
20 singers successfully signed up for "Singer", two singers were ridiculed, and one of them became famous for playing ugly

author:It's a sleepy bear

In the entertainment industry, every new season of "Singer" has aroused countless attention and discussions. After the launch of "Singer" in 2024, the heated discussions among netizens are still unabated, but this time the focus is no longer on the performance of those powerful singers, but on the two controversial contestants.

The first to bear the brunt was Han Meijuan, a name that exploded on the Internet. The influencer, formerly known as Han Peijuan, is widely known for her bold outfit and quirky style, and has created many Internet memes. Although she has a certain musical background and voice conditions, her strength has never been proven. She was unexpectedly selected into the ranks of "Singer", which surprised many netizens. They questioned the choice of the "Singer" column group, believing that Han Meijuan's strength was not enough to compete with European and American singers, not to mention that she was mainly famous for playing ugly, which aroused dissatisfaction and ridicule from public opinion.

20 singers successfully signed up for "Singer", two singers were ridiculed, and one of them became famous for playing ugly

Another singer who has been questioned is MC Mengke, a singer who shouts microphones. Mengke has accumulated a certain amount of popularity on the Internet with its unique style and music style, but its music style is not loved by the public. Although he claimed to have received an invitation to the Hunan TV singer program, it was not confirmed by other channels, which aroused suspicion and ridicule among netizens. Many people believe that he may be deliberately hyping up in an attempt to increase his popularity in this way.

20 singers successfully signed up for "Singer", two singers were ridiculed, and one of them became famous for playing ugly

Among these controversial singers, people began to question the recruitment criteria and selection mechanism of the "Singer" program group. Some netizens said that they would prefer to see really powerful singers participate in the show, rather than some contestants who use Internet popularity and hype as their main means. They believe that "Singer", as a high-level music competition program, should pay more attention to the embodiment of the quality and strength of the music itself, rather than blindly pursuing exposure and topicality.

This time, the controversy of the "Singer" program also triggered a reflection on the recruitment mechanism and industry norms in the entertainment industry. People began to call on relevant departments to standardize and improve the selection standards and management mechanisms of entertainment programs to ensure the quality and fairness of the programs, and at the same time protect the rights and images of singers to prevent them from being harmed by irresponsible entertainment hype.

20 singers successfully signed up for "Singer", two singers were ridiculed, and one of them became famous for playing ugly

I heard that there was such a big controversy in the contestants of "Singer", I couldn't believe my ears! These changes in the entertainment industry are really overwhelming, and I can't help but think about some questions.

What do we value more as viewers? Is it the quality of the music itself, or the exposure and topicality of the contestants? The "Singer" program is a high-level music competition program, and I think everyone is looking forward to seeing really powerful singers here and hearing excellent music works. But when some contestants enter the show with Internet popularity and hype as the main means, to what extent does this affect the quality and enjoyment of the show?

20 singers successfully signed up for "Singer", two singers were ridiculed, and one of them became famous for playing ugly

How should the recruitment mechanism and industry norms of the entertainment industry be improved? We need stricter selection standards and management mechanisms to ensure the fairness and quality of the program. Perhaps, we can learn from the management experience of some mature foreign entertainment programs and introduce a more scientific and objective evaluation system, so that truly powerful singers have more opportunities to show themselves.

As viewers, how should we take action to make the entertainment industry more healthy? By resisting vulgar, hype, and fake entertainment content, we can call on program groups and entertainment companies to pay more attention to the quality of music and the inheritance of culture. At the same time, we can also actively support those singers who are really powerful, so that they can stand out in the entertainment industry and bring us more excellent music works.

20 singers successfully signed up for "Singer", two singers were ridiculed, and one of them became famous for playing ugly

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