
Is a currency war on the horizon? The Asian Monetary Union was established, and the hegemony of the US dollar is no longer dominant!

author:Hua Ge Finance said


In the wave of global economic integration, the international economic order is undergoing profound adjustment and reconstruction, and the entanglement of interests and competition between countries are becoming more and more intense. In this context, monetary policy and the monetary system have become important tools for competition among countries, and the issuer of the currency has great interests and influence.

Is a currency war on the horizon? The Asian Monetary Union was established, and the hegemony of the US dollar is no longer dominant!

As a global hegemonic currency, the US dollar has always been dominant, and it is difficult for other countries' currencies to match it. However, with the formation of a global multipolar pattern, more and more countries have begun to seek to get rid of the dependence on a single currency and promote the diversification of the international monetary system.

Establishment of the Asian Monetary Union

As one of the most dynamic and potential regions in the world, Asia ranks among the top in the world in terms of economic aggregate and trade and investment scale, and has an important impact on the reform of the international monetary system.

Recently, Asian countries announced the establishment of the Asian Monetary Union, aiming to promote the free convertibility and unified management of Asian regional currencies, adopt the Asian dollar as the common currency, reshape the Asian economic structure, and challenge the hegemony of the US dollar.

Is a currency war on the horizon? The Asian Monetary Union was established, and the hegemony of the US dollar is no longer dominant!

The establishment of the Asian Monetary Union will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the international monetary system, with many political, economic and geostrategic considerations, as well as many challenges and uncertainties.

The establishment of the Asian Monetary Union is an inevitable product of the current international situation. In recent years, with the rise of global trade protectionism and the increase in international economic uncertainty, countries have begun to accelerate the process of regional economic integration and seek greater development space under multilateralism and free trade system.

Is a currency war on the horizon? The Asian Monetary Union was established, and the hegemony of the US dollar is no longer dominant!

At the same time, the unilateralism of the United States, the provocation of trade frictions, and the continuous abuse of the right to issue the US dollar have also intensified the worries and reflections of various countries on the hegemony of the US dollar, and they have sought to get rid of the shackles of the US dollar.

Background of the Asian Monetary Union

Against this backdrop, Asian countries have begun to strengthen monetary policy coordination and economic policy communication, and explore how to build a more stable and sustainable monetary system.

It is against this background that the establishment of the Asian Monetary Union was jointly initiated by China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and other major Asian economies, aiming to promote the free convertibility and circulation of currencies in the Asian region, realize the unified management of monetary policy, reduce transaction costs, and improve the level of trade and investment facilitation.

Is a currency war on the horizon? The Asian Monetary Union was established, and the hegemony of the US dollar is no longer dominant!

Instead of the existing monetary system, on the basis of diversification, promote the free circulation and exchange of Asian currencies, reduce the exchange rate risk between Asian currencies, and improve the financial stability and resilience of the Asian region.

This includes promoting direct clearing and settlement between Asian currencies, strengthening monetary policy coordination, establishing a regional monetary reserve arrangement, and gradually realizing financial integration in Asia.

The establishment of the Asian Monetary Union is of great significance to the Asian region and the world. First of all, the establishment of the Asian Monetary Union will help enhance the influence of the financial market in the Asian region, promote the use of the Asian dollar in the international market, and promote the internationalization of the renminbi.

Is a currency war on the horizon? The Asian Monetary Union was established, and the hegemony of the US dollar is no longer dominant!

It is an important engine of global economic growth, promotes trade and investment cooperation among Asian countries, enhances the region's economic resilience and anti-risk capabilities, and makes positive contributions to the recovery and growth of the world economy.

Challenge the hegemony of the US dollar, promote the diversified development of the international monetary system, and provide useful explorations for the reform and improvement of the global economic and financial system.

Challenges for Asian currencies

Although the establishment of the Asian Monetary Union has brought many positive implications and expectations to the Asian region and the global economic system, the challenges and problems behind it cannot be ignored.

There are many difficulties and challenges to be overcome in the establishment of the Asian Monetary Union, the biggest of which comes from the coordination of monetary policies and the divergence of interests among member countries. How to balance the interests of countries while achieving common development is a problem that the Asian Monetary Union urgently needs to solve.

Is a currency war on the horizon? The Asian Monetary Union was established, and the hegemony of the US dollar is no longer dominant!

It is necessary to establish an effective decision-making mechanism and regulatory system to ensure the smooth implementation and operation of various policies. As the Asian Monetary Union (AAMU) has a large number of member countries and involves complex and diverse issues, it is necessary to establish an open, transparent, and democratic decision-making cooperation mechanism, fully respect the sovereignty and willingness of all countries to participate, and form a broad consensus and cooperation in order to seek the greatest common divisor among the interests of all countries and avoid one-sided decision-making and policy mistakes.

As a common currency, the Asian dollar needs to be recognized and trusted by all countries, and how to ensure its stability and liquidity will directly affect the use and acceptance of the Asian dollar in the international market, and the Asian Monetary Union needs to take a series of measures, such as strengthening monetary policy coordination, improving the transparency and supervision level of the financial market, and ensuring the stable issuance and use of the Asian dollar.

Is a currency war on the horizon? The Asian Monetary Union was established, and the hegemony of the US dollar is no longer dominant!

Asian currencies face a deep rethink

The establishment of the Asian Monetary Union has brought us many profound reflections and enlightenments. First of all, the establishment of the Asian Monetary Union (AAMU) has once again confirmed the importance of multilateralism and free trade, and countries should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, reduce trade and investment barriers, jointly address global challenges, and build an open world economy.

Financial integration and currency diversification are not simple technical issues, but need to be promoted under the comprehensive consideration of politics, economy and geostrategy, and require all countries to establish a correct view of security and development, form a concept of win-win cooperation, and build an open, inclusive and mutually beneficial international cooperation pattern.

Is a currency war on the horizon? The Asian Monetary Union was established, and the hegemony of the US dollar is no longer dominant!

As an important advocate and initiator of the Asian Monetary Union, China needs to play a greater role in promoting the construction of the Asian Monetary Union, strengthen communication and cooperation with member countries, promote the reform and opening up of the financial market in the Asian region, and make positive contributions to the stable issuance and internationalization of the Asian dollar.


The establishment of the Asian Monetary Union has undoubtedly brought a breath of fresh air to the multipolar pattern and the transformation of the global economic and financial system under the current international situation, and has also provided a new way of thinking and a new path for all countries to actively respond to challenges and promote development. In the face of the complex situation of the deep adjustment of the world economy and the impact of the epidemic, all countries should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, jointly promote the stable recovery and sustainable growth of the world economy, and build a bright future for a community with a shared future for mankind.

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