
The ancient light power cornices and walls are so powerful, why are they lost now? It's actually quite simple

author:Beautiful day

In ancient times, Qinggong was a mysterious and breathtaking martial art, allowing people to fly through the walls and walk as light as a swallow, and easily traverse between high-rise buildings. The legend of this skill, which was once widely circulated in ancient times, is now gradually lost, leaving a thought-provoking question: why is this such a powerful skill so difficult to find today?

Perhaps, the answer is not so complicated. In ancient times, light work was seen as an important survival skill, as people needed to be able to move flexibly between the narrow lanes and high-rise buildings of the city to escape danger and pursuit.

The need for this skill drives people to explore, research, and pass it on. However, with the development of modern society, people no longer need to rely on the traditional skill of light power to travel quickly.

The ancient light power cornices and walls are so powerful, why are they lost now? It's actually quite simple

01 Flowing Clouds: The Magical Way of Ancient Light Gong

In ancient China, there was a fascinating martial arts skill, that is, light gong. Qinggong is not only a martial art, but also a unique body art, which combines strength, agility and internal strength, so that the walker can travel lightly and elegantly through the steep mountains and rivers and over the rivers and lakes.

Qinggong originated in ancient Chinese martial arts, and the core of Qinggong is to use internal force to control the body and make it light and agile. It takes years of hard cultivation for a practitioner to master this skill. First of all, they must cultivate internal strength and accumulate sufficient internal strength, which is the basis of light gong.

Then, through various body movements and breathing techniques, the internal force flows smoothly through the whole body, so as to achieve lightness and flexibility of the body. This requires a great deal of perseverance and tenacity, as the practitioner constantly challenges his limits and overcomes physical exhaustion and pain.

A walker who is proficient in light skills can easily dodge enemy attacks at the last moment, like a swallow shuttling between the trees, like a fish swimming in the rushing waters. Their movements are smooth and beautiful, like a gorgeous dance.

In battle, the Light Practitioner is able to quickly shift positions and win by surprise, leaving his opponent dazzled and overwhelmed. In life, they are able to cross steep mountains, cross cliffs, and walk effortlessly on top of cliffs, as if they were walking on clouds and water.

The charm of light work also lies in its unique artistic value. Watching a walker dance between the mountains and rivers is a beauty that makes you feel like you're one with nature.

The ancient light power cornices and walls are so powerful, why are they lost now? It's actually quite simple

Light practitioners often practice between mountains, rivers and lakes in the early morning or dusk, and their posture is like an intoxicating landscape painting against the background of the morning or setting sun. It is also a way for the inheritors of light gong to spread the skill and attract more learners and appreciators through performances.

02 Ethereal Immortal Xing: The mysterious inheritance of ancient light skills

In the silent flow of the river of history, the legendary stories of ancient light gongs are recorded in historical books such as the Northern History, like a trace of light through time. In the ancient books of Northern History, there is a strange person named Shen Guang. His light skills have been described as incredible, being able to climb vertically along a rope and fly like a bird in the void.

This otherworldly ability evokes reverie and seems to float between reality and mystery. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg of the legend of ancient light work, just like the grand picture scroll of history, it is only one painting embellished in it.

The roots of light gong can be traced back to the ancient martial arts, but its development has been further refined in the change of dynasties. Shen Guang's inheritance may only be a fragment of the light work of that era, just as ancient history books are only a part of the treasure house of ancient culture. With the change of dynasties, the exploration of light power is also becoming more and more deep, and the desire to reach the magnificent realm of being as light as a swallow and stepping on snow without a trace, no longer only / span >

Practitioners of light power must study internal strength in depth and accumulate internal strength with heart. The accumulation of this internal force is not an easy task, but can only be cultivated through tireless work year after year. The internal force not only needs to be strong, but also needs to flow freely and smoothly in the body. This involves a delicate coordination of breathing, posture, movements, and requires endless perseverance and tenacity.

The ancient light power cornices and walls are so powerful, why are they lost now? It's actually quite simple

However, light skills are not easy to come by, and only those who are tenacious and determined can master them. Practitioners have to endure the trials of time and constantly overcome physical limitations and setbacks. But this perseverance has made them masters of light work, passing on this skill from generation to generation.

03 Chasing the wind and passing dreams: the withering of modern light power

In the modern world, the once brilliant light skills are now gradually losing their former glory. The withering of this traditional skill stems from many reasons, including the rapid development of science and technology, the lifestyle of modern society and the requirements of physical conditions, which together shape the fate of light skills.

In this fast-paced modern society, high-tech tools such as high-speed trains and aircraft have become the main way for people to get around. These convenient means of transportation allow us to travel thousands of miles in a short period of time without the need for traditional light skills. Therefore, the traditional way of moving light gong has gradually faded out of people's lives.

Imagine that in ancient times, it could take days or even weeks for people to get from one city to another. They relied on their physical strength to cross mountains, rivers, and dense forests and grasslands through light skills. Light work has become a way of life for them, a necessary skill. However, with the development of technology, this picture has gradually changed.

High-speed trains and modern aircraft have increased the speed of travel to unprecedented heights. Flying from one metropolis to another takes hours instead of days. This convenience and efficiency has profoundly changed the way people travel. In cities, the widespread popularity of subways, buses, automobiles and other means of transportation has made it possible

The ancient light power cornices and walls are so powerful, why are they lost now? It's actually quite simple

With the popularity of these modern means of transportation, light work gradually became unfamiliar and unnecessary. People prefer to choose to take a car or plane rather than walk or use light power on their own. As a result, the actual demand for light work has gradually decreased, and this traditional skill has gradually been marginalized.

