
The people who calculate you are often acquaintances

The people who calculate you are often acquaintances

It is often said that "it is difficult to understand the heart with a familiar face", and even if you have been with someone for many years, you can't be sure if they are sincere about you.

We will meet many people throughout our lives. Some people just pass by and become strangers to us. And there are others who will stay in our lives and become our acquaintances. Either way, these encounters are arranged by God to allow us to grow and learn better.

These acquaintances could be your relatives, colleagues, friends, or even your neighbors. No matter where they come from, it's important to have a good relationship with them. After all, everyone needs support and social connections to live a pleasant life.

It's common to deal with people, and it's a good thing to make friends with people who are genuinely good for you. However, some people will pretend to be acquaintances and try to calculate against you. This situation is alarming.

In real life, we will make friends who really treat us, but we will also meet people who want to take advantage of us or calculate us. In any case, we should be vigilant, keep a clear head, and correctly discern the true claims of our acquaintances.

Many people lack the ability to distinguish between the real and the fake, and are often confused by the appearance of acquaintances. This is an important aspect where we need to improve our self-awareness and judgment so as not to be deceived and misled.

In our lives, sometimes we will be deceived by the superficial words and actions of some acquaintances, so as to generate true trust, but at some critical moments, especially when it comes to interests, there may be some unexpected situations that make us encounter a calculating situation. Therefore, we should remain vigilant, do not believe the superficial words and deeds of others, and especially act cautiously when it comes to interests.

The people who calculate you are often acquaintances

When that moment comes, you will feel a sense of discouragement, a mixture of loss and sadness.

In relationships, feeling disappointment and sadness is an inevitable emotion. When our sincerity is betrayed and hurt by an acquaintance, we feel great pain. As a mature person in real life, you need to learn to discern acquaintances in your relationships and engage selectively. In this way, some unnecessary pain can be avoided.

Please understand that those who calculate against you are usually people you are familiar with.


Admire vain and snobbish acquaintances

Spend time with vain and power-priding acquaintances, who may seem close to you on the surface, but in reality, they are the most vulnerable to your detriment. When dealing with such acquaintances, you are likely to be abandoned or hurt, so be cautious.

If you have career success, wealth, and status, he will always be good to you.

When you encounter setbacks and difficulties, those who initially laugh at you will often add fuel to the fire and even find ways to make you fail. This situation is unfortunate, but we should be firm in our faith and not be distracted by their words and actions.

It may be said that if you can't meet his needs, he will probably remember your shortcomings in his mind. If he gets the chance, he might stab you in the back.

The people who calculate you are often acquaintances

Even in front of you, he is full of praise for you, but behind your back, he will go out of his way to slander you and even find ways to frame you.

In short, these acquaintances don't like to see you more successful than they are, and they have a strong jealousy mentality.


Loves to take advantage of selfish acquaintances

There are people who seem to behave well, but are actually the easiest to trap you, and these people tend to be selfish acquaintances who love to take advantage of you. We should be careful with these people so that they are not unnecessarily harmed.

Such acquaintances usually focus on interests and feelings secondary. They always put themselves first. The revised Text is more expressive and formal, making it easier to read.

People interact with each other because of common interests, and they can diverge because of differences of interest. This is a common occurrence and should not be overly cared for.

You will find that the individual is not up to the task, and will often resort to evasion and shirking responsibility.

Even if he usually says things like a promise to be with you, when he really encounters problems, he must be the one who runs first.

The people who calculate you are often acquaintances

He wants you to follow in his footsteps closely, and if your actions don't benefit him, he may maliciously slander you, causing you to turn your face completely.


A kind and scheming acquaintance on the surface

The word "green tea" is believed to have been heard by everyone.

Around everyone, there may be some people who pretend to be gentle and innocent, calling it "green tea". These people look friendly on the surface, but they are actually the most calculating.

They are usually good at performance and superficiality, and they can not only successfully calculate you, but also win praise and good luck.

What's really great is that they're always able to divert their attention and make themselves victims, ultimately allowing the masses to point the finger at you.

If there is no conflict of interest, it is possible for him to become your friend and live peacefully with you. In this case, he may become your best friend and help you a lot.

If you encounter a conflict of interest with him, he may use this to calculate you and attack your colleagues, friends or close people.

The people who calculate you are often acquaintances

And the general characteristics of this type of person are sleek and good at flattery, suitable for a general audience.


A person's appearance can be disguised, but his heart and character cannot be disguised. This fact has been proven and widely accepted by the world.

A person's heart and conduct are the accompaniment of his every action, and his subconscious actions often reflect his truest essence.

Sometimes what may seem like your friend can be the easiest person to calculate you, even more dangerous than a stranger.

Acquaintances with these traits tend to have plots against you.

Just like the Su family brothers described in the TV series "It's All Good", Su Mingzhe seems to be kind on the surface, but in fact he is confident and full of scheming for his own interests; In contrast, Su Mingcheng is a person who likes to take advantage and is selfish. These characters make people deeply aware of the complexity and diversity of human nature, and also provoke thinking about the various groups of people in society.

Both of these people were more familiar with Su Mingyu, but at a critical time, they both betrayed Su Mingyu.

The people who calculate you are often acquaintances

When Su Mingzhe maintains his image, he rarely thinks about Su Mingyu's feelings and situation, and always pursues what he thinks is the right behavior.

Su Mingcheng always wanted to maliciously provoke Su Mingyu, and even knocked her to the ground in the underground garage.

We need to recognize that the people around us are not necessarily trustworthy and dependable.

You need to know that the people you know are important because of their quality, not their quantity. For those who don't necessarily look real on the surface, we should learn to stop losses in time and stay away as soon as possible. This is the best policy.