
The handsome scholar is obsessed with a sixty-year-old woman, and on the night of the cave room, the scholar becomes a pack of dogs

author:Eyes full of hello to you

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The handsome scholar is obsessed with a sixty-year-old woman

In a remote town, there is a handsome scholar named Li Hao. He was young and knowledgeable, and was the object of affection for many of the young women in the town. However, what is unexpected is that Li Hao has a soft spot for an old woman who is nearly sixty years old.

The old woman's name was Chen Po, and she lived alone in a corner of the town, living in a secluded place on weekdays, and had little interaction with the townspeople. But for some reason, Li Hao became interested in her, and often found excuses to visit her, chat with her and drink tea.

Although Chen Po is old, she is well-maintained, and there is still an indescribable charm in her gestures. Her eyes are deep and bright, as if she can perceive people's hearts. Every time Li Hao talked to her, he could feel an inexplicable attraction that made him want to stop.

As time passed, Li Hao's feelings for Chen Po became deeper and deeper. He began to express his love to her, and Chen Po also developed a crush on the young scholar. Despite the huge age gap between the two, they decided to come together.

The news caused an uproar in the town. Many people couldn't understand Li Hao's choice, and some people even began to rumor that Chen Po used some kind of witchcraft to confuse Li Hao's mind. But Li Hao turned a deaf ear to these gossips, and he firmly believed that his feelings for Chen Po were true.

Finally, on a dark and windy night, Li Hao and Chen Po held a wedding in a simple thatched hut. The wedding was simple, but it was full of warmth and happiness. Li Hao looked at Chen Po's wrinkled but still beautiful face, and his heart was full of love.

However, when night fell and the cave room was full of candles, something unbelievable happened. Li Hao suddenly felt a burst of intense dizziness, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had turned into a pack of dogs!

It's a group of dogs of all shapes, from tall shepherds, short-legged corgis, to fluffy poodles. They huddled together and screamed, as if they were conveying some message to Li Hao.

The handsome scholar is obsessed with a sixty-year-old woman, and on the night of the cave room, the scholar becomes a pack of dogs

Li Hao was terrified, he didn't know how he could become like this. He tried to communicate with the dogs in human language, only to find that he could only make a gurgling sound. He began to run around, trying to find a way to turn back into a human.

At this moment, Chen Po walked into the cave room. She saw what she was seeing and a strange smile appeared on her face. Li Hao suddenly realized that all this might be related to Chen Po. He tried to call for help from Chen Po with the sound of a dog, but Chen Po just sneered and turned away.

Li Hao felt unprecedented despair. He began to wonder about Po Chen's true identity and whether her feelings for him were true or false. Could it really be that she is a witch who has turned herself into a dog by some evil means? Or is it all just a nightmare of your own?

Li Hao and the dogs ran wildly through the streets of the town, causing a commotion. The townsfolk watched in horror as the group of dogs suddenly appeared, and they all ran away. Li Hao shouted in his heart, hoping that someone would recognize him, but no one could understand his screams.

Just when Li Hao was in despair, a mysterious old man appeared in his sight. The old man was dressed in a robe, holding a cane, and his eyes were deep. He walked up to Li Hao and said softly, "Do you want to turn back into a human?" ”

Li Hao screamed excitedly a few times in affirmation. The old man nodded and told him, "To lift this curse, you must find the person who cast the spell on you and let her lift the spell herself." ”

Li Hao immediately thought of Chen Po. He led the dogs to Chen's house. When they arrived, they found Chen's home empty. Li Hao anxiously searched around, but there was no trace of Chen Po.

At this time, a shepherd dog in the dog pack suddenly ran forward, followed by Li Hao and the other dogs. They made their way through the streets and alleys of the town until they finally came to a remote abandoned warehouse.

The shepherd stopped at the door and barked a few times. Li Hao suddenly understood, Chen Po must be inside!

He cautiously entered the warehouse with the dogs, only to see Chen Po standing in front of a mysterious magic array, holding a magic wand in her hand, and chanting words in her mouth.

The handsome scholar is obsessed with a sixty-year-old woman, and on the night of the cave room, the scholar becomes a pack of dogs

Seeing this scene, the doubts in Li Hao's heart were answered. It turns out that Chen Po is really a witch! She must have turned herself into a dog by magic!

Li Hao angrily rushed towards Chen Po, but was blocked by an invisible barrier. He tried to express his anger and despair with dog barking and growling, but Chen Po seemed unmoved.

