
The bride became a widow, and she drew water from the well to get the turtle, and the turtle: Put me in the bed

author:Little sun

The bride became a widow, and the turtle was obtained by drawing water from the well

In the ancient land of China, there is a quiet and peaceful small village called Peach Blossom Village. There is a family surnamed Li in the village, and there is a daughter named Li Wan'er. Wan'er is smart and ingenious, and is recognized as a beauty embryo in the village.

This year, Wan'er is twenty-eight years old, and she is at the age of youth. In order to find a good home for their daughter, the Li family's parents asked people everywhere to inquire, and finally got married to a wealthy family surnamed Zhang in a neighboring village. Zhang Tao, the son of the Zhang family, is a talent, knowledgeable, and Wan'er is a match made in heaven. The two hit it off, chose an auspicious day for the zodiac, and put up lanterns and feasts, preparing to marry Wan'er and Zhang Tao.

On the day of the wedding, Peach Blossom Village was very lively, with gongs and drums and red makeup. Wan'er was wearing a red wedding dress and a phoenix crown on her head, and she was as beautiful as a fairy in the sky. Zhang Tao rode a high-headed horse and came to marry happily. The two worshipped heaven and earth, sent into the cave room, and a new couple began their new life.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck. On the wedding night, Zhang Tao suddenly fell ill, with a high fever and babbling nonsense. The doctor in the village looked at it again and again, shook his head, and said that he had fallen into an evil cult and there was no cure. Within a few days, Zhang Tao died with a whimper, leaving his new wife Wan'er and staying alone in the empty house.

Wan'er was so grief-stricken that she washed her face with tears all day long. She couldn't understand why fate played such a trick on her and made her a widow on her wedding night. Although the Zhang family has a big business, as soon as Zhang Tao died, the elders in the family looked at Wan'er coldly and felt that she was an ominous person. Wan'er couldn't stay in Zhang's house anymore, so she had to pack up and return to her parents' house.

Wan'er, who returned to Peach Blossom Village, was comforted and cared for by her parents, but the pain in her heart was difficult to heal. She often sat alone by the ancient well behind the house, looking at the well water in a daze. This ancient well is very old, the water is clear and sweet, and it is said that the well is also blessed by the gods. Wan'er thought to herself, maybe she prayed to the gods in the well to get a glimmer of life and get her out of this endless haze.

The bride became a widow, and she drew water from the well to get the turtle, and the turtle: Put me in the bed

Early that morning, Wan'er carried a bucket to the well to draw water. She knelt down reverently and prayed to the gods of the well, "The gods of the well are above, please bless me to get out of my predicament and regain my life." With that, she began to draw water. Unbeknownst to him, when the bucket sank into the well and was brought up again, there was a small turtle in the bucket.

This little turtle has an emerald green body and a golden pattern on its shell, which looks very strange. Wan'er was surprised, thinking that this must be the divine turtle that the god in the well had manifested and given to herself. She carefully carried the turtle home and placed it in a delicate porcelain basin. The turtle seems to be very human, very close to Wan'er, and often sticks out his head and looks at her with those dark eyes.

As the days passed, Wan'er, accompanied by the turtle, gradually improved her mood. She found that the turtle was not only cute, but also seemed to have something extraordinary. In the dead of night, the turtle would crawl out of the porcelain basin, circle her bed a few times, and disappear without a trace. Wan'er was curious, but she didn't dare to ask more.

That night, Wan'er lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. She suddenly heard a slight noise, and saw the turtle crawl out of the porcelain basin again, and slowly crawled to the side of her bed. Wan'er's heart moved, and she asked softly: "Turtle, turtle, you wander like this every night, but what's the matter?" ”

Hearing this, the Divine Turtle stopped, looked up at Wan'er, and seemed to have a glint of wisdom in his eyes. It opened its mouth and said, "Miss Wan'er, do you know that I am not an extraordinary turtle, but a spirit beast under the seat of the gods in the well. I see your ill-fated fate and come to help. ”

Wan'er was dumbfounded when she heard this, she didn't expect this turtle to be able to speak. She hurriedly asked, "Lord Turtle, what can I do to change my fate?" ”

The turtle said slowly, "Tomorrow you need to put me in your bed and sleep with me." In this way, in three days, your destiny will be changed. ”

The bride became a widow, and she drew water from the well to get the turtle, and the turtle: Put me in the bed

Although Wan'er had doubts in her heart, she thought that the Divine Turtle was a spirit animal sent by the gods in the well, so it shouldn't harm her. So she nodded and agreed.

On the second day, Wan'er followed the instructions of the turtle and put it in her bed. The turtle curled up in a ball and lay quietly beside Wan'er. Although Wan'er was a little unaccustomed to it, she thought that this was an opportunity to change her fate, so she endured the discomfort and slept in her clothes.

For the next two days, Wan'er followed the Turtle's instructions. Every night, she would put the turtle in the bed and sleep with it. And the Divine Turtle also seems to be silently exerting its divine power to help Wan'er tide over the difficulties.

In the early morning of the third day, Wan'er woke up to find that the turtle was no longer in the bed. She searched everywhere, but there was no sign of the turtle. She was nervous, wondering where the turtle had gone, and whether her fate would really change.

Just then, there was a quick knock at the door. Wan'er opened the door and saw that it was a young man from a neighboring village, named Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu is an honest farmer, and he usually takes good care of Wan'er. He panted and said, "Miss Wan'er, go and have a look, there is a caravan at the entrance of the village, saying that it is looking for a girl who can do embroidery work and make clothes for everyone!" ”

When Wan'er heard this, her heart moved. She remembered that she had been learning embroidery from her mother since she was a child, and her craft was one of the best in the village. This may be an opportunity for her to get out of Peach Blossom Village and start a new life. So she thanked Zhao Tiezhu and hurried to the entrance of the village.

