
The man fell to his death while drunk, and his family sued the pile of rock powder on the side of the road to court

author:Yu Tao

Recently, a bizarre traffic accident case has attracted widespread attention. According to reports, Wang, a man in Hunan Province, unfortunately fell to the ground and died on the way home on a drunk motorcycle, but Wang's family sued the pile of rock powder on the side of the road to court, demanding compensation.

However, after investigation, the motorcycle driven by Wang fell to the ground more than 1.3 meters above the pile of rock powder, and there was still some distance between Wang's body and the pile of rock powder, which made the case even more confusing.

The man fell to his death while drunk, and his family sued the pile of rock powder on the side of the road to court

It is reported that on the night of the incident, after Wang and his friends had a party and drink, he drove home alone on a motorcycle. While passing through a country road, Wang suddenly fell to the ground and died. After the police arrived at the scene, they found that the motorcycle driven by Wang had fallen on the side of the road, and there were no obvious collision marks on the body, and there were no abrasions on Wang's face and nose.

After further investigation, the police found that the location where Wang fell to the ground was some distance from the pile of rock powder on the side of the road, the front of the motorcycle was still in front, the rear of the car was still facing backwards, the mirror and the stool were intact, and there were no obvious traces of tumbling and rubbing.

The man fell to his death while drunk, and his family sued the pile of rock powder on the side of the road to court

This discovery makes Wang's family's claim for compensation untenable. Wang's family believes that the existence of the rock powder pile caused Wang's death, but according to the results of the on-site investigation, the rock powder pile is not directly related to Wang's death.

Wang's fall to the ground was more than 1.3 meters above the rock powder pile, and the human body was in front of him, more than 2.0 meters away from the rock powder pile, which is enough to show that Wang's death was not caused by the rock powder pile.

The man fell to his death while drunk, and his family sued the pile of rock powder on the side of the road to court

However, Wang's family insisted that the rock powder pile was one of the triggers of the accident, and they pointed out that the location of the rock powder pile was a safety hazard, which could lead to obstructed vision or judgment errors by the driver.

In this regard, legal experts said that although there may be certain safety hazards in the location of the rock powder pile, in this accident, the rock powder pile was not the direct cause of Wang's death. As a driver, Wang should be responsible for his own behavior, especially in the case of drunk driving, and should be more responsible for his own safety.

The man fell to his death while drunk, and his family sued the pile of rock powder on the side of the road to court

This case has aroused widespread concern and discussion from all walks of life. On the one hand, people regret Wang's misfortune, and at the same time, they also question Wang's family's claims. On the other hand, this case also reminds us that traffic safety cannot be ignored and that everyone should be responsible for their own actions, obey traffic rules, and ensure the safety of themselves and others.

The man fell to his death while drunk, and his family sued the pile of rock powder on the side of the road to court

What are your thoughts on this case? Do you think Wang's family's claim is reasonable? Or do you think there is a safety hazard in the location of the rock powder pile? You are welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, like and support us! At the same time, we also hope that everyone can pay attention to traffic safety issues and jointly create a safe and harmonious traffic environment.

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