
Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

author:Love sports, love sports

Snubbing and controversy: the mystery of Liaoning men's basketball team

The Liaoning men's basketball team once again showed its competitiveness in the CBA finals, defeating its opponents in two consecutive games, showing the team's deep strength and rich tactics. However, although the team led 2-0, behind the victory, head coach Yang Ming's employment decision caused a lot of turmoil. The central controversy revolves around the marginalization of a key player – Liu Yanyu, a player who shone at key moments, but barely touched the ball in the finals.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

The Mystery of Employing People: Heroes Encounter Cold Treatment

Prior to this, in the Liaoyue War, Liu Yanyu was the savior of the Liaoning team. In the adversity when Li Xiaoxu was injured and Zhou Qi dominated the basket, it was he who stepped forward, scored 10 points in the first half and contributed 14 points in the whole game, helping the Liaoning team turn things around. However, when the series swept through to the Finals, the former hero was tactically ignored, playing only a brief 27-second appearance in the game, and in that short period of time, he was unable to show his talents, let alone contribute to the team.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

The source of the controversy: trust and doubt

Yang Ming's decision has aroused widespread doubts from the outside world. In the opinion of most observers, Liu Yanyu should not completely lose his chance to play just because of tactical adjustments. His steady performance and explosiveness at key moments could have been a big weapon for Liaoning in the finals. However, Yang Ming seems to prefer to use experienced veterans, and this conservative strategy, while it may seem safe in the short term, ignores the development and development of young players.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

Long-term effects: the development of reserve forces

Yang Ming's employment philosophy not only affected Liu Yanyu's personal career, but also may have an impact on the morale of the entire team and the future echelon construction. A tactical arrangement that is unwilling to give young talent full opportunities could deprive the team of potential future stars. In addition, such controversial decisions can also upset other young players, negatively impacting their professional attitudes and team loyalty.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

Cold data with warm expectations

For a professional athlete, 27 seconds of playing time is almost the same as not being involved. In this extremely short period of time, Liu Yanyu could hardly show his skills or make substantial contributions to the team. Such an arrangement is undoubtedly an indifferent treatment of a hero who once saved the team at a critical moment. His talent and potential are severely underestimated, and the fans' sympathy and support for him translates into doubts about head coach Yang Ming's decision-making.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

Yang Ming's bet: the trade-off between experience and new blood

As the head coach, Yang Ming's choice of tactical layout is undoubtedly cautious and thoughtful. He prefers to use experienced veterans rather than risk onboarding newcomers, which is in part a quest for stability and predictability. However, this strategy of over-reliance on veterans, while it may guarantee victory in the short term, may hinder the development of young players and the maintenance of team vitality in the long run. Yang Ming's philosophy of employing people is facing strong challenges from the outside world, and Liu Yanyu's case is a shocking example.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

Marginalized Heroes: Liu Yanyu's Extraordinary Battle

In the key matchup between Liaoning and Guangdong, it was Liu Yanyu's sudden outburst that turned the tide of the game, not only did he surge his personal scores, but more importantly, he injected a force of energy into the team that cannot be underestimated. At that time, he was the darling of the fans, the support of his teammates, and the lifesaver of the coach. However, the transformation since then is puzzling, and his transformation from a hero to a neglected spare tire is not only embarrassing, but also makes people wonder about Yang Ming's long-term tactical layout.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

The helplessness and challenge of marginal players

In the brutal world of professional basketball, players like Zhao Jinyang and Li Yingbo always stand in the shadows, and their stories are often overshadowed by brilliant victories and dazzling stars. In the 23-24 season of Guangdong Hongyuan, the performances and playing time of these two players were eye-catching, but not because of their amazing performances, but because their marginal status was more prominent. Zhao Jinyang only played 5 times throughout the season, averaging 1 point and 0.6 rebounds per game, while Lee Yingbo only averaged 1.8 points and 2 rebounds per game, although he played slightly more than 8 times. Such stats are so insignificant in a months-long season that it is almost impossible to ignore their existence.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

The harsh reality of competitive sports

Behind this situation lies the harsh reality of professional sports. For players like Zhao Jinyang and Lee Ying-bo, every appearance may be the only chance to prove themselves, and those chances are pitifully rare. Their careers seem to be stuck in a fringe position where they can't break through, and every brief appearance is full of pressure as they need to show their worth in a very short period of time, which is an almost impossible task. Players who are on the fringes of the team are often under tremendous psychological pressure, and they have to make an impact in a limited amount of time or risk being eliminated.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

Player mentality and team management

From the perspective of mentality management, the situation of Zhao Jinyang and Li Yingbo also reflects the possible problems of Guangdong Hongyuan team in talent management. The success of a team is not only based on the performance of the main players, but also on how to bring out the best in every member, including those who are on the fringes. However, the season's stats show that the two players don't seem to be getting enough opportunities to showcase their abilities, which not only affects the player's career development, but may also weaken the overall strength of the team.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

A turning point in career development

For Zhao Jinyang and Li Yingbo, such a fringe state is not only a professional challenge, but also a key moment for personal growth. Under such pressure, players may choose to keep going, look for opportunities to break through, or reconsider their career paths. Such turning points are not uncommon in professional sports, and many great athletes have experienced similar tribulations, but the key is how to find a path to self-improvement in the face of adversity. For the team management, how to make reasonable use of the characteristics and potential of each player to create a more harmonious and efficient team environment is a challenge they must face.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

The coach's strategy and the player's dilemma

In basketball, the decisions of the coach often determine the direction of the game and the fate of the players. Liu Yanyu's situation is thought-provoking: he obviously has a stable mid-range shooting ability and excellent on-court performance, but he rarely has the opportunity to play in the crucial finals. This not only makes people question Yang Ming's employment strategy, but also makes people feel a potential injustice. Even if Li Xiaoxu is not in good form, Yang Ming still insists on using him instead of giving Liu Yanyu more opportunities, a choice that is tactically incomprehensible and may imply a subtle relationship between the coach and the players that is not known to the outside world.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

Team dynamics and individual performance

Yang Ming's decision may have been based on the maintenance of team dynamics, or perhaps in his opinion, Li Xiaoxu, despite his poor form, may have provided some irreplaceable value in defence, teamwork or stadium atmosphere. However, this decision may also misjudge the positive impact that Liu Yanyu can bring. On the other hand, if Liu Yanyu is given more responsibility and trust, it may be able to stimulate his greater potential and even change the outcome of the match. In such a high-pressure and high-expectation environment, every coach's decision not only affects the success or failure of the game, but also directly related to the professional development and psychological state of the players.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

Explore potential injustices and solutions

Fans and analysts often question the choice of coaches, especially when it comes to players who are clearly capable but are often overlooked. In Liu's case, the issue of fairness comes into focus. In sports, performance and stats should be the main factors in determining playing time, but Liu's situation seems to reflect the interference of other non-competitive factors. To address this potential injustice, more transparent communication mechanisms are needed to ensure that all players understand their position and the expectations of their coaches, while also giving each player a fair chance to perform.

Yang Mingen will take revenge! Abandon the strange soldier who saved him from his position! Hit 27 seconds and get 11 zeros, offended anyone

Future strategy with player adaptation

For Liu, the strategy for the future should include continuing to improve his skills while finding the right environment for his development. If the tactical arrangements of the current team and the preferences of the coach have limited his development for a long time, considering a move may be a reasonable option. For the coaching team, more attention should be paid to how to balance the development of each player with the overall needs of the team, which will not only help to improve the competitiveness of the team, but also enhance the sense of belonging and satisfaction of the players.

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