Sure enough, there was a caravan parked at the entrance of the village, led by a middle-aged businessman who looked very kind. When he saw Wan'er coming, he stepped forward and asked, "But the girl can do embroidery?" Wan'er nodded, and the merchant asked her to take out the embroidery and look at it.

The bride became a widow, and she drew water from the well to get the turtle, and the turtle: Put me in the bed

Wan'er took out some handkerchiefs and purses she had embroidered, and the merchant nodded again and again, full of praise. He said that his caravans traveled all year round and needed a large amount of embroidery in exchange for goods. He took a fancy to Wan'er's craftsmanship and wanted to invite her to join the caravan and walk the rivers and lakes with them, doing embroidery work while seeing the outside world.

Wan'er was thrilled to hear this, and she thought that since she became a widow, she had been trapped in the small place of Peach Blossom Village, living a boring life day after day. Now I have the opportunity to go out and see the outside world, and maybe I can find my own new life.

So she agreed to the merchant's request, packed her bags, said goodbye to her parents and fellow villagers, and embarked on a new journey with the caravan.

During her time in the caravan, Wan'er not only made many new friends, but also learned many new skills and knowledge. She discovers that beyond what she thought was a narrow world, there is a wider world waiting for her to explore. And with her own efforts and talents, she has won the respect and love of everyone in the caravan.

In this way, Wan'er spent a few happy years in the caravan. She has grown from a lonely widow to an independent and confident woman. And that turtle never appeared again. Wan'er knew in her heart that the Divine Turtle was a spirit animal sent by the gods in the well to help her tide over the difficulties, and now that she had come out of the predicament, the Divine Turtle had successfully retired.

Although Wan'er never saw the turtle again, she was forever grateful to the magical little turtle in her heart. It has given her new hope and courage to face life's challenges bravely and step out of her wonderful life.

The bride became a widow, and she drew water from the well to get the turtle, and the turtle: Put me in the bed

And the villagers of Peach Blossom Village often sing the story of Wan'er and regard her as a legendary figure. Whenever someone mentions Wan'er's name, they will sincerely praise: "It's really thanks to that turtle that Wan'er has a good life today!" ”

Wan'er traveled around with the caravan, saw the world, and improved her craftsmanship. Her embroidery was not only loved by the people of the caravanserais, but also won a high reputation in the markets of various places. People have praised this embroidery girl from Peach Blossom Village, and her name has gradually become a good story in the rivers and lakes.

However, as her fame spread, Wan'er also caused some unnecessary trouble. One day, the caravan came to a bustling town, and Wan'er was showing her embroidery in the market, when suddenly, a group of richly dressed sons and brothers surrounded her. They took a fancy to Wan'er's screen embroidered with a dragon and phoenix pattern, and had to buy it at a high price. Wan'er didn't want to sell it, but those sons and brothers didn't give up, and even made disrespectful remarks and moved their hands and feet.

At this moment, a handsome and dashing young man stepped forward to relieve Wan'er. He claimed to be the town's catcher, named Lin Feng. Lin Feng is not only strong in martial arts, but also righteous, he can't get used to the domineering behavior of those sons and brothers, so he helps out. Those sons and brothers saw that Lin Feng was not easy to provoke, so they left in disgrace.

Wan'er was grateful to Lin Feng, and the two talked happily. Lin Feng was attracted by Wan'er's talent and beauty, and Wan'er also had respect for Lin Feng's bravery and integrity. In the following days, the two often went shopping, drank tea, and chatted together, and their relationship heated up day by day.

However, Wan'er has a hidden worry in her heart. She worries that her past will become an obstacle between the two. She was a widow, which was a stain on the society at the time. She was afraid that Lin Feng would dislike her because of this and leave her.

The bride became a widow, and she drew water from the well to get the turtle, and the turtle: Put me in the bed

So, on a hazy moonlit night, Wan'er told Lin Feng about her past. She thought that Lin Feng would alienate her because of this, but she didn't expect that after hearing this, Lin Feng held her hand tightly and said affectionately: "Wan'er, I don't care about your past. What I love is you now, your kindness, your talent, your strength. I am willing to face the ups and downs of the future with you and spend the rest of my life together. ”

Wan'er listened with tears in her eyes, she knew that she had found her true home. The two hugged each other and cried, vowing to be together forever.

Soon after, Wan'er returned to Peach Blossom Village with the caravan. She took Lin Feng to meet her parents and fellow villagers. When her parents saw that Wan'er had found a good home, they were also very relieved. The villagers sent their blessings to the union of the two.

In the beautiful place of Peach Blossom Village, Wan'er and Lin Feng lived a happy and peaceful life. They ploughed the fields and weaved cloth, raised chickens and ducks together, and lived a plain and fulfilling life. Wan'er also often took her embroidery to the market to sell in exchange for some household use. And Lin Feng relied on his martial arts and sense of justice to become a respected catcher in the town.

The two are close to each other and face the challenges of life together. Their relationship became deeper and deeper, and they became a loving couple in Peach Blossom Village that everyone envied.

And that magical turtle has also become an eternal secret in Wan'er's heart. She knew that it was the Turtle that changed her fate and allowed her to have a good life today. She is often silently grateful for the kindness of the turtle in her heart, and hopes that she can bring good luck and happiness to the people around her like the turtle.

As a result, in the ancient and beautiful place of Peach Blossom Village, a legendary story about the bride becoming a widow, drawing water from the well to get a turtle, and finally reaping a happy life. This story has been passed down from generation to generation, and has become a good story for the people of the village, and it has also inspired later people to bravely face the challenges of life and pursue their own happiness and dreams.