In addition to the progress of science and technology, the inheritance of light gong is also restricted by physical conditions and modern lifestyles. To become a true light master, you need not only exquisite skills, but also specific physical conditions.

First of all, light work has unique requirements for body shape. Traditionally, light masters tend to have a slim body, which helps them to be lighter and more agile when moving between the air and buildings. In addition, strong strength is also the key to light work, as they need to maintain balance during the movement while having enough strength to overcome resistance and obstacles.

However, in modern society, people's lifestyles have changed dramatically. The fast pace of life and increased pressure at work and family make it difficult for many people to find time for physical exercise and spiritual practice.

Many people are accustomed to sitting in the office or driving a car, and this sedentary lifestyle not only leads to changes in body shape, but also weakens the body's strength and flexibility. As a result, becoming a light gong master requires overcoming the physical challenges that come with modern life, which can be a daunting task for many people.

In addition, modern society pays more attention to efficiency and convenience, and people tend to choose fast means of transportation rather than relying on traditional light skills. In cities, transportation such as subways, elevators, and escalators has become the main mode of travel, replaced by walking or light work. Therefore, the actual demand for light power is gradually decreasing, which also leads to the dilemma of light power inheritance.

However, although light work is gradually withering in the modern world, it still deserves to be remembered and respected. It was once a treasure of ancient culture, representing the exploration and integration of the body and nature. Although the modern way of life no longer gives light gong practical value, its cultural value and historical significance still exist and can be passed on as a precious cultural heritage.

The ancient light power cornices and walls are so powerful, why are they lost now? It's actually quite simple

04 Light Gong Inheritance: The Mystery of Martial Arts Precipitated Over the Years

In the silent Shaolin Temple, the ancient light gong inheritance is like a quiet river, which continues to flow under the baptism of time. The monks here, as the inheritors of light gong, wrap their legs around sand belts and hang heavy sandbags. Over time, these monks will increase the weight of the sandbags, increasing their lightness with perseverance and a spirit of forging ahead.

This ancient ritual unfolds inside the temple, and each workout is like a silent meditation that merges the body and spirit. The monks' eyes were calm and focused, as if they were in dialogue with their limits. They are well aware that light skills are not a one-time skill, but require perseverance and perseverance. In this temple of silence, every breath became a testimony of their unwavering faith.

However, light work is not a magical skill that has endured for years. As they age, even those monks who have spent decades cultivating will feel changes in their bodies. The muscles gradually relaxed, and the joints may become less flexible, but that didn't make them lose confidence. On the contrary, they see age as an accumulation of wisdom, integrating the practice of light gong into every stage of life, and injecting the wisdom precipitated by years into every action.

Light Gong, this ancient martial art, is not only known for the magic of its skills, but also for its unique gender regulations. In the martial arts cheats, there is a tradition that is adhered to: passing on men but not women. This regulation profoundly shaped the gender profile of light gong, narrowing the audience for learning light gong to an even narrower scope, as women were often excluded from the practice of this ancient tradition.

This gender regulation may have stemmed from the stereotyped gender roles of men and women in ancient society, believing that men were better suited to martial arts and women were confined to other fields. However, the limitations of this tradition have also hindered the inheritance of light gong skills to a certain extent.

The ancient light power cornices and walls are so powerful, why are they lost now? It's actually quite simple

For those monks who are obsessed with the practice of light exercises, getting older cannot stop them from loving the craft. Although the body has become less flexible with the years, the inner tenacity and obsession with tradition remain unwavering. They firmly believe that light gong is not only a martial art, but also a spiritual cultivation, a way to integrate with nature and the universe.

In this world full of modern technology, the inheritance of light skills in the Shaolin Temple is like a journey through time. It reminds us that ancient traditions can live on in the modern world, and that while they may be influenced by time and culture, there are still people who hold on to this precious legacy.

The inheritance of light gong is not only a transmission of technology, but also a kind of inheritance of wisdom and spirit, passing on this skill to the next generation, so that it will continue to shine in the years.

05 Epilogue

In the world of light work, the years are like flowing water, and the inheritance is like candlelight. Although it is no longer as glorious as it was in ancient times, its spirit is never dimmed. Qinggong teaches us that ancient wisdom and skills, like treasures that have been handed down, can be revitalized in the modern world.

This is not just the transmission of a skill, but also a transmission of wisdom and spirit, which will pass on this skill to the next generation, so that it will continue to shine through the years.

Light work, although no longer mainstream, is still part of the culture, a symbol of tenacity, perseverance and courage. Like a star that never goes out, it shines in the silent night, reminding us that no matter how time changes, we should not forget our roots, ancient wisdom and traditions.

The ancient light power cornices and walls are so powerful, why are they lost now? It's actually quite simple

Light work may not be completely lost, but it is just waiting for those who are willing to persevere and move forward bravely to write a new legend and pass on this precious legacy.

Therefore, let us retain the awe of this ancient skill in the hustle and bustle of modern life, and let it shine new light in the hands of a new generation of inheritors. Although the years pass irresistibly, the spirit of light gong will always shine in our hearts and illuminate the way forward.

May those who have the courage and ambition continue to inherit this precious legacy, write a new legend, and pass on the essence of light gong to future generations, so that it will never be extinguished in the torrent of time. This is the true inheritance of light work, and it is also the inheritance of wisdom and courage.