
Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!


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Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

This was an uneventful day, however, because of the public announcement of the relationship of a famous singer Huo Zun, who was far away from the entertainment industry in the past, it instantly attracted widespread attention from the people across the country.

On this special day, he chose to publicize his love journey with his current girlfriend Shi Binglan through his online social media accounts, and at the same time shared their sweet photos more unabashedly.

In the photo, Huo Zun released a relaxed pleasure with all his heart, and a faint smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, as if he was full of endless confidence in this feeling.

And Shi Binglan was full of happiness and shyness, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she snuggled up in Huo Zun's warm embrace, her affection was overflowing.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

This explosive news quickly set off heated discussions on the Internet and won the heartfelt blessings of many netizens, however, it also caused dissatisfaction and doubts from another part of the population.

After all, two years ago, in 2021, Huo Zun fell into the whirlpool of public opinion precisely because of the revelation of his ex-girlfriend Chen Lu, and suffered unprecedented reputation loss and a serious blow to his career.

At that time, Chen Lu broke the news of Huo Zun's inappropriate remarks and chaotic details of his private life on major social platforms one after another, which made the majority of netizens condemn him one after another.

Although the final court's judgment revealed that Chen Lu had subjective and intentional illegal acts, Huo Zun's reputation had long been wiped out in this turmoil.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

In this way, in just one night, this once high-profile idol fell quickly like a bright meteor, falling from the peak of everyone's admiration to the trough of life.

Now, after two years of careful recuperation, he has finally returned to the public eye with a new relationship as an opportunity, which undoubtedly makes people have to re-examine the long-sealed past.

The story began in 2013, when Huo Zun was still a little-known rookie singer who was participating in a talent show. In his spare time, he always likes to stroll alone in the streets and alleys of the city where the crew is located, and enjoy the unique life charm of this strange city.

On a drizzly afternoon, Huo Zun happened to meet Chen Lu, who was also walking on this street. Chen Lu, like Huo Zun, is a young man from the north, but in comparison, her situation is more difficult and her heart is more lost.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

At that time, she was thinly dressed, her hair was cut short, and her rain-soaked body looked particularly embarrassed.

After Huo Zun observed Chen Lu's situation, he took off his coat without hesitation and put it on her warmly. This small act of care made Chen Lu feel an unprecedented warm current in the cold and humid environment, as if the two were destined to be indissoluble in the dark.

From that moment on, they began to interact frequently and communicate deeply, so an innocent and fiery love story quietly began. Although Huo Zun was still just an unknown person at that time, Chen Lu was extremely optimistic and confident about his musical talent and future development.

She did her best, using all her savings to help Huo Zun rent a recording studio, and went all out to support him in pursuing his music dream. And Huo Zun was also deeply touched by Chen Lu's sincere and firm love, and felt endless gratitude and affection for her from the bottom of his heart.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

In this way, in the bustling city of Beijing, a pair of young people who understand and love each other begin their sweet and twisty emotional journey.

Their love story went through ups and downs until 2014, when Huo Zun emerged in the talent show with a wonderful performance of "Rolling Bead Curtain" and became famous overnight.

The unique melody of this song and Huo Zun's unique voice have won him wide attention and praise. followed by the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, countless commercial performance opportunities and many brand endorsements, Huo Zun became a household name in one fell swoop, and his career was thriving.

However, just when his career was in full swing, Huo Zun made a shocking decision - he chose to take the initiative to hide his relationship with Chen Lu and hide the identity of the two as a couple from the outside world.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

From the perspective of the parties, perhaps Huo Zun was motivated by personal moral considerations and did not want Chen Lu to be exposed to the public eye too much. Or, he worries that the public relationship will affect the course of his career.

However, for whatever reason, this decision was a heavy blow to Chen Lu.

With a single thought, she went from a well-respected and eye-catching girlfriend to a character who "may cause scandals". In the eyes of others, she is just a vague shadow in Huo Zun's life.

As an unswerving lover, Chen Lu's heart is full of endless grievances and losses. However, in order to ensure Huo Zun's brilliant future, she resolutely chose to endure silently.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

He devoted himself to the trivial affairs of Huo Zun's life and took care of his daily life meticulously, so that he could devote himself to the struggle of his career without any worries.

However, as he rose to fame, Huo Zun seemed to have gradually forgotten his old vows and turned a blind eye to Chen Lu's existence. Time flies, eight years have passed in a blink of an eye, and in the face of the booming career and the increasing indifference of feelings, Chen Lu can no longer bear this unrequited love that was doomed to be fruitless from the beginning.

