
I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Happy Superman who is happy every day
I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens


Editor/Happy Superman who is happy every day


"Only by learning endlessly can we continue to surpass ourselves." Guo Youcai of Heze, Shandong Province, ushered in the highlight moment of his life with a song "Promise", and also pushed the city of Heze to the highest point of traffic.


Video source: @RedStar News

Guo Youcai quickly became popular with a song "Promise", making him the focus of the Internet.

I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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After becoming popular, Guo Youcai did not immerse himself in fame, but continued to learn and improve himself, and turned the live broadcast room into a window to promote his hometown Heze.

I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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From May 17th to 19th, in order to recommend his hometown of Heze and in order to be located in the spring college entrance examination in Shandong, Guo Youcai changed his live broadcast location to the National Flower Expo Park. On the first day of the live broadcast, the popularity was overwhelming, and the background slogan "Welcome to the beautiful Heze of China's peony capital" was even more eye-catching.

I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

I think it's time for the country to clean up the live broadcast

I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Live for all! All quit their jobs! Dry live! Get rich overnight!

I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Overnight, Heze's neighbor Jining, county and city bus stations, and railway stations were all imitating Guo Youcai

I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

What would happen to this country if everyone was like him

I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

That's right, only when you're strong is the last word

I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The editor has something to say

Guo Youcai's success story is undoubtedly an inspirational legend. He quickly became popular with a song "Promise", but what is really admirable is not his success itself, but the spirit of learning and hometown feelings he showed after his success. This not only provides us with an excellent role model, but also stimulates us to think deeply about learning and self-improvement.

In today's era of rapid development, the speed of knowledge update is getting faster and faster, and only continuous learning can keep up with the pace of the times. Guo Youcai did not stop moving forward because of his popularity, but kept his live broadcast room highly attractive and fresh by learning new live broadcast skills and content presentation methods. He is constantly experimenting and innovating, combining traditional singing performances with modern live streaming technology to create a unique personal style. This spirit of continuous learning and improvement is the key factor for him to continue to become popular.

Through learning, Guo Youcai constantly explores new content and forms, and moves the beauty and culture of his hometown Heze to the live broadcast room. This innovation not only enriches the content of the live broadcast, but also gives the live broadcast a deeper cultural significance. Through such innovation, Guo Youcai not only brought audio-visual enjoyment to the audience, but also spread the culture and beauty of his hometown, and won the love and attention of more people. This spirit of innovation is also one of the important results of learning.

After he became popular, he did not choose to chase greater fame and fortune far from his hometown, but moved his live broadcast room to the National Flower Expo Park in Heze to promote the beauty and culture of his hometown through live broadcasts. This not only brings more attention and tourism resources to Heze, but also shows a real and beautiful Heze in front of the national audience. Through this practical action, Guo Youcai not only enhanced his social influence, but also contributed to the development of his hometown. This sense of hometown and sense of social responsibility is something that each of us should learn and carry forward.

Learning is the cornerstone of success, innovation is the extension of learning, and hometown feelings and social responsibility make success more meaningful. Behind the success is continuous hard work and persistence. I hope that Guo Youcai's story can inspire more people, so that we can always maintain our enthusiasm for learning, constantly surpass ourselves, and realize the highlight moments of our lives on the road of pursuing our dreams.

Through Guo Youcai's story, we understand the profound truth that "only by learning endlessly can we continue to surpass ourselves". In the days to come, let us take him as an example, strengthen our belief in learning, constantly improve ourselves, and work hard to achieve greater dreams.

What do you think about this?

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I can't laugh anymore, learning ability is the driving force for Guo Youcai's popularity, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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