
The infighting has become public, with the Israeli defense minister issuing televised statements or joining forces with the United States to replace Netanyahu


Guys, today we're going to talk about a topic that's quite hot, and that's the things that happen between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

This is not a simple matter, and it involves not only military operations, but also politics, history, religion, and even international relations. We'll have to talk slowly, little by little.

First of all, we have to understand what kind of place the Gaza Strip is. This place is not big, with an area of about 365 square kilometers, but the population density is not small, more than 2 million people are crowded in such a small place, and it feels crowded when you think about it.

The infighting has become public, with the Israeli defense minister issuing televised statements or joining forces with the United States to replace Netanyahu

Moreover, control of the place has been changing, and since 2007, Hamas has taken control of it. What is Hamas? To put it simply, it is an Islamist political organization that is also an armed group, and its relations with Israel have always been strained.

Let's take a look at the Israeli side again. Israel, as we all know, is a Jewish country, founded in 1948, and since then, relations with the surrounding Arab countries have not been good.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas can be said to have a long history and is very complex. Israel says that Hamas is constantly carrying out terrorist attacks that threaten Israel's security.

The infighting has become public, with the Israeli defense minister issuing televised statements or joining forces with the United States to replace Netanyahu

Hamas, for its part, says that Israel has occupied their land and oppressed the Palestinian people.

Speaking of which, it is necessary to mention the Israeli military operations. From time to time, Israel carries out military strikes on the Gaza Strip, saying that it is aimed at Hamas.

However, the consequences of such military action are not small. According to the United Nations, the conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in thousands of deaths, many of them civilians, since 2008. That sounds scary, right?

The infighting has become public, with the Israeli defense minister issuing televised statements or joining forces with the United States to replace Netanyahu

Now, let's talk about the situation inside Israel. There is a wide divide of opinion within Israel on how to deal with Hamas. Some people say that it is necessary to be tough and eliminate Hamas directly, so as to ensure Israel's security.

But there are also those who feel that this will not work and that a peaceful solution must be found, for example, the establishment of a new Palestinian government to replace Hamas.

This brings us to Israel's Defense Minister, Gallant. Gallant, the buddy, has come up with a plan to create a non-hostile Palestinian government to replace Hamas.

The infighting has become public, with the Israeli defense minister issuing televised statements or joining forces with the United States to replace Netanyahu

However, this plan has been proposed for more than half a year, and there has been no reaction from the Israeli government. Gallant felt that this would not work, and that he had to think differently.

This brings us to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu's buddy, he may not think the same as Gallant.

Some analysts say that Netanyahu may want to consolidate his position through war and make himself the prime minister. As long as the war is going on, it will be difficult for him to be replaced. Doesn't that sound a bit like a political game?

The infighting has become public, with the Israeli defense minister issuing televised statements or joining forces with the United States to replace Netanyahu

However, this internal disagreement has now begun to become public. Gallant even made a statement on television in which he openly opposed Netanyahu's policies.

This incident caused quite a stir in Israel, and also made the outside world see the differences within Israel.

Speaking of which, we have to mention the United States. The United States has always been an important ally of Israel, but in recent times, the United States seems to have had some reservations about its support for Israel.

The infighting has become public, with the Israeli defense minister issuing televised statements or joining forces with the United States to replace Netanyahu

Why? Because there are also people in the United States who oppose Israel's military action, feeling that it will lead to more civilian casualties, and the United States itself has electoral pressure.

This complicates the situation. There are differences within Israel, and the support of the United States is somewhat reserved, so how can this matter be resolved? To be honest, this is a difficult question, and there is no easy answer.

One thing is certain, however, that Israel, Hamas, and the international community all want a peaceful solution.

What do you have to say about this? Speak freely in the comment area, and we'll see you next time

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