
Don't touch it by mistake and don't cease to touch it Reno12 is equipped with a four-curved soft edge straight screen

Don't touch it by mistake and don't cease to touch it Reno12 is equipped with a four-curved soft edge straight screen

PChome computer home

2024-05-17 17:10Posted on the official account of Beijing PChome

OPPO has been warming up the Reno12 series on a large scale, and the machine has unique features in design, not only bold innovation in design and color, but also ingenuity in the front screen design.

The Reno12 series has a right-angled edge, and it stands to reason that it should be equipped with a straight screen. Of course, OPPO does claim to be using a straight screen, but it is particularly emphasized that it is called a four-curved soft edge straight screen. In the pictures provided by the official, it can also be found that the edge of the screen is not straight, but adopts a slightly curved design.

Don't touch it by mistake and don't cease to touch it Reno12 is equipped with a four-curved soft edge straight screen

So why does OPPO call such a design a straight screen? The reason is that this screen has the excellent display effect of a straight screen, and the overall use experience is also close to the straight screen experience, and it also avoids some problems when using the straight screen, and has the advantages of both screen forms. Perhaps it is for this reason that it is named the four-curved soft edge straight screen.

Don't touch it by mistake and don't cease to touch it Reno12 is equipped with a four-curved soft edge straight screen

This screen shape is actually not difficult to understand,It is based on the straight screen,The edge of the surface glass is treated with an equal depth curved surface,The shape can refer to Xiaomi Mi 14。

The reason why the Reno12 series wants to do this is more for the grip of the machine. The straight screen design is angular and angular, and the angle between it and the side is 90 degrees, which will cause the articulation part to be too sharp when handheld. In order not to hold the phone, mobile phone manufacturers often need to carry out rounding process treatment in the side bezel part. There is no such problem as the four-curved soft-edged straight screen,The edge of the screen is curved because it is a curved shape,It feels gentle when held,There is no problem of clucking hands,Naturally, there is a good feel。

While ensuring the feel, the four-curved soft-edged straight screen also maintains the excellent display effect of the straight screen, and there is no incomplete display at the edge, content loss, color cast, etc., making it more immersive when watching. And there is enough safety distance at the edge to avoid the problem of false touch.

This kind of equal-depth four-curve straight screen design is the first time to appear in the OPPO series of mobile phones, OPPO has matched it with a corresponding full-curved body, and with two fashionable colors of silver magic purple and millennial silver, so that the slim and delicate shape is more trendy, and it can even be decorated as a fashion trend in the hand.

OPPO said that the Reno12 will be equipped with a four-curve soft edge straight screen, and standard users can also enjoy the trend brought by the new design.

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  • Don't touch it by mistake and don't cease to touch it Reno12 is equipped with a four-curved soft edge straight screen
  • Don't touch it by mistake and don't cease to touch it Reno12 is equipped with a four-curved soft edge straight screen

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