
Please stop being antagonistic to chengguan: because they are really not easy and need understanding and support

author:Xiao Zhu, who loves to talk

In urban life, city managers or chengguan are a common group of people in our lives, and they are responsible for maintaining urban order and public safety. However, it is often criticized and even disgusted by the public. In fact, chengguan is also an ordinary group, and the reason why they choose this job, perhaps similar to us, is to make a living.

Please stop being antagonistic to chengguan: because they are really not easy and need understanding and support

Their work is really not simple, and they often need to face all kinds of difficulties, and if we can be more understanding and tolerant, it will mean a lot to them. As we all know, the work of urban management is cumbersome, and it needs to deal with all kinds of chores, from cleaning up garbage and tidying up the environment, to patrolling and checking the documents of passers-by, and dealing with large and small accidents.

Especially in the summer, they have to work outdoors for long periods of time in the heat, which is a physical test. Interaction with citizens is also important, but this part of the work is very difficult. Sometimes citizens will be criticized for violating the rules, and they will be angry and blamed, and the chengguan will need to take a gentle and resolute attitude to communicate.

Please stop being antagonistic to chengguan: because they are really not easy and need understanding and support

This is not easy for an ordinary staff member and requires the development of strong adaptability and communication skills. Last month, I happened to see the story of a young lady in the city management, which made me feel quite embarrassed. She is a single mom in her early 30s who takes care of her 7-year-old daughter. Due to her family's poor economic conditions, she decided to make a living as a chengguan.

During the work, he was accused and abused by the parties because he handled a traffic accident that was not handled well during a mission. When she got home, she was sad and wept and wanted to give up her job. But in order to support the child, she still endured and continued to do it. This story touched me deeply and made me realize that they also have their own lives and stories behind them.

Please stop being antagonistic to chengguan: because they are really not easy and need understanding and support

In fact, many chengguan choose this job because of their livelihood. The salary is average, but the job is more secure. Especially in first-tier cities, the cost of living is high, and it takes a lot of determination to support a family alone. Coupled with the nature of the work, there are not many people entering this industry, and the threshold is low.

Some chengguan may not have a high level of education and do not find many other jobs. We can't mislead the entire chengguan because of one or two small things about others. Everyone has their own difficulties, and we should take them as a warning and have more compassion and understanding. And with the social changes, the content of urban management work is also constantly changing and improving.

Please stop being antagonistic to chengguan: because they are really not easy and need understanding and support

For example, in recent years, they have begun to use intelligent patrol systems to improve work efficiency by using technology. At the same time, first-tier cities have also begun to strengthen the training of urban management teams, emphasizing communication skills with citizens. These measures are being taken by the urban management team to meet the needs of the society and to be more efficient and kind. I believe that with the passage of time, everyone's perception and evaluation of them will gradually change.

As an important force in the operation of the city, urban management is also an important member of our lives. They often have untold bitterness and stories behind them. If we can have more understanding and support, I believe it will make their work easier and the antagonism between us will be much less.

Please stop being antagonistic to chengguan: because they are really not easy and need understanding and support

They are here to make a living and keep the city in order, and they should not be too prejudiced by individual details. I believe that only through mutual understanding and tolerance can all walks of life in our society be pushed in a more harmonious direction.

At last

In short, as a member of the city management, the chengguan has also made hard efforts to maintain the order of the city. They also have very ordinary and difficult life stories behind them. If we can look at them with a broader and more considerate mindset, and understand each individual who is working hard behind them, it will make the urban environment more harmonious and gracious.

Please stop being antagonistic to chengguan: because they are really not easy and need understanding and support

Of course, there are some problems in urban management that need to be optimized, but we should not have prejudices or hostility towards the whole group just because of individual problems. With the progress of the times, I believe that all parties will work together to improve the management model, and the urban management work will be carried out more efficiently and with high quality.

At the same time, if the public can also view urban management with a more inclusive attitude, I believe it will also be conducive to the common progress of all walks of life.

Please stop being antagonistic to chengguan: because they are really not easy and need understanding and support

In short, I beg everyone to increase their understanding and empathy for the chengguan group. While they are really maintaining the order of our city's operation, they are also facing many difficulties that we may not be able to experience. If everyone can engrave a little understanding and baggage, I believe it will create a more harmonious environment for the city.