
If you have a daughter, tell her the 4 truths about marriage early

If you have a daughter, tell her the 4 truths about marriage early

As a woman, I am well aware of the difference between married life and imagination. As a mother, I am more concerned about whether my daughter has unrealistic illusions about marriage. I think it's important to have a realistic perception of marriage so that you can better cope with the challenges of real life.

We can only tell our daughter the truth before she goes through the marriage. It's our responsibility as parents to make sure she makes the right decisions.

I hope she can understand that although marriage is a romantic continuation of love, there are inevitably many hardships and challenges in reality. If we can recognize this earlier, we will be able to feel less distress and suffering. I sincerely hope that she can have a more sober and rational understanding, so that she can be more calm and strong in her marriage.

If you also have a daughter, tell her these three truths about your marriage as early as possible.

It takes courage for every woman to step into his strange home because of her love for a man. Truth be told, it's not easy to do this, but it's usually done out of emotional factors.

After all, once you get married, your parents no longer make decisions for you or keep track of your situation. At this point, the only thing you can rely on is your partner.

If you have a daughter, tell her the 4 truths about marriage early

As a former experiencer, I deeply understand the so-called "love" of men, after all, it is not as good as the stubbornness of men's parents.

If your husband is unable to resolve the conflict between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and the family conflict fairly, then you will suffer in the end.

Many men are afraid to contradict their parents because they are afraid of being unfilial and do not want to fight for the interests of their wives. This is a question worth exploring.

Your husband's values will have a direct impact on how happy you are in your married life. When choosing your partner, consider not only his love for you, but also his values. This is necessary for everyone because marriage is a complex relationship that requires attention to more details.

After getting married, in-laws are an unavoidable presence for every woman. Their behavior has a direct impact on your marital happiness, so you need to be cautious.

If your in-laws are overly doting or not very sensible, you don't have to worry too much. However, if you want to live a life after marriage in which your husband is indifferent and your in-laws sneer, then there is no need to overthink what they think of you.

If you have a daughter, tell her the 4 truths about marriage early

We need to be aware that men who grow up in a family environment often lack responsibility. They tend to rely on family support for a long time and become an obedient big baby.

In your in-laws' house, you may feel wronged, but you can't expect someone to do justice for you. Because in the eyes of your father-in-law, there are only their sons, and no daughters-in-law. So, even if you are treated unfairly, you have to be patient, because it is not only the people in your in-laws who blame you, but also the whole society.

The family environment determines the marital happiness index, and you should be cautious when choosing a partner. Too much stress at work and in life can affect your physical and mental health. It is advisable to choose a healthy and harmonious home environment.

If you have the ability to choose, choose the kind of sensible in-laws, who will not favor their sons because of blood relations, but will thank you for joining. This will make you feel more relaxed and at ease.

You will find that marriage is not as terrible as it is rumored to be. Even if you live in your in-laws' house, you will be cared for by your in-laws as if you were your own daughter.

You don't need to worry about whether you have been wronged or not, and you don't have to worry that your in-laws will ignore your feelings. You can trust that all the sadness will be noticed and understood.

If you're thinking about spending the rest of your life with a man, it's a better idea to spend time with his parents first to learn more and then make a decision.

If you have a daughter, tell her the 4 truths about marriage early

Most families have two children, so it is inevitable that they will come into contact with their husband's siblings when they get married.

Even though they will grow up to have their own families, they will still have an opinion about you. That doesn't change the respect and importance it places on you.

After all, your in-laws and husband's family are your real family. Their gossip may affect your life at your in-laws' house, so be careful.

Especially those siblings who are unruly and always want to intervene in the affairs of your in-laws' family will often say things that are not beneficial to you in order to win the favor of their parents.

If you get along with your sister-in-law and brother-in-law, your husband and in-laws will be reasonable, at least you will not be led astray.

If the whole family is like that, you may feel helpless and helpless. Even if we are far away, we feel powerless to help you. At this time, you can only endure the pain in silence.

Clever sisters-in-law and brother-in-law will not only not cause you trouble, but will become your loyal supporters and support you in facing all the challenges in life. They will protect you and defend your rights.

As you can see from the above, you already have a clear idea of which family is more suitable for you.

If you have a daughter, tell her the 4 truths about marriage early

Compared to the first three types of relationships that are difficult to control, the last point is the financial power that you can control.

You should understand that even if the relationship between husband and wife is deep, if poverty falls, life will be difficult. It is not possible to agree that men are solely responsible for earning money to support their families. And your beauty is not a substitute for family support and stability.

If you lose your income, then you have to bow your head under the eaves. That's the reality. An independent financial source is very important because it can give you more freedom and choice.

Over time, your husband may complain that you don't have limits on how much you spend and don't see how hard it is for him to earn money. And your in-laws may accuse you of not knowing how to save and only being a waste of white food.

The reality is that although it may not sound good at times, it is important to realize that women who do not have an income after marriage are restricted from moving, and that whatever they do must be considered by others. This brings them great inconvenience and lack of freedom. It is important for women to achieve their own financial independence so that they can truly take control of their own destiny.

Even if the surrounding environment is good, the ability to be self-reliant should not be easily given up. Only in this way can you have the self-confidence to live freely.

If you have a daughter, tell her the 4 truths about marriage early

There are some things that are better known earlier than later. While this may affect the perception of marriage, it is better than regretting.

We advise every mother to confess the truth about her marriage to her daughter. Doing so will not only allow the daughter to avoid the pain of love, but also allow them to find the most suitable partner for themselves. These suggestions are not meaningless, as they will make it easier for the daughter to take fewer detours in the long run and find someone who is truly worth entrusting for life.