
What is your body going through when you are under general anesthesia? Can memory be damaged?

author:Dr. Wang talks about health

When we talk about general anesthesia, many people think of the desertion of the operating room and the concentration of the doctors. But general anesthesia isn't just about doctors and surgeries, and there's a lot of stories behind it that we don't know.

The story begins with a middle-aged man named Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee had a serious heart condition and needed coronary artery bypass surgery. On the day of the operation, Mr. Li came to the hospital early, but with uneasiness. With the injection of anesthetic drugs, his eyes gradually became blurred, and the sounds around him became blurred. Gradually, Mr. Li fell asleep and no longer perceived the world around him. This story tells us that general anesthesia is not only a part of the surgical process, but also a patient's trust in the doctor. Next, this article will discuss the basic concepts and application scope of general anesthesia.

What is your body going through when you are under general anesthesia? Can memory be damaged?

The basic concept and scope of application of general anesthesia

General anesthesia is a medical procedure that uses medication to make a patient unconscious and sensational during surgery or other medical procedures. Under general anesthesia, the patient will be in a complete coma and unable to perceive pain and remember the surgical process. This state is achieved by giving drugs directly to the nervous system of the brain.

General anesthesia is used in a wide range of surgical and medical procedures, including but not limited to cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, abdominal surgery, and pediatric surgery. During these procedures, general anesthesia can ensure that the patient is in a painless, unconscious state during the procedure, thereby improving the success rate of the procedure and the comfort of the patient.

In addition to surgery, general anesthesia is also widely used in other medical procedures such as gastroscopy, genital examination, etc. During these procedures, general anesthesia can help patients relax their bodies, reduce pain and discomfort, and improve the smooth operation of the procedure.

Overall, general anesthesia is a safe and effective medical procedure that can help patients achieve the best results during surgery and other medical procedures.

What is your body going through when you are under general anesthesia? Can memory be damaged?

Physical reactions during general anaesthesia

Loss of consciousness and sensation

During general anesthesia, the main role of anesthetic drugs is to temporarily block nerve transmission, thereby causing the patient to lose consciousness and sensation. This means that the patient will not experience pain or discomfort during the procedure and will not remember the details of the procedure. This loss of consciousness and sensation is essential for the smooth operation of the procedure, while also allowing the patient to experience no discomfort during the procedure.

Changes in physiological indicators

General anesthetic drugs not only affect consciousness and sensation, but also have an impact on the physiological indicators of the body. Under general anesthesia, physiological parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration will change. These changes are a normal physiological response and are indicators that the anesthesiologist needs to closely monitor and regulate during the procedure. By monitoring these physiological parameters, doctors can ensure that the patient maintains a stable physiological state during the procedure, reducing the risks of surgery.

What is your body going through when you are under general anesthesia? Can memory be damaged?

Effect of general anesthesia on memory

The effects of anesthetic drugs

General anesthetic drugs temporarily block new memory formation primarily by affecting nerve transmission in the brain. This means that during general anesthesia, the patient will not remember what happened during the procedure. However, it is important to be clear that general anesthesia does not have an effect on the long-term memories that have already been formed. After the anesthesia is over, the patient will gradually regain the memory of before and after the surgery.

Long-term effects of research

Although the effects of general anesthesia on short-term memory have been extensively studied and confirmed, there are still some controversies and uncertainties about its long-term effects on memory. Some studies have shown that prolonged use of general anesthesia may have some effect on the cognitive function of patients, especially in the elderly population. However, research in this area is still ongoing, and no definitive conclusions have yet been drawn.

Ways to prevent and manage memory effects

To reduce the effects of general anesthesia on memory, doctors can take a number of preventive and management measures. The first is to reduce anxiety and misunderstandings by informing patients upfront that they are aware of the temporary effects that general anesthesia may have on memory. The second is to choose the right anesthetic drug, the most appropriate one according to the patient's situation, to reduce the risk of memory effects. In addition, postoperative cognitive rehabilitation can also help patients regain memory function, especially for those who may be affected.