
The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

author:Handsome Story Collection

17 years ago, a shocking unjust case occurred in Nanjing, which made Peng Yu the focus of misfortune.

Peng Yu, in good spirits, saw an old lady who had fallen, and did not hesitate to lend a hand and help her to the hospital.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

However, the act of kindness turned into a bizarre lawsuit.

Mrs. Xu, in just one month after being aided by Peng Yu, actually sued him in court, claiming that Peng Yu's assistance caused her injury and demanded huge compensation.

This bizarre plot is ridiculous.

Peng Yu's kindness was distorted into harm, and the old man he was supposed to help became his opponent.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

This story makes one wonder: in today's society, is there always a reward for good deeds?

The judge's controversial remarks caused an uproar

Judge Wang Hao of the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court has become the focus of attention in this turmoil.

His sentence "You didn't hit it, why do you want to help" is like adding fuel to the fire and arousing the anger of public opinion.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

This kind of speech is not only controversial in law, but also hurts the conscience and moral bottom line of society.

The fire of public opinion quickly ignited all over the Internet, and netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction with Wang Hao, accusing him of not only dereliction of duty in law, but also a major mistake at the moral level.

Some people even began to personally attack him and his family, trying to find out the so-called "black material" from his personal life, which undoubtedly caused great distress and uneasiness to Wang Hao and his family.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

In the end, in order to calm the anger of public opinion, the court had to take the decision to transfer Wang Hao.

This is undoubtedly a punishment for Wang Hao, but it may be even more of a misfortune for his family.

They were innocently caught up in the storm, under the pressure of public opinion and worries about their families.

Wang Hao may have paid the price for his gaffe, but this price is by no means limited to him alone, but affects his entire family.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

Reversal: The Human Analysis Behind the Lawsuit

17 years have passed, and this incident has left a deep imprint, especially for Peng Yu, one of the protagonists.

He is no longer the young man he used to be, living in the turmoil of the past, he has learned how to find peace and strength in ordinary life.

Wang Hao, the once controversial judge, has also moved away from the public eye and is working comfortably in a local judiciary.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

He may regret his words, but life goes on and people's attention fades.

However, Mrs. Xu has left this world, leaving behind endless regrets and thoughts.

Her choice may be out of consideration for her own interests, but it also makes people think about the distortion and changes of human nature in the face of interests.

In this lawsuit, Peng Yu's kindness was tested and tested, while Mrs. Xu chose to bite back under the temptation of interests, which reflects the complexity and diversity of human nature.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

This incident is not only a lawsuit, but also a profound observation and reflection on human nature.

Between goodness and good, people are often faced with difficult choices.

Peng Yu's experience makes people sigh at the power of kindness, but it also reminds people of the fragility and distortion of human nature.

Wang Hao's words, although ignited a social frenzy, also made people reflect on the power and responsibility of words and deeds.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

Good people are misunderstood, where does society go?

This case is indeed a realistic portrayal of the challenges and trials that kindness faces in real life.

Peng Yu's good deeds should have been praised and encouraged, but they were distorted into the protagonist of a lawsuit, which makes people sigh that kindness is sometimes too difficult!

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

At the same time, Mrs. Xu's behavior is also thought-provoking, she chose to bite back in the face of interests, revealing the complexity and changes of human nature.

Wang Hao's words ignited the anger of the entire social public opinion and triggered extensive discussions and controversies.

This society is indeed diverse and colorful, and everyone has different values and codes of conduct.

This case not only reflects the diversity of society, but also makes people think deeply about goodness, morality, and the law.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

In this complex society, although kindness is difficult to maintain, it is the goal that we aspire to and pursue together.

Harmony is precious, and disputes are viewed rationally

This case is indeed a wake-up call for us to look at the world rationally.

In social life, we often encounter all kinds of people and events, but we can't easily criticize or blame others, because everyone has different stories and considerations behind them.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

We should be more tolerant of other people's differences, understand everyone's situation and choices, rather than simply imposing our own values on others.

In this case, although Peng Yu's good deeds were treated unfairly, and Mrs. Xu's choice was incomprehensible, we cannot completely shift the responsibility to the parties.

After all, everyone makes choices under specific circumstances and conditions, and we should respect everyone's choices, while also understanding the rules and limitations of society and the law.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

Only by looking at the world with a rational attitude and a tolerant attitude can we establish social relations of mutual respect and understanding and move towards a truly harmonious society.

In the face of different opinions and perspectives, we should keep an open mind and solve problems through dialogue and communication, rather than resolving differences through accusations and attacks.

In this way, we can make society better and enable everyone to find their own belonging and dignity in this world.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

Conclusion: From goodness to controversy, what kind of society do we need?

This case has taught us a profound lesson. It teaches us that helping others is not always treated fairly.

When kindness meets cold eyes, how should we look at the temperature of society? Perhaps, only on the basis of mutual understanding and tolerance can we build a more civilized and harmonious society.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

Good deeds need to be valued, while disputes need to be treated rationally.

In this world, we need more understanding and tolerance, rather than rash accusations and attacks.

Only in this way can our society embrace true harmony and progress.

The judge who shouted "You didn't hit it, why did you help"! How are you doing after 17 years?

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