All obsessions will come to an end. In September 2020, after eight years of entanglement and tempering, Chen Lu and Huo Zun finally announced their breakup. For Chen Lu, this is undoubtedly worse. Eight years of companionship, eight years of waiting, but in the end in exchange for such an ending, the pain and disappointment she endured is really unimaginable.

The anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed, and she decided to come forward and make this long-hidden relationship public. As a result, Chen Lu exposed Huo Zun's bad behavior on major social platforms and released an intimate photo of the two.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

Judging from the chat records she released, Huo Zun often insulted her with vulgar and unbearable words, and her disrespectful remarks about women were even more indignant.

At the same time, some details involving personal privacy have also spread rapidly on the Internet, such as Huo Zun's repeated betrayal of love and even suspected of soliciting prostitution. When these messages were revealed, it was like Mars falling into a forest, causing a huge wave in the online world.

In an instant, Huo Zun seemed to have fallen into the abyss of no return. All the popularity and fame accumulated in the past disappeared in an instant. The majority of netizens have accused him of being a ruthless, unrighteous and treacherous scumbag.

In the face of such a sudden upheaval, Huo Zun in reality seemed helpless, ashamed, and guilty, but he was powerless to refute. He instinctively denied Chen's accusations and tried to defend himself, but this only fueled public outrage.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

In many large-scale activities and brand endorsements, Huo Zun did not escape the doom, and the cooperative relations he established with all parties suffered the fate of termination. This traffic superstar, who was once warmly sought after by the majority of fans, fell from the clouds to a bottomless trough in an instant.

In the end, under the impact of this fierce Internet public opinion, Huo Zun was unable to turn the tide, so he had to announce his official farewell to the entertainment industry.

He was like a meteor that had been devastated by a volcanic eruption, and his dazzling brilliance dimmed in an instant, quickly disappearing from everyone's sight. Although Chen Lu finally took advantage of the opportunity to report, he finally took a bad breath for himself, but this incident was far from ending there, on the contrary, the two sides fell into a protracted legal dispute.

At this point, the two sides have been caught in irreconcilable contradictions. Although Chen Lu revealed the truth through the Internet and took a bad breath for herself, the dispute did not subside, but intensified.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

Initially, Huo Zun tried to resolve the public relations crisis through private negotiations. However, what he never expected was that Chen Lu's attitude was extremely resolute and he even demanded compensation of up to 9 million yuan.

This staggering number undoubtedly far exceeded the limit that Huo Zun and his family could bear.

Judging from some of the recording evidence released by Huo Zun's team, Chen Lu seems to have mastered some of his tricks and frequently used them to threaten him. She sometimes used aggressive accusations and insults, and sometimes resorted to threats and intimidation, and her behavior was really unexpected.

"You should be glad that I haven't posted those videos of yours on the Internet, otherwise even if you don't want to mix in the entertainment industry in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win the respect of others!"

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

Faced with Chen Lu's strong attitude, Huo Zun looked helpless and embarrassed at that time. As an introverted young man who has lived a difficult life since childhood, he has never had experience in dealing with such matters.

Chen Lu's lion opened his mouth, which put him in a dilemma for a while.

After a fierce inner struggle, Huo Zun finally made up his mind to take the whole incident to legal action. While he is tired of dealing with this dispute, he also hopes to use the power of the law to clear his name.

And his decision proved to be undoubtedly wise and correct.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

In the subsequent legal proceedings, many of Chen Lu's so-called "evidence" were found to be fabricated, tampered with or taken out of context after extremely rigorous and meticulous review by the court, which greatly reduced the credibility of these evidences!

At the same time, the court also ruled that her continuous pressure on Huo Zun and her threats and extortion were all illegal and criminal.

Finally, the results of the first-instance verdict were announced to the public, Chen Lu was taken corresponding compulsory measures on suspicion of extortion, and Huo Zun won the lawsuit.

This is undoubtedly a great recognition of his personal ability and character, and it is also a strong confirmation of his personality charm.

Huo Zun, who destroyed his future, is no longer forgiven by the world!

The fair trial of the law has put an end to this long-entangled grievance and hatred, but for the punishment that Chen Lu endured, people can't help but sigh: she spent all her youth and tried her best to maintain this doomed relationship, but in the end, not only did she fail to get her wish, but ended up with such a tragic ending, which is really sad!

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