on the field, making fans express their concern and discussion.

With 7:53 left in the third quarter, Moreland was reportedly disqualified by the referee for accumulating a technical foul and a sportsmanlike foul.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

In the process of leaving, Moreland also showed some inappropriate behavior, smashing the seats in the arena.

This scene shocked the fans, and there was a heated discussion about the matter.

Some netizens expressed their shock: Moreland was disqualified from the game for a foul, which is unbelievable! He's been a key player in the team before, so I didn't expect that to happen.

Another fan also expressed concern that such a bad performance would have an impact on the team's image and game, and hoped that the team could adjust as soon as possible.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

Subsequently, the CBA officially dealt with the incident and announced the punishment results: Moreland was fined 20,000 yuan.

The decision has also sparked discussion and speculation among fans.

Some fans expressed satisfaction with the punishment result: such a punishment is necessary and can serve as a warning, and I hope that Moreland can take this as a warning in the future to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

Other fans believe that the penalty is too light: a fine of 20,000 yuan may not be a big punishment for professional players, and they hope that the league can strengthen the management of players.

The whole incident happened as a surprise, but it also gave fans some reflection and caution.

As professional players, they must not only play their own level on the field, but also abide by the rules of the game and maintain the order of the game.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

It is hoped that such an incident can cause the players to be vigilant, participate in the game with a more positive and healthy attitude, and add positive energy to basketball.

In such a dramatic and varied playoffs, Moreland's transformation and behavior are in the spotlight, and the showdown between Xinjiang and Liaoning will continue, so we will see who will have the last laugh in the end.

Moreland is so dirty! Clamp arm Abu wants to redeem the child! was miserably blocked by Jones, and his emotions were completely out of control and became a hidden danger

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