
Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?


Article 122 of the Civil Code: Why is it always "obscure"?

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

In the movie "The Trail of Law", I stumbled upon a legal clause that is rarely mentioned by everyone - Article 122 of the Civil Code. This legal provision is actually closely related to the lives of each of us, but why is it always so "obscure"? This piqued my curiosity and got me thinking about the reasons behind it.

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

Let's first talk about what Article 122 of the Civil Code is. In simple terms, it is primarily about protecting the "human dignity" of each of us. Sounds a bit abstract, right? But in simple terms, it's about protecting us from being insulted, discriminated against, or otherwise disrespected. However, although the law is clearly written, in real life, we will often see some people's personal dignity violated, such as being maliciously slandered and rumored on the Internet, or being discriminated against and insulted by others in real life. In fact, these acts violate the provisions of Article 122 of the Civil Code, but why do these violations of human dignity continue to be prohibited?

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

First of all, I think a big reason is that many people are not aware of the existence of Article 122 of the Civil Code. We all know that the law is very professional, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand it all. Even fewer people know about specific provisions such as article 122 of the Civil Code. Many people may only look up the relevant legal provisions when they encounter a legal dispute, but by then it is often too late. Therefore, it is very necessary to increase the popularization of the law so that more people know and understand Article 122 of the Civil Code.

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

Second, even if some people are aware of Article 122 of the Civil Code, it is difficult to defend their rights in practice. Because it is not easy to prove that someone has violated one's own human dignity. In many cases, we may not have enough evidence to prove that our rights have been violated, or even if we do, it may be difficult to defend our rights for various reasons. For example, some people may find it too cumbersome to fight a lawsuit, or worry that their actions will cause more trouble. All these reasons have led many people to choose to remain silent rather than stand up for their rights.

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

In addition, social perception is also a factor that cannot be ignored. In the eyes of some, human dignity may not be so important, or they may feel that they can sacrifice their human dignity for certain interests or purposes. To a certain extent, this perception has also influenced the importance attached to article 122 of the Civil Code.

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

But what hurts me the most is that in some cases, the law doesn't seem to be being respected as it deserves. When powers, interests, and the law come into conflict, the law is often put on the back burner. This phenomenon of "power over law" not only makes it difficult to effectively enforce legal provisions such as Article 122 of the Civil Code, but also seriously undermines the authority and credibility of the law. Imagine if even the law can't protect our rights and interests, then what can we rely on?

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

So how do we bring a legal provision like Article 122 of the Civil Code back to life? I believe that first of all, we need to strengthen legal education so that more people know and respect the law. Only when each of us is aware of the importance of the law can we truly realize a society governed by the rule of law. Second, we need to enhance the professionalism and judgement of judicial officers to ensure that they are able to accurately understand and apply the applicable legal provisions. At the same time, we also need to strengthen supervision and restraint over power to prevent the abuse of power and the phenomenon of "power being greater than law."

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

Of course, it takes time and effort to do this. However, as long as each of us starts from ourselves, respects and upholds the law, I believe that legal provisions such as Article 122 of the Civil Code will be able to revitalize and bring more fairness and justice to our lives.

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

In conclusion, I would like to say that each of us has the right to assert our own human dignity. When we are violated, do not choose silence or forbearance, but bravely stand up for our rights. At the same time, we must also respect the rights and dignity of others, and work together to create a harmonious and respectful social environment.

Do you know the real reason why Article 20 has been "sleeping"?

I hope that everyone can understand and respect legal provisions such as Article 122 of the Civil Code to make our society better and fairer. So, what do you think about how to wake up this "obscure" legal provision? Feel free to leave a comment to share your views! Let us contribute to the rule of law society together!

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