
The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

author:Wang Xianzhi


The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

At present, it is obvious that the number of triads on the mainland is not as good as before, and social order is becoming more and more perfect. Today's society can definitely be regarded as a society governed by the rule of law in the true sense

So where have those who used to work in the underworld gone now? You can't just disappear all at once, right? In fact, the original underworld is either in trouble now, or something else has already been done.

Today, let's introduce to you what those underworld elements are doing now.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

1. Stepping on a sewing machine in prison

In fact, the emergence of the underworld is inevitable. In the process of social and economic development, there will be triads, no matter which country it is.

Because when it comes to development, there are always some people who are scoundrels. They don't have a good education, they don't want to get an education, they can't find a good job in society, they don't have income and they are discriminated against, and eventually they come together.

After a long time, one after another underworld and evil social organizations will be formed, and this is the inevitable development of the times.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

For example, the old powers of Britain and France were also popular with gangsters back then.

As the world's number one superpower, the United States is full of black gangs and ethnic minority gangs in the country, and they are in control of drug trafficking, which has become a cancer that threatens social order. But the U.S. government simply has no capacity to eradicate these gangs.

The past 20 years have also been a period of rapid economic development on the mainland. During this period, it is normal for some people to go the wrong way and become a triad. However, our country is much more reliable than the United States.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

After the start of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the state began to carry out a series of nationwide crackdown measures to eradicate criminal syndicate organizations. After years of hard work, in fact, the large triad organizations in various places have basically been eradicated.

Although there are still some small organizations, in general, they are no longer able to threaten the social order. In fact, this kind of crackdown on the underworld has occurred many times in the past half century.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

Whenever an underworld emerges, the state will take targeted action, and this is the fundamental reason why public order on the mainland has been able to maintain a good level for a long time. Because the government is always adjusting its policies in accordance with the changes in the situation.

After several years of crackdown, members of those large triad organizations were basically sent to prison to step on sewing machines. As long as you go to the relevant agencies to report the underworld, you can get feedback.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

This is because the local public security organs are also cracking down on the underworld, and the public security organs also regularly release information to the outside world to collect information on the crimes of some underworld organizations.

Therefore, in the era of a legal society, the sky net is magnificent, negligent but not leaky, as long as the law is violated, do not think that you can escape the punishment of the law.

For those members of the underworld, going out to mingle with society now is the same as going to be a eunuch in the late Qing Dynasty, and prison is the final destination of these underworld members. Of course, not all members of the underworld are squatting in prison.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

2. Rehabilitation

There are a number of triad organizations that have been wiped out in the past few years. Most of the members of these triad organizations went to prison, and then they were released after prison reform, after all, not every member of the triad is extremely evil.

Many triad members are quite young, and when they were in their teens or twenties, they were tricked into joining the triad for various reasons. As a result, he was served in a pot in the crackdown.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

Then for these triad members who have not committed serious crimes, the attitude adopted by the state is still relatively positive, that is, to let them have a way out. When they are serving their sentences in prison, they are given special corrections.

Even some prisons themselves will arrange jobs for these triad members in prisons. They can be educated in prison, go to school remotely, earn academic qualifications, and master a skill.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

There are many members of the underworld who have served their sentences in prison, and before they go to prison, they know nothing but fierceness.

But after he got out of prison, he mastered a lot of professional and technical skills, some of them could repair cars, some could make clothes, and some had rich experience working in electronics factories.

So these people are now having their own new life. Even after leaving prison, they are discriminated against in society, but as long as they stick to their hearts, even if they go out to do heavy manual labor, they will not starve to death.

Therefore, many members of underworld organizations have now returned to society and life. Presumably, they will not go to the underworld anymore, because the price of being an underworld is too great.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

Under the condition that the state vigorously cracks down on criminal syndicates, they will not be able to escape. As long as they do something illegal and criminal, sooner or later they will pay the price for what they have done.

And once severely punished by the law, it is not only themselves who will be affected. Their family members will be pointed at by other colleagues and neighbors.

