
Academician Wang Jiangzhou: I am a little disappointed with 5G, which may be a revolution rather than an improvement


In the wave of rapid development of global communication technology, the launch of 5G technology is undoubtedly the most remarkable milestone in recent years. However, at a recent science and technology forum, Wang Jiangzhou, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and an academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering, expressed a trace of disappointment with the current situation of 5G. He bluntly said that although the promotion and application speed of 5G is amazing, there is still a certain gap compared with the initial expectations.

Academician Wang Jiangzhou pointed out that since China officially issued 5G licenses in 2019, the number of 5G package users of the three major operators has exceeded 1.594 billion in just a few years, which is enough to prove the widespread popularity of 5G technology. However, from the perspective of practical applications, 5G technology has not yet shown its expected huge potential in vertical industries.

Academician Wang Jiangzhou: I am a little disappointed with 5G, which may be a revolution rather than an improvement

He explained that the application of 5G in the general consumer market has been relatively mature, whether it is high-definition video streaming, online gaming or mobile payment, etc., it has become a part of people's daily life. However, in vertical industries, such as industrial automation, telemedicine, and other fields, the application of 5G technology is relatively lagging behind. This is mainly due to the fact that some metrics of 5G technology, such as latency issues, have not yet met the requirements of vertical industry applications.

In this regard, Academician Wang Jiangzhou said that as the research and development of 6G technology enters a critical stage, we are expected to see a new revolution in communication technology. He emphasized that 6G is not only a simple upgrade of 5G technology, but also a disruptive innovation. It will integrate various information technologies such as communication, perception, computing, and AI to realize the deep integration of the physical world and the digital world, and build a new world of intelligent connection.

Academician Wang Jiangzhou: I am a little disappointed with 5G, which may be a revolution rather than an improvement

In the view of Academician Wang Jiangzhou, the application prospect of 6G technology is very broad. First of all, holographic communication will become possible, making it possible for multiple people to interact remotely and in real time, greatly changing the way people communicate and collaborate. Second, digital twin technology will be further developed, and digital twins that simulate human behavior and thinking will become a reality, bringing revolutionary changes to healthcare, education and other fields. In addition, 6G will also enable the convergence of communication and sensing, sensing changes in the environment through ubiquitous sensors, and providing people with smarter and more convenient services.

In terms of smart transportation, 6G is expected to build a safe and efficient transportation network and realize multi-modal intelligent travel such as going to the sky and the ground. This will greatly improve people's travel experience and reduce the possibility of traffic congestion and accidents.

Academician Wang Jiangzhou emphasized that in order to realize these visions of 6G technology, we need to carry out integrated design rather than separate design. Information technologies such as communication, perception, computing, and AI should be integrated and promoted to jointly promote the development and application of 6G technology.

Academician Wang Jiangzhou: I am a little disappointed with 5G, which may be a revolution rather than an improvement

In conclusion, despite the great success of 5G technology in the consumer market, there are still some limitations to its application in vertical industries. With the advent of 6G technology, we have reason to believe that the future communication technology will bring more revolutionary changes and inject new vitality into the development of human society.