At this point, the dogs began to bark wildly, and the warehouse was filled with noise. Chen Po stopped the magic in her hand and slowly turned around. Her eyes revealed mixed emotions, both guilty and reluctant.

"Li Hao, I'm doing this to protect you." Chen Po opened her mouth and said, "You didn't belong to this world, but I brought you here with magic. But I didn't expect you to fall in love with me, and I developed feelings for you. However, our love is not allowed. In order for you to stay in this world, I can only disguise your true identity by turning you into a dog. ”

Hearing this, Li Hao was shocked. He didn't expect the love between himself and Po Chen to be so complicated and tortuous. The anger in his heart gradually subsided, and was replaced by endless sadness and helplessness.

"Then why are you breaking the spell now?" Li Hao asked with a dog barking.

Chen Po sighed: "Because I found that even if you become a dog, we can't really be together." I don't want you to lose your freedom and happiness because of me. So, I decided to break the spell and bring you back to the human world. ”

After speaking, Chen Po began to chant the incantation. As her voice grew higher and higher, the magic circle began to glow brightly. Li Hao felt that his body began to change, and his vision gradually blurred.

When the light dissipated, Li Hao found that he had changed back to his human form. He examined his body ecstatically, feeling the long-lost human aura.

However, when he looked up at Po Chen, he found that she had disappeared. Only a wand and a note were left. The note read, "Go back to your world and forget me." ”

The handsome scholar is obsessed with a sixty-year-old woman, and on the night of the cave room, the scholar becomes a pack of dogs

Li Hao clenched his fists, his heart full of gratitude and respect. He knew that Chen Po had paid a huge price for him. Silently, he picked up his wand and note and walked out of the warehouse.

The sun was shining outside, and the dogs were still following him loyally. Li Hao took a deep breath of fresh air and felt the beauty of this world. He knew that he could not live up to Chen Po's expectations and sacrifices, and he wanted to live well and thank her and commemorate her in his own way.

Although he lost Chen Po, Li Hao also gained a group of loyal friends and an unforgettable memory. He embarks on a new journey with his dogs to find his own future and happiness.

And somewhere in the town, Po Chen was silently watching him and wishing him all the best. She knew that her mission was accomplished and she could leave with peace of mind.

Li Hao's story spread in the town and became a legend. When night falls, the dogs will still be by his side, guarding their owners and this eternal memory.

However, it didn't end there. Although Li Hao has turned back into a human being, he has never been able to forget Chen Po in his heart. He began to inquire about Chen Po's whereabouts, hoping to find her and thank her in person for saving her life.

In the process of searching for Chen Po, Li Hao gradually discovers the secrets hidden behind the town. It turns out that this town is the entrance to a mysterious magical world, and Chen Po is a powerful witch in this world. She uses her magic to protect the peace of the town, and also protects Li Hao, a person who does not belong to this world.

Li Hao finally understood Chen Po's good intentions, and he decided to stay in this world and continue to look for Chen Po's traces. He believes that as long as he has the heart, he will meet Chen Po again one day.

And in the process, Li Hao gradually integrated into this world and became a respected magician. He leads the dogs and travels around, using his wits and magic to help those in need.

As the years passed, Li Hao found his own position and value in this world. And Chen Po, although she has never shown up, her existence is like a beacon, guiding Li Hao to move forward.

The handsome scholar is obsessed with a sixty-year-old woman, and on the night of the cave room, the scholar becomes a pack of dogs

Finally, one day, when Li Hao got lost in a deep forest, he accidentally discovered a mysterious magic tower. He cautiously approached with his dogs, only to find the door open, as if inviting him to enter.

Li Hao walked into the magic tower with apprehension, but found that the tower was empty. However, in a secret room at the top of the tower, he finds an old magic book and a wand that shines with magical power.

At this moment, the dogs suddenly barked wildly, as if sensing something. Li Hao looked back, but saw a familiar figure walking slowly. It was Chen Po, who still maintained her youthful appearance, with a glint of wisdom in her eyes.

"You're finally here." Chen Po smiled and said, "I've been waiting for you." ”

Li Hao excitedly held Chen Po's hand, tears coming out of his eyes. He knew that he had finally found his home and calling. From now on, he will guard the world together with Chen Po, using their wisdom and magic to bring hope and happiness to people.

Reunion and protection

"Po Chen, I've been looking for you for a long time." Li Hao's voice trembled, full of deep longing and gratitude.

