
A restaurant was reported to be true of "spicy fried mutton mixed with chicken", and the person in charge of the restaurant apologized

author:People Feng is happy

I. Preface

In recent years, with the continuous progress of society and the improvement of people's living standards, people have paid more and more attention to food safety issues. Food safety accidents occur from time to time, which brings potential threats to people's health and also has a certain impact on the operation and development of related enterprises. Therefore, food producers and operators in all links need to attach great importance to food safety, effectively strengthen the quality and safety management of the whole process of food production and operation, ensure food safety, and maintain the health of the people.

Recently, a food safety issue about the Guoqiang Hand Grabbing Hall Shifu Road Store in Wuzhong City has attracted widespread attention on the Internet. According to netizens, the restaurant's spicy lamb meat was adulterated with chicken, which aroused strong dissatisfaction and questions from consumers. In the face of the doubts and pressure of public opinion, the restaurant also quickly responded, expressed deep apologies, and promised to strengthen management and cooperate with the investigation and handling of relevant departments. The occurrence of this incident not only once again aroused the public's attention to food safety issues, but also sounded the alarm for relevant catering enterprises, hoping that more people can reflect and wake up through this incident, jointly pay attention to and maintain food safety, and promote the healthy development of the catering industry.

A restaurant was reported to be true of "spicy fried mutton mixed with chicken", and the person in charge of the restaurant apologized

2. Event review

1. Incident exposure

Recently, a citizen of Wuzhong posted in the circle of friends about the food safety problems he found when dining at the Guoqiang Hand Grabber Pavilion Shifu Road Store. According to him, he ordered spicy fried lamb at that time, but in the process of eating, he obviously felt that the taste and color of the meat were a little wrong, and after careful identification, he found that it was mixed with a lot of chicken. There are obvious differences in the appearance and taste of such food pairings, and the texture and texture of chicken and lamb are also very different, which is easy for consumers to notice.

Faced with such a situation, the first reaction of consumers is that there is a problem with the food, and the restaurant deliberately mixes cheap chicken into mutton in order to pursue profits or other purposes, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing costs and increasing profits. Such behavior not only deceives consumers, but also brings certain hidden dangers to their health, seriously violates the relevant laws and regulations on food safety, and must be seriously dealt with and held accountable.

2. Reported by netizens

After learning of such a situation, consumers were very indignant about the restaurant's practices, believing that their behavior had been suspected of illegal and criminal acts in the field of food safety, and strongly resisted and condemned the restaurants they operated. In order to attract more people's attention, consumers took and recorded the problems they found and related photos, and exposed the matter through various channels, and reported it to the Market Supervision Branch of Litong District, Wuzhong City.

The Market Supervision Branch attaches great importance to it, and immediately organized staff to investigate and verify it, and finally confirmed the problem of chicken adulteration in spicy lamb, and asked the restaurant to fully cooperate with the investigation, and bring the relevant responsible personnel to the relevant departments to assist in the investigation as soon as possible, and there must be no cover-up and obstruction. At the same time, the Market Supervision Branch also issued a notice criticizing the matter, and required the restaurant to conduct a deep reflection on the matter, make a public apology to the public, and accept the supervision of the society and the test of public opinion.

3. Restaurant response

In the face of the investigation requirements and handling decisions of the Market Supervision Bureau, Wu Zhongguoqiang also quickly responded, admitting the existence of food safety problems and expressing deep apologies. According to the response of the restaurant owner Ma Guofeng, the reason for the doping of chicken was not intentional, but a certain mistake in the process of operation, which led to the emergence of food adulteration problems, and the meat and mutton used were somewhat similar in appearance and color, so such an error occurred.

