
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.
It is deeply understood that it is at least ten years later for the children of the poor to reach social maturity.

The afterglow of dusk fills the alley, and in a humble noodle shop, two young people sit opposite each other. One is Kobayashi, who has just graduated from university, and his face still has the childishness of his student days; The other is his friend Xiao Gang, who has been in society for several years, and his eyes reveal a maturity that does not match his age.

"Xiaolin, why do you say that children like us who came out of the countryside want to gain a firm foothold in this big city?" Xiao Gang sighed, picked up the beer in front of him and drank it down.

Xiao Lin put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Xiao Gang thoughtfully: "Yes, I feel as if I have been pushed into the torrent of society before I am ready." I don't seem to be able to use the things I learned in college in practice. ”

"It's not just your feelings, in fact, many rural children like us feel the same way." Xiao Gang smiled bitterly, "The educational resources we have been exposed to since childhood cannot be compared with those of urban children, and in society, this gap is even more obvious." For example, when I first started working, I didn't even know how to use a computer, let alone complicated office software. Every time I had a meeting, I was like an outsider, and I couldn't interject at all. ”

Kobayashi was silent for a long time, remembering how clumsily he was using a computer for the first time in college, and how helpless he was in the face of complex social situations. He suddenly realized that these things that seemed ordinary to urban children were an insurmountable gap for them rural children.

"And what do you think we should do?" Kobayashi asked tentatively.

Xiao Gang put down the wine glass and said with a firm look in his eyes: "Study, keep learning." Although we have a low starting point, we can make up for it through hard work. I'm now teaching myself computer literacy and various office software, and although progress is a little slower, it's better than stagnating. ”

Xiao Lin nodded after hearing this, and a warm current surged in his heart. He understands that he, like Xiao Gang, is a person who does not admit defeat. Although they come from the countryside, and although they start from a lower starting point than others, this does not mean that they cannot establish themselves in the city.

The two chatted for a long time, talking about their future plans from their own experiences. As night falls, the street lights outside the noodle shop gradually turn on, illuminating their way home. Kobayashi knows that although this road is full of challenges, as long as they have determination and hard work, they will definitely be able to find a path of their own.

A few years later, both Kobayashi and Kogang have already made certain achievements in their respective fields. Through continuous learning and practice, Kobayashi has become an excellent engineer; And Xiaogang relied on his own efforts and persistence to successfully establish a company of his own.

Whenever they recall the conversation in the noodle shop at that dusk, they are filled with emotion. It was that in-depth exchange that made them more firm in their beliefs and goals, and also made them cherish their friendship and support with each other more.

They know that although they come from the countryside, although their starting point is low, although they have been lost and confused; But as long as you have a dream in your heart, as long as you are willing to put in the effort and sweat, as long as you persevere in pursuing your goals; No matter where you are, no matter what difficulties and challenges you face; They are all able to move forward and achieve their dreams.

On a quiet night, Kobayashi stood on the terrace of a tall building in his city, overlooking the bustling metropolis. The neon-lit skyline mingles with his mood, and he feels a sense of accomplishment like never before. From the young man who was confused in the noodle shop to the successful engineer who is now standing here, he has experienced too many setbacks and tribulations.

The phone suddenly vibrate, and it was a message from Xiaogang: "Brother, how are you doing?" It's been a long time since I've been together, so come out for a drink. ”

Xiao Lin smiled and replied, "Okay, see you at the old place." ”

They sat in the humble noodle shop again, only this time their minds were completely different. The two toasted to each other, lamenting the ups and downs over the years.

"You know what? Kobayashi, I've thought about giving up countless times. "But every time I think of our original dreams and promises, I feel that I can't just give up so easily." ”

Xiao Lin said with deep feelings: "Yes, although we have a low starting point, we have dreams and perseverance. Over the years, we have been trying to make up for our shortcomings and continue to learn and improve. In retrospect, those difficulties and setbacks were all stepping stones to our growth. ”

The two chatted very speculatively, as if they had returned to that youthful time full of fighting spirit. They talked about their future plans, their families, their careers...... The topics are endless. When night fell, they reluctantly said goodbye.

On the way home, Xiao Lin's heart was full of emotion. He understood a truth: no matter what situation he is in, no matter what difficulties he faces; As long as you have a dream in your heart, as long as you move forward bravely; You will definitely be able to walk out of your own path and realize your own life value.

And the road is not all smooth sailing, it is full of thorns and bumps; But it is these challenges and difficulties that make them stronger and more mature; It also makes them cherish everything they have more, love life more and pursue their dreams.

Kobayashi took a deep breath and felt the bustle and hustle and bustle of the city. He knows that although the city is full of competition and pressure, it is also pregnant with infinite possibilities and hopes. And he will continue to struggle here and pursue his dreams.

With the passage of time, Xiaolin and Xiaogang have become leaders in their respective industries. Their stories have been passed down in the circle of friends, inspiring more children from rural areas like them to bravely pursue their dreams.

Whenever someone asks them about the secret of their success, they will always smile and say in unison: "As long as you have dreams, perseverance, are not afraid of difficulties, and move forward bravely; You will be able to achieve your goals. These simple and unpretentious words contain their wisdom and experience over the years; It also embodies their infinite longing and expectation for a better life in the future.