
CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

author:Calm down the little saffron Th

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CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

Do you know? There is such a person, who grew up in a poor family, but he has an endless thirst for knowledge. Every time I hear his story, I can't help but sigh: this is the real inspiration! His father always told him that no matter how bad the circumstances, reading should not be abandoned. This person's name is Bai Yansong, and his life is like a movie with ups and downs.

CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

When it comes to Baiyan pine, I really admire it. I think that at the beginning, he began to share the housework when he was eight years old, and his perseverance was really impressive. But you know what? No matter how difficult life was, he never gave up his studies. This perseverance, this perseverance, is really breathtaking. Finally, his efforts paid off, and he was successfully admitted to the Communication University of China, and since then a new chapter in his life has begun.

CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

After entering CCTV, Bai Yansong's challenges are even greater. Mandarin is not standard? This is a big problem for a presenter. But instead of being discouraged, he practiced his pronunciation harder until his Mandarin reached a professional level. This kind of spirit is really admirable. You know what? In the end, he successfully became the host of "China Broadcasting News", which is simply a model of counterattack!

CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

Bai Yansong was also a prominent figure in college, actively participating in campus media work, and repeatedly published press releases in the media inside and outside the university. Not only that, but he also organized a journalism contest on campus, which was really lively. These experiences not only honed his abilities, but also laid a solid foundation for his future career in journalism. Seeing his achievements, I really sighed: poverty did not stop him from moving forward, but became the driving force for his struggle!

CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

Oh, when it comes to Bai Yansong's achievements, it really can't fit a basket. He has hosted a number of important news programs on CCTV, and his unique style is really unforgettable. Moreover, he actively participates in social welfare activities and uses his influence to convey positive energy. Do you know? Bai Yansong also wrote a monograph on the news industry! The book has received a good response in the market, and I have benefited a lot from reading it.

CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

Bai Yansong's story is not only an inspirational story about the news industry, but also a legend about dreams, perseverance and responsibility. Every time I hear about his experience, I feel my blood boiling, as if I have been infused with endless power. Seeing this, do you feel the same excitement as me?

CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

To be honest, Bai Yansong's struggle is really an example for us to learn. His success is not only his personal glory, but also a spur and encouragement to our generation. Heck, that's easier said than done! Should we also be like him, bravely face difficulties and persevere in pursuing our dreams?

CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

Bai Yansong has won many journalism awards in his career, and his reports and commentaries have been hailed as classics in the world of journalism. Every time I hear this, I feel a sincere sense of admiration. Not only that, but his dedication to journalism education and talent development in addition to his busy work is really touching.

CCTV's first brother Bai Yansong: He lost 50 pounds and slept for 3-4 hours after being tortured by illness

In addition to Bai Yansong, do you know anyone else who has had a similar experience? For example, Zhao Liying, who was born in the countryside, has also made good achievements in the entertainment industry with her own hard work and persistence. Every time I hear the stories of these successful people, I feel inspired and motivated. Their stories seem to be like a beacon that illuminates our way forward and gives us more motivation and confidence.

Finally, let's go back to Bai Yansong again. His success is not only reflected in his career, but also in his charisma and sense of social responsibility. He used his practical actions to interpret the responsibility and pursuit of an excellent journalist, and this spirit really makes people feel extremely admired and admired.

Alright, that's the end of the story, it's time for me to wrap up. Every time I hear Bai Yansong's inspirational story, I feel extremely uplifted and motivated. I hope that we can all be like him, bravely face the difficulties and challenges in life, and persevere in pursuing our dreams. Also, don't forget to like, leave a message and retweet! Let's share this positive energy together, so that more people can feel this strength and hope!