
The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

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Text: 悗�aya| Editor: Rin

"Irotoridori No Sekai - The Colorful World" is a magical, otherworld-themed campus love visual novel produced by FAVORITE and distributed by NekoNyanSoft. The protagonist of the story is a magician named "Yuma Kanogami", who has the ability to "heal the other person at the cost of his own memories of existence, no matter what kind of damage he is doing". The story is set in the remote port town of Fuzetsu no Hama, where there is an incredible student dormitory "Arashiyamaso" - the basement of the dormitory has a strange connection to the colorful otherworld......

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

The total play time of this game is about 40 hours, and the plot is divided into two parts: "common line" and "character personal line", and the game will enter the corresponding character route according to the choices made by the protagonist. At the same time, only after mastering the four basic characters ("Kanba Kana", "Kisaragi Mio", "Shikishima Kagami", and "Tohoji") can you enter the route of the true heroine "Nikaido True Red". It is worth noting that the current version on Steam is an all-age English HD remaster, which not only pulls the resolution of the picture to 4K, but also carries out "infantry without correction" for some (astringent) content.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

That being said,Since this is an all-age English version,So players still need to find additional content on their own.,It's recommended to play the folk Chinese version before waiting for the official to arrive.。

Disclaimer: This review contains spoilers and over-interpretations, and the content represents personal views only, so watch with caution.

Episode 10/10 We hold hands and look up at the sky and make a vow to fall in love

As an old "Ultimate" title released on July 29, 2011, as someone who has played other FAVORITE titles (referring to "Happy Live, Show Up!"), of course, I want to take a hard look at it. The author has a deep impression of the name of the real heroine "Nikaido True Red" - the GAL bar of the year belongs to the wife of the whole people. This work ("Colorful World") is also the first part of the trilogy, although there is no Chinese but enough (wait, the official said that Chinese may be added in the future), I hope that the remaining two works ("Colorful Dawn" and "Reflecting the World of Red Pupils") NekoNyanSoft can be successfully represented on Steam.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

Continuing from the above, the beginning of the story is the male protagonist "Yuma Shikano" and the translucent double-ponytailed girl "Nikaido True Red", pouring out their repeated dreams. And with the arrival of the childhood sweetheart "Mio Ruzuki", the mysterious girl who fell from the sky appeared on the stage of "Kanami Kana", and this stage play of magic x campus x love has officially kicked off.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

There are 12 chapters in the common route, and the overall tone tends to be everyday, all of which introduce the vast world view of the whole story, the life of Yuma and everyone on campus and dormitory, and the work in the "other" world. And the male protagonist "Yuma Shikano", although he is a magician, but because of his ability, he is very forgetful - so much so that every night, he needs to write a diary together at the request of True Red.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

On the side of the student dormitory, under the command of "Kirishima Tokiyu", who is a part-time "seeker" as a dormitory administrator, Yuma and his master "Natsume Suzu" work together as a "liberator" - to save people who are targeted by antique bookstores at the end of the world. In the following story, he met the working girl "Dongfeng Division", who is also his schoolgirl who is running around to pay for tuition and living expenses; A radio wave girl who likes to play games, "Shikishima Kagami" who calls herself an older brother, and "Ayumi Ichinose", a transfer student who looks like a girl. For their own reasons, they live in the student dormitory where Yuma is located.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

Yuma and the Administrator frequented the "Merchant Town" in another world, and after experiencing a search event, they became good friends with the fox demon mother and daughter "Shiro" and "Ren". At this point, all the main characters have appeared, and although the story of the early and middle stages is an ordinary daily life, mixed with a small number of dream words of unknown meaning, even the real heroine "Nikaido True Red" is still a transparent person; But as the plot deepens, more and more information about the other world is explained, and the character setting becomes more perfect - it can be said that when it comes to the personal line, the story can be regarded as the beginning.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