Although such a problem is not deliberately caused by the restaurant, the management loopholes and operational errors that exist in it do not exempt it from responsibility in the slightest, and it is also a manifestation of its failure to do a good job in food safety. Therefore, the restaurant also said that it will deeply reflect on this matter, and seriously deal with the relevant responsible personnel, and will also strengthen the training of food safety management awareness to ensure that similar problems will not occur again. At the same time, in order to allow consumers to consume with confidence, the restaurant also expressed its willingness to accept the supervision and inspection of consumers, and will make comprehensive rectifications, strengthen internal management, and improve the level of food safety management.

3. Event analysis

1. Food safety management in the catering industry

As an industry directly related to the health of the people, the food safety management of the catering industry is particularly important and urgent. However, due to the particularity and complexity of the catering industry, there are also certain difficulties and challenges in its food safety management. In order to make huge profits, some unscrupulous businesses may adopt some illegal means to obtain benefits, and some unintentional mistakes and negligence may also bring potential hidden dangers to food safety.

Therefore, in the daily operation and management, catering enterprises must strengthen the importance of food safety, strictly control every link from raw material procurement to processing and production to final production, ensure that the food raw materials used meet the relevant national standards and requirements, eliminate the use of inferior ingredients, and ensure the quality and safety of food.

At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the management and training of employees, improve their awareness of food safety, so that they can clearly understand the importance of food safety work, operate in strict accordance with the operating procedures, and prevent similar errors and mistakes. Only in this way can we fundamentally ensure food safety, win the trust and support of consumers, and lay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of enterprises.

2. Enhancement of consumer awareness of rights protection

The exposure and occurrence of this food safety incident is inseparable from the active participation and strong supervision of consumers. Today's consumers have more and more strong attention and attention to food safety issues, and their awareness of rights protection and self-protection is also increasing, after discovering food safety problems, consumers dare to stand up for exposure and reporting, and have enough confidence and courage to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and will not be easily deceived and blinded.

This kind of enhancement of consumer rights protection awareness is very beneficial to the whole society, which can effectively promote the operators and regulatory departments in all links to improve the importance of food safety work, and can also find and solve food safety problems in a timely manner through public supervision and participation, and jointly maintain a safe food consumption environment.

3. The company's response attitude and handling measures

In the face of the exposure of food safety issues and the questioning of public opinion, the company's response attitude and handling measures will directly affect the final result of the incident and the judgment of the society. For food safety issues, consumers pay more attention not only to the occurrence of the accident itself, but also to the integrity and responsibility of the enterprise in the handling of the accident.

Only when enterprises can have the courage to face up to the problem, respond in a timely manner, take positive remedial and rectification measures, and assume due social and legal responsibilities, can they get the understanding and support of consumers, and can they minimize the negative impact of accidents, which is conducive to the sustainable development of enterprises.

IV. Conclusion

The occurrence of food safety accidents often sounds the alarm bell for people, and also puts forward higher requirements and challenges for relevant enterprises and regulatory authorities. Only through the joint efforts and participation of all relevant parties can we eliminate the occurrence of food safety problems from the source, build an impregnable food safety defense line, so that the people can enjoy delicious food with confidence, and also allow all catering enterprises to achieve better development in a fair and competitive market environment.

It is hoped that through the exposure and handling of such food safety incidents, more people's attention and thinking can be aroused, whether it is enterprises or consumers, they must always pay attention to and attach importance to food safety issues, participate in food safety work, work together, work together to maintain food safety, and share the joy and happiness brought by food.

In the future work and life, I hope that everyone can maintain a keen eye, do not let go of the existence of any food safety problems, but also have the courage and determination to expose and solve such problems, so that food safety becomes our common bottom line, and it is also everyone's social responsibility and obligation.

Finally, I also hope that Wu Zhongguoqiang can honestly face his own problems, actively cooperate with the investigation work of relevant departments, make comprehensive rectifications, take the opinions and suggestions of consumers seriously, and use practical actions to make up for the losses caused by the mistakes. 从根本上提高对食品安全工作的重视程度,为他人的幸福安全着想,为食品安全事业贡献自己的一份力量‬。

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