
The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

author:Tang Xishi

The computer room is heavy, idlers are not allowed to enter, and it has become a place for crime.

The roar of the cars, the noise of the equipment, muffled the cries of the victims.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

The 65-year-old man was sexually assaulted three times, and he was afraid of being embarrassed and did not dare to call the police.

Property security guard, mysterious in the background, eating and taking cards, covering the sky with one hand in the community, and returning to his post after only a few days of sexual assault by the police, shouted: "I, Hu Hansan, are back again, in Yutian Company, no one can do anything to me!" ”

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

The victim's daughter went back and forth to defend her 65-year-old mother's rights, and the state-owned company backhanded the victim's whole family to "leave the job"?

How much energy does a security captain have that the victim is "unscathed" after calling the police for sexual assault?

Why does Changsha Yutian Property Management Co., Ltd. take care of the security captain in every way?

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

Haunted by nightmares

The first happened in a dark basement.

Security captain Ding Mouyan ordered the 65-year-old female security guard Fang Mou to put up a fire poster, and when she finished her work, Ding Mouyan called her to the underground garage, he opened the door of the pump room with a key and pointed inside, saying that it should also be pasted.

But the pump room was pitch black, Fang didn't dare to go in at all, and was there a need to put fire posters in the basement pump room where the door was locked all the year round?

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

But Ding couldn't help but say, grabbed Fang's wrist and forcibly dragged her into the dark basement.

Fang smelled the smell of alcohol on his body, and instinctively struggled constantly, wanting to push this security captain away.

But she was 65 years old, and she couldn't beat Ding Mouyan at all, so she had to shout "Help!" Help me! It's a pity that the noise of the equipment in the pump room and the roar of vehicles coming and going in the underground garage overshadowed Fang's screams.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

After the incident, Fang Mou was ashamed, she didn't dare to tell her family and the police what happened to her, so she could only verbally warn Ding Mouyan and said, don't harass me, otherwise I'll sue you.

But the verbal warning did not stop Ding's evil behavior, and only a week later, the sexual assault happened again.

Fang and his wife are security guards of Changsha Yutian Property Company and live in the company's staff dormitory.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

On this day, it was the turn of his wife Li Jianguo to be on the day shift, Fang was on the night shift, and Fang was resting in the staff dormitory during the day.

Since being sexually assaulted, Fang has been terrified all day long, and even put a fruit knife at the head of the bed.

It's just that Fang Mou was on night duty the day before, and naturally needed to sleep during the day, and she didn't find that the door had been quietly opened by Ding Mouyan in her sleep.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

When Fang reacted, Ding Mouyan was already lying on top of her, Ding Mouyan controlled her hands, she couldn't break free to get the fruit knife at the head of the bed, and when Ding Mouyan's violence was over, he quickly fled the room, and Fang couldn't catch up with the knife.

After Fang suffered the second sexual assault, he had to avoid Ding Mouyan everywhere, and in the next month, it was calm, and Ding Mouyan was not harassing Fang.

But just a month later, there was bad news at home, the brother-in-law of his wife Li Jianguo died, and the family of five planned to drive back to their hometown to mourn their brother-in-law.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

Li Jianguo called the captain Ding Mouyan to ask for leave, but Ding Mouyan only let one of the old two rest on the grounds that he was busy with work recently.

Fang Mou did not tell his wife about his sexual assault, and Li Jianguo rushed to his hometown with his daughter, son-in-law and grandson, and Ding Mouyan learned that Fang's whole family had left the city, and the result can be imagined.

At three o'clock in the morning the next day, Fang was sexually assaulted by Ding Mouyan again, and she had different degrees of scratches on her chest and lower body.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

A security captain with a mysterious background

Ding Mouyan, a 53-year-old security captain, is notorious in the company, and he is in charge of all the keys to the company, including the employees' dormitories.

Ding Mouyan often asks his employees for food and cards, cigarettes and alcohol for various reasons, and if the employees are not satisfied, they will wear small shoes for others.

The company stipulates that the security guards who work the night shift have a monthly subsidy of 90 yuan, but Fang and his boss Li Jianguo have never received it.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

Fang Mouyan also saw Ding Mouyan touching the buttocks of a female cleaner in the community.

