
Network security needs to weave a well-woven "three nets"

author:Qujing Pearl River Network

From October 11 to 17, the 2021 National Cyber Security Publicity Week was carried out nationwide with the theme of "Cyber Security for the People, Cyber Security Depends on the People", and jointly build a network security defense line, which requires the joint efforts of many parties. Network security construction needs to do a good job in top-level design to achieve good management, the industry to perform its responsibilities to control the source to do a good job, netizens and all sectors of society to jointly promote the realization of good use, so as to weave a network security "protective network".

A "Legal Network" Of Tightly Woven And Strict Supervision and Heavy Management

Pipe network according to law. Strengthen the top-level design of network security management, continue to improve the system of network security laws and regulations, strengthen network security law enforcement, and promote the rule of law in network security governance capabilities. Severely crack down on harmful information such as violent terror, pornography, and reactionary propaganda, hang high the sword of law, wield the sword of supervision, and weave a good web of the legal system. Run the network according to law. Raise awareness of running the network in accordance with the law, implement measures and rules and regulations for network security management in accordance with the law, strengthen information review, standardize the release of information to ensure the objectivity and authenticity of information, green, healthy and safe, control the source of illegal information from the source, and be the "scavenger" of bad information on the Internet. Use the net according to law. Speech is "boundless" and the law is "bounded", do not publish and disseminate harmful news and information that violates national laws, affects national security, undermines social stability, consciously resists all violations of laws and regulations, takes a good speech "microphone", controls the speech "microphone", and does not let it run out of the "boundary".

Weaving an unbreakable "safety net"

Build a safe Internet system. Establish a network security situation early warning and monitoring mechanism, improve the network security monitoring capabilities of key information systems, formulate and implement a series of systems for network security management and data security protection, widely use advanced network security and data security protection technologies, establish and improve the data security governance system, improve data security guarantee capabilities, let the Internet operate safely on the track, and build a "moat" for safe Internet access. Create a safe and ecological environment. Strengthen the review and filtering of published content, such as setting up a picketing and reporting mechanism for illegal information, and continue to create a safe and reliable data ecological environment. We call on Internet practitioners to abide by industry norms, strengthen industry self-discipline, resolutely resist all acts that are contrary to network security and hinder social stability, and work together to create a safe network environment. Do it safely with the Internet. Strengthen the popularization of network security publicity and education, popularize network security knowledge, promote network security skills, and improve the concept of network security. Raise the public's awareness of online payment security, personal information protection, telecommunications network fraud, etc., and enhance the public's ability to protect.

Weave a "harmonious net" with a clean wind

Sing the main melody. Persist in the party managing the network and the party managing the media, guiding network public opinion, grasping the right to speak, and guarding the public opinion position. Set up a number of models, drive a party atmosphere, and sing a main theme of network security. Inspire positive energy. Create a good atmosphere, resist the "three customs" culture of the Network, cultivate the excellent culture of the Network, nourish people's hearts with excellent culture, actively carry forward the core values of socialism, and jointly build a "copper wall and iron wall" of positive energy on the Network. Enhance true literacy. Cultivate the masses' network literacy, use the Internet in a civilized manner, refrain from making inflammatory remarks, do not participate in online slander, do not spread online rumors, resist vulgar, vulgar, kitsch, and other uncivilized information, form a "solid defense line" in the hearts of the masses to resist erroneous ideological trends, and let everyone become a participant and defender of the "safety net" of the dense network.

Author: Qin Keqi