
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.

author:A little rich woman in the clouds

The French style decoration of the log combines the romantic elegance of the French style with the natural simplicity of the log to create a simple and warm living environment. Here are a few key points:

Color Matching:

- The main color palette is white, beige or light gray to create a bright and spacious feel.

- Wood colours add a natural warmth as accents, such as wooden floors, furniture and décor.

- Use subtle blues, pinks or greens as complementary colors to add a romantic femininity to France.

Material Selection:

- Timber material: The furniture, floors and some walls are made of unfinished logs, preserving the natural grain and colour of the wood.

- Natural stone: such as marble or granite, used for kitchen countertops, bathroom floors, etc., to add texture.

- Fabrics and fabrics: Use natural materials such as cotton, linen or linen, such as curtains, sofa covers and bedding, to emphasize comfort and nature.

★ Decorative Elements:

- French décor: such as carvings, arched doors and windows, plaster moldings, etc., add a touch of French sophistication to the space.

- Natural elements: ornaments or murals with floral motifs, as well as rattan or weaving objects, emphasizing natural themes.

- Metal & Glass: Copper or brass lamps, frames and trims, as well as glasswork, to add transparency and shine to the space.

☕️ Furniture & Layout:

- Furniture styling: Choose furniture with clean lines and elegant design, such as French vintage furniture or modern minimalist style.

- Functionality and aesthetics: Furniture should not only look elegant, but also focus on practicality, such as the proper planning of storage space.

- Space layout: Open plan layout, combined with a semi-open study or lounge area, creates a multi-functional living space.

[Candle] Lighting Design:

- Layered: Use multi-level lighting designs, such as main lights, table lamps, floor lamps, etc., to adapt to different life scenarios.

- Warm light sources: Choose warm light sources to create a cosy atmosphere.

The French style decoration of logs is a combination of natural and French aesthetics, through the natural texture of logs and French exquisite decoration, to create a living space that is both warm and stylish. When designing, attention should be paid to the choice of materials and the matching of colors, as well as the functionality of the furniture and the delicacy of the decoration, in order to achieve a harmonious and unified effect.

The following image is from CAROL.

Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.
Wood French style decoration, irresistible natural beauty.