Ding Mouyan's notoriety even reached the ears of the property project manager, and Fang's daughter Li Rong is also the project manager of Changsha Yutian Property Company.

It's just that Li Rong doesn't work in the Fengya Mingyuan community where her parents work, so she can't control that side, and Fang hasn't told her daughter about it yet.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

Li Rong once asked the deputy general manager, why didn't he fire this notorious security captain? The answer was, "Don't think about it, everyone can move, but he can't." ”

Half a year before the assault, Ding Mouyan and his wife had a big fight with a couple in the employee canteen, and the result was that the husband and wife in the canteen were expelled, and Ding Mouyan's wife moved out of the dormitory, but Ding Mouyan's security captain was not affected in any way.

Fang later called the police once, and Ding Mouyan was also summoned to the police station, but within a few days, he returned to the community, and shouted in the staff dormitory, "I, Hu Hansan, are back again!" No one can do anything to me in Yutian! ”

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

Rights protection against infringement

In the face of Ding Mouyan's illegal infringement, Fang Mou never dared to confront him, and it was a coincidence that he chose to call the police later.

There are many people in the company who hate Ding Mouyan, so some people organized to write a joint letter of denunciation, wanting to "bring down" the security captain.

A security guard of the company found Fang to chat, hoping to collect problems about Ding Mouyan's work style, and then asked Fang to sign a complaint to the leader about Ding Mouyan.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

But the security guard who came to Fang only wanted to find out the problem of Ding Mouyan's work style, but he didn't expect Fang to tell him a criminal case.

So the security guard and his companion said that there was no need to sign "something is wrong", and accompanied by a security colleague, Fang finally mustered up the courage to come to the police station to report the sexual assault.

But Fang is old, illiterate and can't speak Mandarin, and a male policeman opposite is even more embarrassed to tell what happened to him.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

The police summoned Ding Mouyan to the police station, but he didn't expect his wife to come with him.

As soon as she saw Fang, Ding Mouyan's wife was about to beat her when she went up, and kept scolding Fang Mou, "Shameless!" Seduce someone else's husband! He also threatened to beat Fang to death, which frightened Fang so much that he didn't dare to describe the incident in detail.

Sexual assault is undoubtedly a very serious criminal case, but with the mediation of the Public Security Bureau, Ding Mouyan was quickly released, as if nothing had happened.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

Because she reported to the police, Fang's daughter Li Rong also learned what happened to her mother, and the first time she couldn't call the police, of course, she couldn't satisfy the victim and her family, and Ding Mouyan returned to the community from the police station to become even more arrogant.

Li Rong continued to comfort and persuaded her mother to tell the lawyer what happened, and then re-reported the case for the second time.

Ding Mouyan, who thought that he "would not die in a catastrophe, there will be a blessing in the future", was once again caught in the sexual assault accusation, and at this time, Changsha Yutian Property Company also began to take action.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

Yutian Company directly fired Fang's husband Li Jianguo, because they were over 60 years old and were not regular employees, so they could open it if they wanted.

Fang's daughter Li Rong is a project manager in the company, and she was also kicked out of the company by Changsha Yutian Company.

Changsha Yutian Property Company is a state-owned enterprise with more than 40 projects.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

The company transferred Li Rong from the project near her home to the farthest project, and asked her to "leave voluntarily" if she didn't work, and soon Li Rong's job was gone.

Even if Li Rong really goes to work on the new project, she can be transferred to the third project and the fourth project the next day, sooner or later they will have to get out, and it is not illegal, after the incident, the father and daughter did not receive the salary of the property company.

Not only that, Changsha Yutian Property also countersued Li Rong on suspicion of embezzlement, but Li Rong said that she would definitely seek justice for her mother.

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

The case is still being solved.


Guangming Network Commentator: 65-year-old female security guard was sexually assaulted, justice should shine into every corner - Guangming Network April 26, 2024

The 65-year-old mother was sexually assaulted three times, her daughter lost her job to defend her rights, and the property security guard "covered the sky with one hand"?

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