
How can I improve my emotional intelligence?

author:I am not familiar with the road of life

High IQ, low EQ, and no talent;

Low IQ, high EQ, noble people help each other;

High IQ, high EQ, and proud of the spring breeze.

How can I improve my emotional intelligence?

Six Methods of Emotional Intelligence Training:

Look down on those who don't go well;

Look up to those who look down on them;

Do what you don't want to do;

Think through what you can't figure out;

Take back the words that are about to be scolded;

Swallow what you can't breathe!

How can I improve my emotional intelligence?

How to Improve Emotional Intelligence:

Fully recognize your own strengths and weaknesses, especially personality traits; Learn to control your emotions and not lose your temper at will.

Think in advance, think about problems from different angles; Before you say something, stop and think about it.

Learn the skills to get along with different people and think from the other person's point of view; Give and help, prove your abilities with results, not ask for them first.

How can I improve my emotional intelligence?

The essence of emotional intelligence is to integrate:

If you don't like your superiors, you don't have enough ability;

If you don't like the boss, you don't have enough dreams;

If you don't like your colleagues, you don't have enough mind;

If you don't like your friends, you don't have enough eyesight;

If you don't like yourself, it's because your cultivation is not enough;

If you don't like others, you don't have enough self-cultivation.

The essence of emotional intelligence is: integration, harmony, integration.

Children's emotional intelligence cultivation first: to express love often

Both physical contact and eye contact can help improve a child's emotional intelligence. Frequent expressions of affection during play, eating, and conversation can foster a healthy mood in your child.

Children's emotional intelligence cultivation second: It is also important for children to understand and recognize various emotional expressions.

Many times, children are angry because they don't know how to control their emotions.

How can I improve my emotional intelligence?

The third is to teach children to make their own decisions

Independence is the most important aspect of emotional intelligence, and it is only by allowing them to make their own decisions from an early age that they can develop an independent character. (The article is reprinted from the Internet)