
As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.

author:Boiled fish head

Newcomers in the workplace: the transformation from being bullied to self-growth

In a competitive workplace, newcomers often face many challenges. Among them, the way you get along with your colleagues is particularly crucial. However, some newcomers may experience unpleasant experiences, such as being bullied by certain co-workers. Today, let's explore a case where a newcomer to the workplace finally chose to quit because he was bullied by a middle-aged woman. Through an in-depth analysis of workplace rules and routines, we will help readers understand how to deal with similar workplace dilemmas.

1. Background and description of the incident

As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.

Xiao Zhang is a newcomer who has just joined the company and holds a position as an administrative assistant in a well-known company. However, since he joined the company, he has been bullied by a middle-aged woman, Sister Li. Sister Li is a veteran employee in the company, and she relies on her connections and resources in the company to often suppress and exclude Xiao Zhang.

Xiao Zhang works very hard at work, but Sister Li always finds fault and criticizes him. She will find all kinds of faults when Xiao Zhang completes his work, and even deliberately ruin his work. In addition, Sister Li will also slander Xiao Zhang in front of her colleagues, causing him to damage his reputation in the company. Zhang felt helpless and frustrated, and he didn't know how to deal with this kind of workplace bullying.

2. Analysis of workplace rules and routines

As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.

Power play in the workplace

Power play in the workplace is one of the main causes of bullying. In some companies, there is often a power struggle between old and new employees. Old employees may use their resources and connections to suppress and exclude new employees in order to maintain their status and interests. In this case, the newcomer can easily become a victim.

"Circle Culture" in the Workplace

As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.

The "circle culture" in the workplace is also one of the causes of bullying. In some companies, different circles are formed between employees, and there is often a certain amount of competition and exclusion between these circles. If the newcomer does not join a certain circle, or has a bad relationship with the people of a certain circle, then he is likely to become the target of bullying by the members of that circle.

The "Bully Mentality" in the Workplace

Bullies in the workplace tend to share some common psychological traits. They may have a high self-esteem, high self-esteem, or be insecure and need to bully others to seek self-affirmation. In addition, some bullies may also have personality traits such as aggressiveness and a desire to control. These psychological traits make them more susceptible to bullying towards others.

As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.

3. Strategies for dealing with workplace bullying

Stay calm and sane

When facing workplace bullying, the first thing to do is to stay calm and sensible. Don't be irritated or emotionally affected by the bully's words and actions. Learn to control your emotions and deal with workplace challenges with a calm mind.

As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.

Ask for help and support

Don't be alone when you're bullied in the workplace. You can ask your superiors, HR department, or colleagues for help and support. They may be able to provide some effective advice or solutions to help you cope with your workplace dilemma.

Build your own professional network

As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.

It's important to build your network in the workplace. By actively communicating, collaborating and sharing experiences with colleagues, you can gradually build your own network in the workplace. These networks can provide you with support and help when you encounter bullying.

Improve your abilities and skills

Improving one's abilities and skills is the fundamental way to deal with workplace bullying. Through continuous learning and practice, improve their professional quality and comprehensive ability, and make themselves more competitive in the workplace. In this way, even if you are bullied, you can have enough confidence and ability to deal with it.

As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.

Be brave enough to defend your rights and protect your rights

If the bullying behavior seriously affects your work and quality of life, or even involves personal safety and other issues, you should be brave enough to stand up and defend your rights and interests. You can report the situation to the company's senior management or relevant departments and seek a fair result.

IV. Conclusion

As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.

Workplace bullying is a problem that cannot be ignored. For newcomers, it is very important to understand the rules and routines of the workplace and master the strategies for dealing with bullying. When facing workplace bullying, stay calm and reasonable, seek help and support, build your own workplace network, improve your abilities and skills, and be brave enough to defend your rights and protect your rights. Only in this way can we gain a foothold and succeed in the workplace.


As soon as I joined the company, I was bullied by a middle-aged woman and finally forced me to resign.