Moreover, they themselves have criminal responsibility, and in the future, there is no way for children to take the public examination, no way to become soldiers, and no way to enter the system. Even further admission to graduate school and doctoral examinations is sometimes affected.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

Therefore, if a person is sentenced to a crime, it will affect the life of the family for decades to come. As a result, some members of triad organizations will choose to quit the mafia organization and go back to society to find jobs and integrate into society after seeing that the state is vigorously cracking down.

It is inevitable that with the further deepening of the crackdown on the mainland's triad syndicates, the social atmosphere and social order will become even better in the future. I also hope that those who are still stepping on the sewing machine in prison, or members of underworld organizations who are about to come out, can truly reform themselves.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

No matter what purpose they used to be the underworld back then, now both the state and society have given them a chance to start again. They should seize this opportunity and not waste the good intentions of the state.

There is no way out for a member of the underworld, even if he relies on his momentary courage, he can obtain the status within the underworld organization, and even appear to be infinitely beautiful.

But in reality, they will always be a group that is discriminated against and excluded by the public, and no one wants to see the rise of triad organizations.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

Third, some members of triad organizations are insensitive

However, not all of us are able to wake up in time. And there are some underworld organizations, they are too deep in the organization, and they have done a lot of illegal and criminal things before, if they are caught, they will definitely not end well.

So some of these triad members who have committed heavy sentences have been caught in prison. But there are also some who run away in advance and hide in various places, and some even run overseas.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

Because there are always countries with which we do not have extradition treaties. For these people, running overseas is the best way for them to escape criminal punishment on the mainland.

In the past few years, many of the members of many of these blackmail organizations in northern Myanmar were members of triad organizations that had left the country. Because they have no place in the country.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

Under the circumstance that the state vigorously cracks down, it can only follow these fraudulent organizations to travel overseas. There are quite a few people who go to fraud companies to serve as bodyguards and thugs for the bosses of those fraud gangs, and even personally participate in fraud.

However, with the gradual intensification of the mainland's crackdown on wire fraud organizations, many wire fraud organizations in northern Myanmar have been eradicated.

However, it cannot be ruled out that some wire fraud organizations will escape the crackdown and even survive tenaciously. I am afraid that there are still some members of the triad who are still engaged in some illegal activities overseas. But they won't be alive for long.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

In the future, the mainland's efforts to suppress law-breaking and criminal organizations will be further strengthened. At the same time, the mainland is also cooperating with more and more countries in the judicial sector.

In recent years, we have cooperated with the International Criminal Court, Interpol and the judicial authorities of various countries to extradite many members who have violated the law and committed crimes. These people will pay the price for what they have done and will be severely punished by the law.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

Therefore, I also hope that those members of the underworld organization who have not yet been caught will not take chances. As long as they have broken the law, they will not be able to run anywhere, and no one will dare to act as their protective umbrella.

Because serving as a protective umbrella for members of an underworld organization is committing the crime of an underworld organization. In the end, the punishment imposed by the criminal law will be even more severe.

Today, the state is still vigorously fighting corruption and vigorously fighting umbrellas, which is also the fundamental reason why the mainland's political system is superior to many countries.

The mainland's administrative efficiency is higher, and once some important social problems are discovered, the state can take action to solve them as soon as possible, and the people will be able to make things easier.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!

On the other hand, the United States is too free, and underworld organizations are emerging one after another. Even members of some triad organizations shoot and kill police officers in the street, and sometimes they do not have to worry about bearing legal responsibility.

Because of the gangster forces in many places, the police dare not conduct a head-on assessment with these underworld organizations. This kind of thing is almost impossible in China.

The overall level of social security in the mainland, even in the world, is definitely top-notch. Most people do not need to worry about their personal safety in their daily lives.

The underworld is gone, where have they gone? It turns out that it's all hidden here!


With the continuous development of society and economy, triad organizations will be eliminated by history sooner or later. In the past, many people would go to the underworld, but there was no choice.

But there are so many upward channels in society today, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can find a stable job, you will not starve to death, and you can even feed your family. So who wants to work in the underworld?

If you go to the underworld, you may indeed be able to make some money in the short term. But after a long time, sooner or later you will have to pay the price for what you have done, and I believe that most people will still be able to calculate this account clearly.


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