
Ferg elbows Yu Dehao! The referee is out of sight right in front of his eyes! Yang Ming also mocked: signaling that he was faking a fall

author:Brother Zhao said entertainment

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There is never a lack of passion and enthusiasm on the CBA field, however, when controversy arises, it is like throwing a boulder on the surface of a calm lake, which instantly stirs up a thousand waves.

In the match between Liaoning and Xinjiang on May 18, a staggering scene emerged not long after the opening. When Liaoning team's Fogg broke through, his elbow was raised high and hit Yu Dehao's face firmly, which stunned all the audience. However, what is even more unexpected is that the referee did not say anything about this and did not award a foul! This penalty was like a fuse that lit a dynamite barrel, and the Xinjiang team stopped doing it in an instant, and they strongly protested against the referee's decision, they felt that this was obviously the home whistle and favored the Liaoning team! As for Yang Ming, the coach of the Liaoning team, he actually coaxed on the sidelines, shouting loudly that Yu Dehao was a fake fall, which undoubtedly added fuel to the fire and made this controversy even more out of control.

Ferg elbows Yu Dehao! The referee is out of sight right in front of his eyes! Yang Ming also mocked: signaling that he was faking a fall

Let's turn the time back to the first half, when the foreign aid of the Xinjiang team, Wiggington, was interfered by the players of the Liaoning team when he counterattacked and made two layups, but the referee, as if he didn't see it, did not blow the foul at all. This made the players and fans of the Xinjiang team full of doubts and dissatisfaction. We can't help but wonder how much of an impact the referee's inaction had on the direction of the game. Was it because of these omissions that the outcome of the game was changed?

The aftermath of Fogg's elbow is no less significant. This not only made the players of the Xinjiang team breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts, but also damaged the image of the Liaoning team to a certain extent. What's more, the referee didn't give a penalty, what impact did this have on the psychology of the players? Will they lose confidence in the referee's decision in future matches? And from the perspective of the whole game, there is a clear inconsistency in the referee's decision. For the same action, the players of the Liaoning team may be fine if they do it, while the players of the Xinjiang team may be blown for fouls if they do it. This inconsistency seriously affects the fairness of the game. We have to ask, can the referee give the penalty as he pleases? Is the fairness of the competition so easily trampled on?

Ferg elbows Yu Dehao! The referee is out of sight right in front of his eyes! Yang Ming also mocked: signaling that he was faking a fall

In the CBA, we are eager to see a good game, and we are even more eager to see a fair judgment. As the enforcer of the game, the referee's duty is not only to maintain the order of the game, but more importantly, to ensure the fairness and fairness of the game. Every penalty may affect the outcome of the game and the hard work and dedication of the players. We call on the referees to be able to maintain a consistent penalty scale in the game, not to take sides, and to make the game truly fair environment.

There are also people who have different views on this controversy. Some people believe that mistakes are inevitable in the decision of the penalty in the game, and all the efforts of the referee cannot be negated because of a single decision. Moreover, the game of basketball itself is full of uncertainty and confrontation, and the referees cannot be expected to be perfect. It was also said that the Liaoning team and the Xinjiang team were both strong teams, and the result of the game could not be entirely attributed to the referee's decision. But do these arguments really hold water? Can the referee's mistake be easily forgiven? Can the fairness of the game be ignored at will? This is undoubtedly a topic worthy of in-depth discussion and debate.

Ferg elbows Yu Dehao! The referee is out of sight right in front of his eyes! Yang Ming also mocked: signaling that he was faking a fall

The future of CBA needs to be cared for and built together. The referee's fair decision is a crucial part of this. Only when the referees can be truly impartial and selfless can we see a more exciting and fair game. Let's look forward to that day together! But until then, the controversy will continue to ferment, and we don't know where it will end up, but we do know that this is a serious test for the CBA League.

Let's take a look at the comments of netizens: Xinjiang players are easy to get injured if they don't see through, such as Huang Qirong, Yu Dehao, and Li Yanzhe. Abudu saw through and woke up with Qilun, I hope the players will avoid injury, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, I'm just a watchman, watching you fight hard in front of the TV, you play wonderfully, let me enjoy my vision.

From this netizen's comment, we can feel his deep concern for the players of the Xinjiang team. He mentioned players such as Huang Qirong, Yu Dehao and Li Yanzhe and expressed concern that they would be vulnerable to injury due to being too involved in the game, and this concern shows his love for the players. At the same time, he also saw that Abudu seemed to have a comprehension, and there were some changes with Qilun, which made him feel gratified.

Ferg elbows Yu Dehao! The referee is out of sight right in front of his eyes! Yang Ming also mocked: signaling that he was faking a fall

Regarding winning and losing, the judge has an open-minded attitude, believing that winning or losing is not the most important thing, but the fighting spirit of the players on the field and the wonderful game presented. As a silent supporter in front of the TV, he enjoyed the visual feast brought by the hard work of the players. He hopes that the players can always pay attention to protecting themselves on the road to victory, after all, health is the basis for continuing to gallop on the field.

This attitude of pure appreciation of the game and care for the players deserves our praise. He is not obsessed with winning or losing, but pays more attention to the players themselves and the process of the game, which shows us that in addition to competition, there is also a care for people in sportsmanship. In the heat of competitive sport, these voices remind us not to forget the athletes who work hard behind the competition, and their health and safety are of paramount importance. I hope that all the players can take care of themselves while working hard and bring more wonderful performances to the audience.

Ferg elbows Yu Dehao! The referee is out of sight right in front of his eyes! Yang Ming also mocked: signaling that he was faking a fall

Personally, I think: forget the Xinjiang team, protect yourself is the best victory, or hate some defense more than him, let him know that the championship needs to pay more

This view reflects a mixed sentiment about the Xinjiang team. I think that the Xinjiang team should probably let go of some obsessions, after all, in competitive sports, it is indeed very important to protect yourself. Emphasizing this is a great respect for the health of the players, because only by maintaining good physical condition can they continue to compete in future competitions.

Offering to respond with a tougher defense than the opponent shows a reluctant and tough attitude. thinks that only through more intense confrontation can the opponent know that the championship is not easy to win and requires more effort. There's some truth to that, and sometimes you need to show that tenacity and determination on the field, and you can't back down easily.

Ferg elbows Yu Dehao! The referee is out of sight right in front of his eyes! Yang Ming also mocked: signaling that he was faking a fall

But in any case, a balance needs to be found between protecting the players and pursuing victory. You can't ignore the safety of your players for the sake of a momentary victory, and you can't lose the courage to compete for fear of injury. The Xinjiang team needs to make adjustments in tactical arrangements and players' mentality to deal with the game in a more intelligent way. It is necessary to show their quality and ensure the health of the players to move forward steadily on the road to the pursuit of the championship.

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