At the end of the common line, the otherworldly "Suga" arrives at the "merchant town" and enters the house of "Ren", but unexpectedly, he feels the breath of the human "Kana" and runs wild. In order to save "Kana",The male protagonist made great use of his own (actually really red) ability.,Learn about the past of "Zhen" and fulfill its wish for it.。 But at this time, the real red seems to evaporate in front of the male protagonist, and even the male protagonist almost doesn't remember. Under the guidance of the master, he used magic on Zhenhong, peeked into her fragmentary memories, and in the end, it was naturally a happy ending.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

Then we come to the second part of the story - the personal line. I have to say that the text written by "Uruhara Snowman" is so lengthy that I have repeatedly used fast forward in some of my personal lines - "It's not that I don't want to read it, but I'm in a hurry." The biggest feeling for me is that he likes to repeat certain clips and scenes, and a lot of nonsense that is not necessary to explain is constantly reproduced - grinding. But fortunately, a bird's-eye view of the entire story line of the whole text seems to have been planned in the screenwriter's mind, each event is explained very smoothly, and the character creation and story are really hearty.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

And my favorite is the route of "Kanha Kana", who has a mysterious background and jumped from the tower at the opening, and was successfully treated by the male protagonist Yuma. The whole story of this route is a perfect closed loop, and not only that, but the content of the story is also strongly related to the worldview. From beginning to end, Kana's story is related to her mother - as a child, in order to find a cure for her mother's illness, she met Yuma at the lighthouse and made a mutual agreement, but she accidentally fell into another world (very magical), and at the same time, her memory was constantly eroded by "butterflies", and she had to remember more other things in order to remember Yuma.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

Later, she caught a cat and cured her, and it just so happened that the cat was now "Ayumi Ichinose". Later, Kanain was chased and fled back to the shore of Fengjin, and then there was the opening scene. On the side of the common line, I was moved by seeing the fox demon mother and daughter, and I remembered my mother, and Yuma's favorability at this time was max, so I made a new agreement. But Kana kept avoiding herself, and with the help of "Ayumi Ichinose", the two finally faced the reality and finally completed the ritual of expelling butterflies, which is gratifying.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

The second is the line of "Mio Ruyue",The content of the previous daily tutoring/dating/playing games,I can still understand the classic routine of childhood sweethearts.。 But when I learned about Mio's past later, Suzu tied up the murderer "Toru Kamisaki" who killed her father and her mother, and I was stunned when I saw it-"Huh? How can you be so strong", "Why did you all fall to the ground?" ”。 All in all, it's a good ending. I guess the snowman is a special obsession with childhood sweethearts.,The number of events in the astringent part of Mio is actually the most.,I also like to see pinching (mistakenly).。

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

As for the remaining two lines, they are actually water injections - the two "sisters" who are unanimously recognized as charging the phone bill. Saving: sticking to my brother, liking my brother, and falling in love with my brother. It's completely incomparable to the other three characters.,It can be seen that their status in the eyes of the snowman is not very high.。 There's nothing to write about, so that's all there is to it. To tell the truth, if you only look at the common line and the true red line in this work, then this work is definitely a masterpiece with full marks. And Zhenhong was jokingly called the charm of the wife of the whole bar by the GAL bar brother, and only the player himself can experience it himself, "Guess why there are big guys in the evaluation area".

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

It's a pity.,It's the so-called chef who swords.,This work needs to clear the personal endings of the four basic characters to enter the true red line.,And in the other endings:Poor real red is completely forgotten by Yuma because of the excessive use of healing magic by the male protagonist Yuma.,Finally disappeared in this world.,True Red Chef is very uncomfortable - "It doesn't matter.,True Red will shoot". At the same time, the plot of True Red naturally runs through all the content of the trilogy, and by the way, it also subverts the entire existing worldview setting.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

At the beginning of the true red line, Yuma, who has experienced four weeks, realizes everyone's wishes, making everyone return to their respective places. And Zhenhong's wish is to let the wishes of all the children in this dormitory be fulfilled, so it also "disappeared". Suzu then tells Yuma a story-like story about the real world from the perspective of the real red. In the original world, True Red conducts research on "The Wind at the End of the World" with her parents, and is also the teacher of the young people (referring to the four members of the harem group), and feathers will fall from the sky to make everyone disappear one by one (?). )。 And everyone in this world is just a counterfeit of an antique bookstore, and all good memories are fake.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

