
Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

author:Live haolei

Bluetooth Satellite Communication: Ushering in a new era of communication

In this era of rapid development of science and technology, innovations in communication technology are emerging one after another. Recently, an innovative technology called "Bluetooth Satellite Network" is leading the way in the field of communications. This technology breaks through the traditional limitations of Bluetooth in distance, enabling an incredible 600-kilometer long-range satellite connection, bringing unprecedented communication possibilities to IoT devices.

Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

Bluetooth has long been regarded as a low-power, short-range wireless communication technology with limited applications. But now, that perception is being turned upside down. An American start-up called Hubble Network, with its innovative "Bluetooth satellite network" technology, enables any device with Bluetooth chips in the world to directly connect to the satellite network, achieving a truly global connection.

Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

Technological innovation

How did Hubble Network achieve this feat? At its core, a software system called the "firmware framework" allows existing Bluetooth devices to connect directly to the company's satellite network without any hardware changes. This innovative design greatly lowers the threshold for users, and any Bluetooth device can instantly have the ability to communicate with satellites by simply upgrading it through software.

Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

In addition to the breakthrough at the software level, Hubble Network has also made significant innovations in hardware. Not only are the company's upcoming satellites equipped with hundreds of antennas, but each satellite can support the connection of millions of terrestrial Bluetooth devices, greatly increasing the capacity and coverage of the network. Through these innovative designs, Hubble Network has been able to enable Bluetooth devices to be connected on a global scale, bringing new communication possibilities to IoT devices.

Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

Advantages and prospects

Compared with traditional satellite Internet systems, Hubble Network's "Bluetooth Satellite Network" technology has significant advantages of low power consumption and low cost. Traditional satellite Internet is mainly used to provide broadband Internet access services, while "Bluetooth satellite network" focuses on the positioning and data transmission of IoT devices, which more accurately meets the needs of the IoT field.

As the number of IoT devices continues to increase, so does the need for reliable and efficient communication. The "Bluetooth satellite network" can just fill this gap and provide global communication guarantee for IoT devices. Whether in remote areas, at sea, or in other dead zones, IoT devices can be seamlessly connected as long as they are covered by Hubble Network's satellite network, greatly improving the reliability and flexibility of IoT applications.

Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

Hubble Network has also developed a variety of industry-specific communication terminals, such as personal emergency distress terminals, satellite communication wearable devices, etc., pushing the "Bluetooth satellite network" technology to a broader application field. In the future, this technology will inject new impetus into the development of the Internet of Things, help the digital transformation of all walks of life, and open a new era of Internet of Everything.

Taiwan's industrial layout

As a global science and technology town, Taiwan is also in full swing in the field of satellite communications. According to statistics, there are more than 80 space-related companies in Taiwan, with an output value of up to NT$8.1 billion in 2019. A number of Taiwanese companies have become suppliers of SpaceX's Starlink program, actively entering the emerging track of satellite communications.

Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

In addition to OEM for international giants, Taiwanese local companies are also accelerating independent research and development. Fulian Networks, a subsidiary of Hon Hai Technology Group, has successfully launched its self-developed low-orbit satellite to provide communication services for IoT devices. The Taiwan government is also vigorously promoting the "Space National Team" program, encouraging local enterprises to join the satellite industry chain and build a complete satellite manufacturing capacity.

Driven by emerging technologies such as "Bluetooth satellite network", Taiwan's satellite communication industry will usher in a new round of development opportunities. With excellent technical strength and policy support, local enterprises will surely take a share of this wave of scientific and technological innovation.

Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

Challenges and concerns

As with any emerging technology, the path to Bluetooth satellite networking has not been easy. Of greatest concern is the proliferation of low-orbit satellites, which could lead to space congestion and increased risk of collisions. According to statistics, there are currently more than 74,000 satellites to be launched around the world, which has brought great pressure to space transportation.

Another issue of concern is the impact of satellite light pollution on astronomical observations. A large number of low-orbit satellites reflect sunlight in the night sky, which may interfere with astronomical telescope observations and affect human exploration of the universe. How to protect the research interests of astronomers in the development of new technologies is also a difficult problem to be solved urgently.

Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

Looking at the development of "Bluetooth satellite network" technology, it is not difficult to find that this innovation has not only made breakthroughs at the technical level, but also brought new communication possibilities to Internet of Things devices. Its emergence will accelerate the development of the Internet of Things industry, help the digital transformation of all walks of life, and open a new era of Internet of Everything.

Using Bluetooth to connect satellites, American companies achieve 600 kilometers of Bluetooth interoperability! Better than Starlink

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