
Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's approach is really chilling!

author:Sanzhiqua said sports

Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's controversial gestures: coaches and players join forces to question, where is the sportsmanship?

On May 18, in the CBA match between Liaoning and Xinjiang, after a fierce game, there was a topic that made people think deeply. When Ferg accidentally touched Yu Dehao's face with his arm when he broke through, this should have been an ordinary game moment, but because of the subsequent controversial behavior of Coach Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei, it aroused heated discussions among fans.

Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's approach is really chilling!

1. Moment on the field: Accidental contact sparks controversy

At a critical moment in the game, Fogg accidentally hit Yu Dehao's face with his arm in a breakthrough. This move seemed unintentional in a high-speed race, but Yu Dehao covered his face and fell to the ground in pain. At this point, the referee immediately stopped the game and was ready to review the video replay to make a fair decision.

Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's approach is really chilling!

2. The coach instigated the audience: questioned the fake fall, and the gesture caused controversy

Just when the referee was checking the video, Yang Ming, the head coach of the Liaoning team, made a surprising move. He stood on the sidelines, raised his hands and waved at the audience, as if to stir up the emotions of the audience. What's even more surprising is that there are words in his mouth, obviously questioning Yu Dehao's fall to the ground as a "fake fall". Such an act immediately caused an uproar in the audience, and also made the fans in front of the TV feel puzzled and disappointed.

Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's approach is really chilling!

3. Players follow suit: Zhao Jiwei's gestures are imitated, where is the sportsmanship?

What's even more shocking is that Zhao Jiwei, a player of the Liaoning team, made the same gesture after seeing the coach's behavior, seemingly supporting Yang Ming's views. Such a move undoubtedly increased the tension on the pitch and raised questions about the team's professionalism and sportsmanship.

Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's approach is really chilling!

In the fierce arena, Fogg's sudden elbow hit was like a bombshell, directly distorting and deforming Dehao's face. Yu Dehao covered his face in pain, almost unable to move, but Fogg did not seem to feel the slightest guilt, but fanned the flames there, deliberately made some provocative actions, and even signaled to the referee that Yu Dehao was faking a fall.

Surprisingly, however, the referee ignored all of this, did not say anything, and did not blow for a technical foul on Fergus. Such a decision made the spectators feel indignant, thinking that the referee was clearly biased in Fogg's favor.

Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's approach is really chilling!

And the head coach of the Liaoning team, Yang Ming, and the player Zhao Jiwei, after seeing this scene, their actions were even more shocking. Not only did they not stand up for their teammate Yu Dehao, but they chose a more unscrupulous way to deal with it. They watched from the sidelines, and even whispered in private, as if they were laughing at what happened to Yu Dehao.

Such a move undoubtedly greatly reduced the image of the Liaoning team, and also made the fans feel disappointed and angry. After all, on the field, in addition to competitive strength, the character and demeanor of players and coaches are just as important. And Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's behavior is undoubtedly discrediting the team, and people can't help but doubt their professional ethics and quality.

Regarding Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's behavior, netizens expressed their dissatisfaction and criticism. They believe that as coaches and players, they should respect the rules of the game and the referee's decision, rather than making such controversial actions on the field. Such a move not only harms sportsmanship, but also has a negative impact on the team and the league.

Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's approach is really chilling!

On social media, fans also expressed strong disappointment and anger at Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's actions. They believe that such behavior is not only against sportsmanship, but also hurts the hearts of fans. Many fans are calling on the league and teams to do justice to the matter in order to maintain the fairness and impartiality of the game.

Looking back at the controversial moment of this match, we can't help but wonder: what is the sportsmanship? As coaches and players, they should lead by example and respect the game, the opponent and the referee. Rather than engaging in such unsportsmanlike behaviour on the field. We look forward to seeing more positive energy in future competitions, so that the spirit of sportsmanship can be better reflected and inherited.

Dear readers, what do you think of Yang Ming and Zhao Jiwei's controversial behavior in the game? Do you think they're just an emotional act of inadvertence, or do you think it's a serious violation of sportsmanship? Feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment area, and let's explore the true meaning of sportsmanship together.

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