
300,000 national troops besieged Dabie Mountain, and when Lao Jiang was complacent, he was skillfully defused by our army's undercover agents

author:Jess talks about history

In the years when the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was fierce, Guo Rugui was a hidden red star in the Kuomintang. Imagine when the 300,000-strong Kuomintang army besieged Dabie Mountain, ready to wipe out the main force of the communist army in one go, what kind of internal forces could skillfully resolve this crisis? Yes, it was Guo Rugui, the underground member of the Communist Party who was lurking inside the KMT. How did he stabilize his position in the midst of the storm, and how did he outwit the top echelons of the Kuomintang and protect the safety of the Red Army?

300,000 national troops besieged Dabie Mountain, and when Lao Jiang was complacent, he was skillfully defused by our army's undercover agents

Speaking of the Liberation War, I have to mention Guo Rugui, an unknown hero. He was a high-ranking general of the Kuomintang, but he secretly worked for the Communist Party, and his story is full of thrilling things that can only be found in movies.

300,000 national troops besieged Dabie Mountain, and when Lao Jiang was complacent, he was skillfully defused by our army's undercover agents

Back in 1947, it was a special year. Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang was determined to destroy the main force of the communist army at Dabie Mountain. Think about it, in a place where there is no mass base, suddenly 300,000 Kuomintang troops are pressing up, and this is a mortal threat to any army. However, at this critical moment, Guo Rugui's role has become particularly crucial.

Guo Rugui was the chief of staff of the Army Command at that time, and when he learned that Chiang Kai-shek wanted to encircle and suppress the communist army, he was already prepared in his heart. He had a deep conversation with his old boss Gu Zhutong. Gu Zhutong is in control of the main force of the troops, and these troops are the key to determining the situation of the battle. Guo Rugui skillfully influenced Gu Zhutong's decision-making, causing some troops to be transferred to other theaters, relieving the pressure on Dabie Mountain.

300,000 national troops besieged Dabie Mountain, and when Lao Jiang was complacent, he was skillfully defused by our army's undercover agents

At the strategic meeting in Nanjing, Guo Rugui showed his resourcefulness. The strategy he proposed was not only adopted by Chiang Kai-shek, but also adjusted the offensive on the Dabie Mountains as a result. He proposed to transfer some of the elite troops to Jiaodong and Luxi, ostensibly to contain the rest of the communist army, but in fact it greatly reduced the military pressure on Dabie Mountain.

In this seemingly inevitable situation, how did Guo Rugui turn the crisis into safety through a series of elaborate layouts? His interactions with generals on all sides and every adjustment of military deployment affected the direction of the war. Not only did he have to keep his cool in front of Chiang Kai-shek, but he also had to make sure that his true identity was not discovered, and at the same time he had to help the communist army get out of danger as much as possible.

300,000 national troops besieged Dabie Mountain, and when Lao Jiang was complacent, he was skillfully defused by our army's undercover agents

In this game, Guo Rugui is like a master, strategizing and winning thousands of miles. He was not only a strategist on the battlefield, but also a master of psychological and intelligence warfare. At every meeting, every report, he was buying time and space for the communist army, and all this, even many high-ranking generals in the Kuomintang were only kept in the dark.

Guo's tactics are not always direct confrontation. He is good at using indirect methods, such as deliberately leaving loopholes in strategic deployment, so that the communist army can exploit loopholes. He also provided information to the Communist forces on the movements of the Kuomintang through intelligence channels, all in an extremely dangerous and tense environment.

300,000 national troops besieged Dabie Mountain, and when Lao Jiang was complacent, he was skillfully defused by our army's undercover agents

Especially in the battle of Dabie Mountain, Guo Rugui skillfully exploited the contradictions between Chiang Kai-shek and Bai Chongxi. His remarks at the meeting deepened the rift between the two men, making it impossible for Chiang Kai-shek to concentrate all his efforts on dealing with the communist forces in Dabie Mountain. This internal contradiction undoubtedly gave the communist army a precious respite.

Guo's actions are also extremely risky. Once the identity is revealed, the consequences are unimaginable. But he always adhered to his convictions, and on the surface he was a high-ranking general of the Kuomintang, but deep down he firmly supported the ideas of the Communist Party. His double life was full of drama and danger, but he remained undiscovered until the end of the war.

300,000 national troops besieged Dabie Mountain, and when Lao Jiang was complacent, he was skillfully defused by our army's undercover agents

The story of Guo Rugui is one of the countless heroic deeds of that era, but his wisdom and courage are unique. He was not only a tactician, but also a far-sighted strategist. In that turbulent era, he contributed to the arrival of peace in his own way.

300,000 national troops besieged Dabie Mountain, and when Lao Jiang was complacent, he was skillfully defused by our army's undercover agents

His actions affected the course of the entire war. It is precisely because of people like Guo Rugui who work silently behind the scenes that the communist army can find vitality and the possibility of victory in the midst of many difficulties and unfavorable conditions. The heroes behind this are unknown, but their contributions are indispensable.

300,000 national troops besieged Dabie Mountain, and when Lao Jiang was complacent, he was skillfully defused by our army's undercover agents

Guo's story is not only a part of history, but also a profound celebration of wisdom and courage. In that war-torn era, he single-handedly influenced the course of the war and protected countless lives. His wisdom and courage, as well as his spirit of fighting for his ideals, are worth remembering and learning from each and every one of us.