
The 77th Cannes red carpet can be described as a star-studded affair, with works and non-works coming one after another


On the Cannes red carpet, you must have thought of a dozen star-studded moments under the flash. The 33-year-old Zhang Tianai used her blue cut-out gown to not only draw in all the shots, but also spark a big discussion about fashion and tradition.

The 77th Cannes red carpet can be described as a star-studded affair, with works and non-works coming one after another

The tulle fabric is light and elegant, and the hollow design of the whole dress is ingenious, which just shows Zhang Tianai's perfect body proportions. The high slit design of the dress makes her beautiful legs disappear from time to time, which is simply a step and full of style. Such an outfit is naturally eye-catching on the red carpet.

But what makes this dress unique is not just its beauty. Zhang Tianai's dress seems to have touched the sensitive nerves of fashion and tradition. Her fans and many fashion critics are full of praise, believing that Zhang Tianai has taken another step forward on the road of fashion. Her bold attempt is seen as a breakthrough in personal style and a new definition of self-image.

The 77th Cannes red carpet can be described as a star-studded affair, with works and non-works coming one after another

Quite a few people have criticized this bold design. Some people think that such an exposure is too bold and even a bit excessive. A public figure should retain some dignified image, and not dress up completely according to Western aesthetic standards. They are worried that such a dress will affect the public's positive image of her, and even damage her acting career.

And Zhang Tianai himself seems to have his own views on this controversy. In an interview, she said that everyone has the right to express their personality and choices, including choosing what to wear. She sees her attempt as an expression of self and her pursuit of freedom as an artist.

The 77th Cannes red carpet can be described as a star-studded affair, with works and non-works coming one after another

With the fermentation of the incident, many heavyweights in the fashion industry have also expressed their opinions. Some designers said that fashion is an ever-evolving field, and every attempt deserves respect. Some cultural critics believe that this controversy reflects the diverse needs of society for women's images, as well as the differences in aesthetic concepts in different cultural backgrounds.

Through this incident, we can see that controversy and discussion are important forces for progress, both in the fashion industry and in the wider socio-cultural sphere. Not only do they help us better understand the importance of diversity and inclusion, but they also push us to constantly review and adjust our positions and choices.

The 77th Cannes red carpet can be described as a star-studded affair, with works and non-works coming one after another

Although this incident started with a dress by Zhang Tianai, its influence and depth of discussion went far beyond fashion itself. It touches on multiple levels such as individual freedom of expression, cultural identity, and social expectations, and has become a social phenomenon that allows people to reflect and discuss.