
From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

author:Hasetsu Literature Company

Growing up in the picturesque grasslands of Inner Mongolia, Ms. Ulan Tuya is full of a deep and innate love for her people's music. Whenever night falls, when everything is silent, she will always quietly hide in the warm quilt alone, quietly listening to the ethereal pastoral song from afar.

Those melodious melodies seem to tell the vast grassland scenery and the free-spirited ambition of the nomads. Ms. Ulan Tuya seems to be able to see the sound of horses' hooves, camel bells, and yurts dotted on the grassy land, presenting a picture of peaceful and peaceful life.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

As time passed, Ms. Ulan Tuya's obsession with music grew. She began to teach herself singing skills, emulating the high-pitched and passionate voices of her fathers at the bonfire, and gradually honed a beautiful voice that was intoxicating.

Friends and family admired her musical talent and encouraged her to pursue her musical dreams.

After graduating from university, Ms. Ulan Tuya embarked on a journey to Beijing, a city full of possibilities. With the burning music dream in her heart, she strives with all her might, looking forward to one day standing on the dazzling stage and shaking the hearts of every audience with her singing.

However, the harshness of life soon strikes her head-on. After auditions and performances, Ms. Ulan Tuya suffered repeated setbacks, and her dream seemed to drift away.

Just when she was on the verge of despair, an influential entertainment company finally opened its doors to her. The flame of hope was rekindled in her heart, and she firmly believed that as long as she made enough efforts and moved forward unswervingly, she would one day show her talents on the stage and shine! Ms. Ulan Tuya was secretly determined to seize this rare opportunity.

During that arduous career in Beipiao, Ms. Ulan Tuya has always adhered to the persistent pursuit of music. At the moment when her will was at its most depressed, the goddess of fate finally showed her the grace of mercy.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

The entertainment company took a fancy to Ms. Ulan Tuya's outstanding talent and decided to re-record the classic "Horse Pole" by the Mongolian singer Ulan Tuya, who has left the company, and performed it herself.

For Ms. Ulan Tuya, who has been looking for an opportunity, this is undoubtedly a great blessing from God! Despite the tremendous pressure she felt deep down, she embraced the challenge without fear.

Ulan Tuya threw herself into it, actively learning and trying to imitate Ulan Tuya's unique singing voice and style, hoping to perfectly recreate this popular Mongolian classic folk song.

After months of dedication, the music album titled "Horse Pole" finally came out as planned, thanks to the company's exquisite marketing strategy, Ulan Tuya rose rapidly in an instant, won the praise of "CCTV darling", her high-profile voice and the heroic and free stage performance style like a prairie, presented an unprecedented audio-visual feast for the audience, and easily captured the enthusiastic pursuit of countless fans.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

However, just as Ulan Tuya's popularity climbed to its peak, a sudden storm quietly came. Ulan Tuya publicly expressed her strong displeasure, accusing the entertainment company of infringing her intellectual property rights and harshly denouncing Ulan Tuya as a "fake" copycat.

In an instant, the controversy about "plagiarism" and "imitation" rose one after another, and the public's doubts about whether Ulan Tuya had real strength became more and more intense In the face of such a grim situation, she seemed a little flustered and at a loss when she was young.

Ulan Toya's public accusations undoubtedly pushed this storm to a climax. Immediately afterwards, more inside information was revealed by the media one by one, which was shocking. It turned out that as early as the initial stage, the entertainment company had ulterior motives and carefully planned to let Ulan Tuya play the role of Ulan Toya and reinterpret her masterpiece "Horse Pole".

It is no exaggeration to say that behind Ulan Tuya's overnight fame, there is a huge conspiracy.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

When this shocking truth came to light, Ulan Toya was naturally furious. She used extremely offensive rhetoric to denounce Ulan Tuya as a "liar" and a "clown", and blatantly infringed on her intellectual property rights.

The young and vigorous Ulan Tuya also felt extremely aggrieved, she accepted this "impostor" job out of good intentions, eager to seize an important turning point in her life.

The fierce confrontation between the two sides has caused a sharp escalation of contradictions. Although Ulan Tuya was debunked as a "fake", she could no longer redeem the established facts. The entertainment company showed no concern about this, and continued to vigorously build the idol image of Ulan Tuya, with an unbelievable arrogance.