Suzu, the witch of the original world, decides to fulfill Yuma's wish to "want to fall in love": learn to fall in love with Mako in this world, and let Mako be redeemed by liking others freely. Yuma, who learns all the truth and recovers his memory, has a one-day date with Mako, who is hiding in the corner and eavesdropping, and the two are reluctant to part in this world. At the end of the story, with the help of the new administrator (the new god) "Nikaido Blue", Red is sent back to the rewritten Kazetsu Hama and meets Yuma again after returning to the familiar student dormitory......

"If you can hold the hand of the son, grow old with the son. Maybe you will find that the state of mind of love is so tranquil and simple."

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

It's so good, tearful eyes, and it's another masterpiece worthy of full marks. Although the plot arrangement is protracted, and the content of the personal line is very lengthy, this can be regarded as a unique charm of the verbose style of the screenwriter Urushihara. The character creation is extremely profound, especially the real heroine is really red, cute, moving, and great. The whole storyline overturns the original worldview and reconstructs a world for her, which is already profound, at least in terms of depth. The structure of the story is clearly visible, and it also lays a lot of foreshadowing for the next two sequels. I don't know what words to use to describe the whole story, a clear stream in the GAL world belongs to yes, a story that is worth tasting.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

The other 10/10 highlights the fairytale style, depicting this colorful world

Look at the painting style of the club,It's ashamed to say.,The author is in the middle of playing.,I suddenly felt that the painting style of this work is very familiar--a check is really the work of the FAVORITE club.。 Each character has their own unique color (hair), and not only that, but the colors reflected in the standing paintings are all fairy-tale style with bright tones. The amount of CG is full, and there are even illustrations in the form of small comics, so you never have to worry about being just a villain when you are sensational. There are more differences in the expressions of the characters, but there are fewer differences in movements, but there are actually swimsuits to change clothes.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

The dubbing is outstanding.,It's completely at the top level of the Japanese system.,The mood and tone that should be in place are in place.。 The background music in the scene is even more beautiful, without using too many instruments, but it can bring a very fresh and campus feeling. Tears,Give me the theme song of true red - "紅い瞳に影るセカイ"。

"A smile is magic, and words are powerful." The astringent part,In fact, the author personally feels that every time the astringent part of the god is particularly ruined the atmosphere.,Since you want to do an evaluation, it's better to write it.。

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

There are a total of ten astringent fragments in this work - because Zhenhong hates H (character setting), so she only has one H fragment in this work; And Mio Ome should have some special obsession (said to be self-deprecating) in the snowman's pen, so she has three H fragments; The remaining three characters are all two H-fragments. It is mainly based on the regular lovers/couple positions, and there are no additional elements other than the basic setting. The art style is excellent, it is still a bright fairy tale style, and the astringent dubbing quality is high, as you can refer to the above.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

The Steam version is adapted to the infantry, and the reverse optimization is good for civilization, but you still need to go to the official website to download additional content. Because of the high quality of the graphics, combined with the total total factors mentioned above, the overall usefulness of this game is excellent.


Although the plot is a little flawed, but the real red line is too touching, and the character creation is quite perfect, and it is still a happy ending, so I also gave a full score on the plot side. And the art of this work is also a point worthy of strong praise.,The fairy tale style of a dream complements the story.,It's very comfortable to play with the addition of 4K resolution.,The most important thing is that it's infantry.,Unique background bokeh processing,It's a picture to a level.。

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam

All in all, the other two installments in the trilogy are also coming to Steam (looking forward to it). The original price of this work is slightly lower than the cost performance, it is recommended that players who make up tickets start during the large-scale promotion period, and it is recommended that ordinary players wait until they are out of the official before deciding whether to start. It is suitable for players who like magic, otherworldly love visual novels and ticket supplements.

The wives of the whole people of the GAL bar back then can be tasted fiercely on Steam