
Cheng Ji is faced with the order to kill Cao Chao, what should he do? Someone in history has really given the answer!

author:Calm thinkers

In ancient China, emperors did not always hold real power, and sometimes they were just puppets, manipulated by forces behind the scenes. Today we are going to talk about a struggle and the tragedy of Chengji, which has been almost forgotten in the dust of history. When Sima Zhao's orders are overwhelming, how will you choose? There are really people in history who have made different choices in this desperate situation. Follow my footsteps and find out!

Cheng Ji is faced with the order to kill Cao Chao, what should he do? Someone in history has really given the answer!

In 254 AD, Cao Wei's domestic situation changed, and Cao Chao, who was only 13 years old, was made emperor and replaced the deposed Cao Fang. This young emperor, although nominally the ruler of the world, was in fact firmly controlled by Sima Shi and later Sima Zhao, and became a pawn in the political struggle. Clever and courageous, Cao Chao is well aware of his situation on thin ice, but he is still unwilling to be a puppet.

Cheng Ji is faced with the order to kill Cao Chao, what should he do? Someone in history has really given the answer!

Cao Chao's life was full of humiliation and powerlessness, and every day he was cautious in the shadow of Sima Zhao, obedient on the surface, but full of flames of rebellion on the inside. Time passed like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, Cao Chao was already a 19-year-old young man, and Sima Zhao's ambition became more and more obvious, and his behavior was tantamount to a blatant usurpation of the throne.

In the summer of that year, Cao Chao finally made a big decision, he chose to fight, and decided to lead his cronies to launch a Jedi counterattack. Sadly, his ranks were few and far between, most of them were court servants and eunuchs, who, while loyal, lacked true combat effectiveness. Just as they were preparing to act, Sima Zhao's forbidden army was already gaining momentum.

Cheng Ji is faced with the order to kill Cao Chao, what should he do? Someone in history has really given the answer!

Cao Chao led this fearless team to rush out of the palace gate and face Sima Zhao's elite soldiers. In the face of the powerful forbidden army led by Jia Chong, Cao Chao raised his sword and shouted hoarsely: "I am the Son of Heaven!" The cry, while shocking, did not prevent the tragedy from happening. In the midst of the chaos, a prince named Cheng Ji, on the orders of Jia Chong, assassinated the young emperor.

Chengji's choice can be described as a dilemma. If he didn't obey, he would be killed immediately, and if he did, how could he escape the great crime of killing the emperor? He eventually chose to be submissive, but instead of bringing him security, he became a scapegoat in this political turmoil.

Cheng Ji is faced with the order to kill Cao Chao, what should he do? Someone in history has really given the answer!

Sima Zhao's handling of this matter was even more cunning, and he immediately gathered his ministers after Cao Chao's murder to openly discuss how to deal with Cao Chao's death, in fact, he was staging an elaborate drama to consolidate his power. In this political whirlpool, Cheng Ji was just a small role, but because of a momentary choice, he was swept into the turbulent waves of history, and finally couldn't extricate himself.

Cao Chao's tragedy is not an isolated case, and similar incidents have emerged in the long history of ancient China. Behind these events, it is not only a struggle for power, but also a choice and struggle of human nature. Every character at a turning point in history is faced with a variety of choices. Their decision not only changed their own destiny, but also affected the course of history.

Cheng Ji is faced with the order to kill Cao Chao, what should he do? Someone in history has really given the answer!

In Cao Chao's case, we see the helplessness and bravery of a young emperor who would rather choose to fight to the end than silently endure the fate of being manipulated. The fate of Chengji makes us think about whether people's choice should be obedience or rebellion when they are in a desperate situation. His inner struggle and final choice have become a part of history and the focus of future generations.

Cheng Ji is faced with the order to kill Cao Chao, what should he do? Someone in history has really given the answer!

History is a curtain woven from countless such little stories. Every decision, whether out of helplessness or bravery, is closely related and together pushes the wheels of history forward. Cao Chao's inspiration to us is not only as simple as political struggle, but also about a profound reflection on human nature and choice.

Cheng Ji is faced with the order to kill Cao Chao, what should he do? Someone in history has really given the answer!

By looking back at Cao Chao's struggle and Cheng Ji's choice, we are not just retelling an ancient one. These stories reflect the complexity of human nature and the cruelty of history. Everyone in their position has to face choices, and those choices can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. History is not just about the past, it also mirrors the reality of human society. By understanding and thinking about these historical events, we may be able to better understand today and foresee the future. History is always worthy of our in-depth study and reflection, because it is always influencing every present and future in different ways.

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