
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

author:Blizzard Gamer

During the adventures of Azeroth, a group of resourceful players discover how to become human druids. They quietly escaped from Gilneth like ninjas, exploited a small hole in the map, and then managed to escape from prison and become human druids that Blizzard's designers didn't expect!

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

First you'll have to build a new Werewolf Druid character.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Before you were infected by werewolves, you were a standard black straight human girl.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Then trot all the way to this location on the map, where you can choose to do a little quest or do nothing.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Running to the location of the card BUG, it is the corner of the wall in the picture above.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

On the premise of making sure that your Hearthstone is on CD, press ESC and select Help - Character Stuck - Teleport to Graveyard.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Then find the angel sister to resurrect you.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Then go all the way out to the outside of this house on the map.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Go through a deep secret passage.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

When you get out of the city, follow the road all the way until you reach this gap.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Then swim in a northwesterly direction and come to the big pillar pictured, which has a gap in the middle of the air wall.

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Continue running all the way north until you see the obvious white gap on the map, when you come here, you can see a big cliff, don't hesitate, jump straight down, escape the fate of being infected is just around the corner!

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick
Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Welcome to New World: Sentinel Ridge of the Wild West! You're free from now on!

Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Humans can also play druids! The player discovers the jailbreak trick

Run all the way to the Northshire Abbey, and watch out for the werewolves on the road, they won't be kind to you!

Although these human druids missed out on the ultimate mission of the Werewolf Virus, resulting in them not having the Werewolf Transformation skill and the all-important 1% Critical Strike talent, they were no different from other human adventurers. Monsters do not show werewolf fangs when fighting, which allows them to fill the void in the ranks of the druids in the human ranks. Moreover, it has to be said that the human female druid is indeed much more pleasing to the eye than the she-werewolf.

In random dungeons, these human druids will become a sight to behold, and many curious adventurers have asked how this is done.

If you're interested, you can also start a new business - lead other adventurers across the map to find secret entrances to human druids, and earn a good pocket money in the process. It wasn't until the launch of the comrade-in-arms recruitment system that the novice could be pulled to the village directly with the comrade-in-arms summoning, and the business would be yellow.

Although there is a slight lack of critical hits, this has no effect on the gameplay. By transfiguring into a priest's attire, human druids can easily disguise themselves. In PvP battles, the fighting skills against the real priest and the little virtue are completely different, which often leaves the opponent confused in the first 10 seconds of the battle, and by the time they come to their senses, the skill has been misplaced, and the precious skill cycle time is missed.

I still remember one time, a cat de sneaked up on a warrior in the wild, and after a set of combos, he found that the output was too low to beat the opponent, so he quickly slipped away. I walked through the trees and turned into a human form, and the warrior chased after me and didn't see the process of my transformation, thinking that another priest had appeared behind the tree, but turned and charged, but was so frightened that he fled.

Some people say that plugins can distinguish between real and fake, but it takes time to distinguish between them. In the world of PvP, every second counts, so what's so bad about making it a little more difficult for your opponent and expanding your advantage in addition to equipment and controls? Another example is the 5v5 battle, the five dwarf mages have a unified appearance, and the names are cleverly similar, making it difficult to distinguish. Once the battle starts, will you be able to accurately determine the class, appearance, or name, even with the help of the plugin? Although in the end it still depends on operation, this undoubtedly increases the difficulty of the opponent's command and fire.

All in all, the human druid is definitely a fun way to play, with only a little bit of loss in the attributes, but you can get a cute human girl druid and a huge advantage in PVP that is surprisingly winning!

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