
The 3-year-old baby's stomach is burdened, and the doctor said it is related to eating this kind of meal for a long time! Parents need to understand

author:Pediatric Dr. Lee

Today I'm going to talk to you about children's diet!

A few days ago, I met a pair of anxious parents, their 3-year-old princess has been crying a lot lately, and her appetite has decreased significantly.

After careful examination, I found that the child's stomach and intestines were under heavy burden!

Upon inquiry, it turned out that the parents added salt and other seasonings in order to add a little flavor to their children's food.

The two of them said that sometimes they were busy with work, and they would go home and get some rice for their children.

Every time they see a child eating deliciously, they always make rice for the child to eat.

In fact, babies before the age of 3 should eat less condiments and less soup and rice, otherwise it will affect the baby's spleen and stomach health.

The 3-year-old baby's stomach is burdened, and the doctor said it is related to eating this kind of meal for a long time! Parents need to understand

The problem of the baby's diet being too delicate

Nowadays, parents are afraid that their children will not be able to chew, so they prepare some delicate foods for their children that are easy to digest, such as rice cereal, chicken puree, etc.

However, if you eat this food regularly, the effect can be counterproductive!

Uneven nutrient absorption:

Fine foods, although tasty, often lack the necessary dietary fiber.

This can cause your baby's digestive system to not function properly and nutrient absorption will be affected.

Resistance Lowering:

Due to the lack of adequate nutrition, the baby's immunity will gradually weaken and it will be susceptible to various diseases.

Picky eating tendencies:

After eating delicate foods for a long time, your baby's taste will become more and more picky.

Resist other healthy foods and form a bad habit of picky eating.

The 3-year-old baby's stomach is burdened, and the doctor said it is related to eating this kind of meal for a long time! Parents need to understand

Affects chewing function

If babies eat too delicate food for a long time, their masticatory muscles and jaws will not be adequately exercised;

This can lead to delayed development of masticatory ability, which in turn affects the development of facial muscles and the maturation of the jaw.

Rice: Lack of chewing, affecting digestion

Moms like their children to eat more, so that they can develop faster and better, and their bodies will be healthier.

But I advise mothers that it's better not to do this.

The 3-year-old baby's stomach is burdened, and the doctor said it is related to eating this kind of meal for a long time! Parents need to understand

This seemingly delicious instant rice may actually become an "invisible killer" of the baby's stomach.

Uneven nutrient absorption:

Although the taste of soaking rice is soft and glutinous, it often lacks the necessary dietary fiber, which will cause the baby's digestive system to not function properly and nutrient absorption will also be affected.

Decreased chewing ability:

Long-term consumption of soaked rice will lead to the baby's chewing ability not being exercised, which will affect the normal development of teeth and jaws.

Appetite retraction:

The lack of variety and variety in soaking rice makes it easy for babies to get bored, thus reducing their appetite.

The 3-year-old baby's stomach is burdened, and the doctor said it is related to eating this kind of meal for a long time! Parents need to understand

Rice with too much seasoning: It increases the burden on the stomach and intestines

Children's diet should be as light as possible, and salt, soy sauce, chili, pepper, star anise and other condiments should be eaten less.

If you give this kind of meal to your child for a long time, especially if you are two or three years old, the taste has not yet been fixed, and the child's taste will be

Getting heavier and heavier.

In this way, if you eat a lot of seasoning food in the future, the burden on the stomach and kidneys will increase.

Moreover, too much seasoning will interfere with the baby's perception of the original taste of food and affect the normal development of taste.

The 3-year-old baby's stomach is burdened, and the doctor said it is related to eating this kind of meal for a long time! Parents need to understand

High-salt foods can also increase the burden on your baby's kidneys, and long-term excessive intake may also lead to health problems such as high blood pressure.

What should my baby eat?

In the beginning, we need to feed our baby some soft and easy-to-digest food.

For example, a steaming bowl of millet porridge, or egg custard.

These foods are like a "primer meal" for your baby, helping them get used to chewing and swallowing.

Over time, your baby's teeth begin to erupt and their mouth becomes more active.

At this point, you can gradually give them something a little harder and with slightly larger grains.

For example, some soft sticky rice, cooked noodles, or some small pieces of fruit.

The 3-year-old baby's stomach is burdened, and the doctor said it is related to eating this kind of meal for a long time! Parents need to understand

These foods are like an "advanced meal" for your baby, helping them develop their chewing and swallowing skills.

Of course, as a mother, you must always pay attention to the baby's oral development.

If your baby's teeth haven't fully erupted yet, or if they're not chewing well enough, then you can continue to give them them

Provides soft, easy-to-digest food.


As parents, we should always pay attention to the baby's diet and avoid letting them eat soaked rice and too much seasoning rice for a long time.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to cultivating good eating habits for babies, so that they can develop a balanced and healthy eating pattern from an early age.

The healthy growth of your baby is inseparable from our careful care.

So mothers, don't be in a hurry to let your baby eat hard food, according to their oral development.

Gradually adjust the firmness and particle size of the food, so that your baby can enjoy every meal in a relaxed and happy atmosphere!