Chen Po patted his hand gently, and there was a warm light in her eyes: "I know, child." But I've been watching you and seeing you become a true magician, and I'm so proud of you. ”

Li Hao wiped his tears and said firmly: "It was you who gave me a new life and taught me the true meaning of magic. I am willing to work with you to continue to protect this world. ”

Chen Po nodded, she took Li Hao to the window of the magic tower, pointed to the starry night sky outside and said, "This world is full of unknowns and dangers, but there is also endless beauty and hope. Our task is to protect it so that light and goodness will always prevail over darkness. ”

The handsome scholar is obsessed with a sixty-year-old woman, and on the night of the cave room, the scholar becomes a pack of dogs

Li Hao held Chen Po's hand tightly, and a determined light flashed in his eyes: "I will fight side by side with you until the last moment." ”

Over time, Li Hao and Chen Po have experienced countless adventures and challenges together. They used their wits and magic to protect the peace of the town and the surrounding area. The dogs have also become their most loyal companions, giving them endless help and support, both in battle and in life.

However, the calm days did not last long. An evil magician learns of the existence of Chen Po and Li Hao, and he is jealous of their power and decides to challenge their authority. This evil magician is named Morg, and he has powerful dark magic and seeks to rule the entire world.

Morg led the dark forces and launched a fierce attack on the town. They destroy homes, farmland, and infrastructure, making people's lives difficult. In the face of such a challenge, Li Hao and Chen Po did not flinch, and they led the dogs and other magicians to resist.

In the fierce battle, Li Hao and Chen Po showed amazing courage and wisdom. Using clever tactics and powerful magic, they defeated Morg's men and gradually approached the evil magician himself. However, Morg is not an easy enemy to deal with. He unleashed a powerful dark magic in an attempt to trap Li Hao and Chen Po. At this critical juncture, the dogs played an important role. They bravely rushed towards Morg, biting at his body with their sharp teeth and claws. Although the dogs were seriously injured, their sacrifice bought Li Hao and Chen Po precious time.

Li Hao seized this opportunity tightly, he waved the wand in his hand, chanted a spell, and released a powerful light magic. A dazzling light shot out from the tip of the wand and struck Morg. The evil magician screamed, and his body faded into the light. With Morg's disappearance, the dark forces crumbled, and peace and tranquility returned to the town.

After the battle, Li Hao and Chen Po looked at the dogs around them gratefully. Although they were badly wounded, they still faithfully guarded their owners. Li Hao gently stroked each dog's head, tears sliding down their hair. He knew that without these loyal partners, they would not have been able to achieve today's victory.

To commemorate this battle and the heroic sacrifice of the dogs, Li Hao and Chen Po erected a monument in the town. The name of each dog and their deeds are engraved on the monument, so that people will always remember these brave warriors. At the same time, they also decided to pass on their magical knowledge to more people, so that more people have the ability to protect themselves and their homes.

As time went on, the town became more prosperous and peaceful. Li Hao and Chen Po have also become heroes and mentors in people's hearts. They continue to guard the world with wisdom and magic until they grow old. And their story has been told through the ages and has become an eternal legend.

However, even in the most peaceful days, Li Hao and Chen Po never forgot their mission. They often patrol the town with their dogs to make sure everything is safe. When night falls, the town looks extra peaceful and beautiful under the starlight. And behind this tranquility is the silent protection of Li Hao, Chen Po and their dogs.

The handsome scholar is obsessed with a sixty-year-old woman, and on the night of the cave room, the scholar becomes a pack of dogs

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Li Hao and Chen Po have entered their old age, but their hearts are still young and firm. Their students are spread all over the world, passing on their magic and wisdom. And the descendants of the dogs are still loyal to the safety of the town and its owners.

On a sunny morning, Li Hao and Chen Po sat in front of the magic tower and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. They looked at each other and smiled, as if they had gone back to the days of their youth. At that time, they fought side by side with dreams and passion, guarding the beauty and peace of this world. And now, although the years have left marks on their faces, their hearts are still as hot and firm as ever.

"Look how much fun those kids have had." Po Chen pointed to a group of children playing in the distance and said, "They are our hope for the future." ”

Li Hao nodded and looked at Chen Po affectionately: "Yes, it will be better in our world with them." After speaking, he held Chen Po's hand tightly, and their eyes were full of longing and expectation for the future. Behind them, the dogs lay quietly on their stomachs, as if listening to the words of their masters, guarding the peace and harmony. And their story will forever be remembered in people's hearts and become an immortal legend.