As the situation escalated, the rift between the two sides became irreparable, and a fierce public showdown seemed inevitable. In order to gain attention, the organizers of the event have carefully arranged for the two artists to compete on the same stage, in order to create a climactic moment full of dramatic conflicts.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

Although Ulan Tuya is glamorous in image, she is still a newcomer who has not been deeply involved in the world after all, and she was quickly defeated in the face of the powerful Ulan Tuya.

This matchup undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Ulan Tuya. Since then, her popularity has plummeted and she has gradually disappeared from public view. For a time, Ulan Tuya endured more doubts and criticism than even when she reached the top.

There were even extremely insulting labels such as "avoiding men" and "lip-syncing" on the Internet, which deeply stung her self-esteem.

Ulan Tuya's musical journey can be described as full of twists and turns, and the brief glory times are like shooting stars across the sky, and she once again fell into the trough of her life.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

Once upon a time, she was the high-profile "darling of CCTV", but now she is subject to unprecedented doubts and criticism.

Many netizens criticized and wrote on the Internet, accusing Ulan Tuya of frequently making lip-syncing mistakes in the treble part when singing "Horse Pole", and he couldn't control the difficulty of this song at all.

For a time, malicious labels such as "avoiding men" and "lip-syncing" followed and were deeply imprinted on Ulan Tuya's reputation.

Having lost the trust of the public, Ulan Tuya's performances since then have become extremely difficult. She must give it her all and rack her brains to prove herself on stage in an attempt to turn the tide of the questioned.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

However, the audience has avoided her, and many people are always wary and suspicious of her.

The value of Ulan Tuya's business plummeted, and business came to an almost complete standstill. This is tantamount to adding insult to injury for a woman who has been repeatedly frustrated on the road to her dreams.

The music industry is in an unprecedented crisis, and it is getting closer to realizing the dream of becoming an outstanding singer.

However, just when everyone thought that everything was going to despair, a glimmer of light still loomed. Ulan Tuya did not give up because of this, but turned his focus to public welfare.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

She bravely threw herself into the chivalrous battles of righteousness in various places, and used her affectionate singing voice to illuminate and warm the hearts of countless people like bright sunshine! Whether it's building a library for children in a poor area or opening a music classroom for a drug rehabilitation center, Ulan Tuya has always put all her heart and soul into it.

She perfectly illustrates the strong sense of social responsibility that is indispensable as an artist.

It is this unwavering belief and kind heart that enabled Ulan Tuya to get out of trouble and win the highest honor of "China's Most Beautiful Volunteer". Looking back on Ulan Tuya's life history, although her musical journey is full of twists and turns, her outstanding contribution to the Chinese national music culture is indisputable.

It is Ulan Tuya, with her unremitting efforts, that has pushed the long-standing Mongolian steppe culture to the mainstream society, so that more people have the opportunity to experience this unique cultural treasure.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

Before the advent of Ulan Tuya, many people's perception of Mongolian music may have been limited to its passionate voice and primitive and rough arrangement, but she has succeeded in giving new vitality and vitality to this national music culture.

Ulan Tuya skillfully integrates the grassland culture into modern music elements, and expresses the innocent and simple emotions of the Mongolian people vividly and movingly. Her penetrating voice and bold stage image presented an unprecedented audio-visual feast for the audience.

People seem to be able to see the beautiful scenery of the vast grassland through her singing, and feel the free and easy way of life of the nomads.

When the popular Mongolian folk song classic "Horse Pole" sounded again under the interpretation of Ulan Tuya, the Chinese children were all intoxicated and deeply felt the unique charm of Mongolian culture.

From "CCTV darling" to "no one cares", what has Ulan Tuya experienced?

It is no exaggeration to say that it is precisely because of Ulan Tuya's outstanding contribution that the Chinese nation's music culture has prospered, with a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending, and new vitality and development trends are constantly emerging.

With her musical talent and hard work, she has embedded the bright pearl of Mongolian steppe culture into the grand hall of Chinese culture. What is even more worthy of our admiration is that even when his career fell into a trough and his reputation was questioned, Ulan Tuya still adhered to his original intention and never gave up his ideals and pursuits.

She always has a fiery heart of innocence, conveying love and warmth with her singing, soothing every heart in need of love.

In the process of carefully preparing and building a music classroom full of art for countless lonely children, or to send warmth and laughter to those who are suffering physically and mentally in a drug rehabilitation center, Ulan Tuya has always devoted all her strength to fulfill the great social responsibility shouldered by every artist!

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