
Only after watching the fate of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle did he understand why Sun Wukong disliked Fang Tian to draw halberds and use golden hoop sticks

author:Meow meow talks about things

Sun Wukong swept the world in "Journey to the West" and was fearless, but he was extremely picky when it came to choosing weapons. As everyone knows, he finally chose the magical golden hoop stick instead of the famous Fang Tian Painting Halberd on the battlefield. What's the reasoning behind this? Is it because the golden hoop stick is more suitable for his monkey nature?

Only after watching the fate of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle did he understand why Sun Wukong disliked Fang Tian to draw halberds and use golden hoop sticks

In the story of "Journey to the West", the Monkey King's weapon selection can be said to be a very crucial link. This is not just a simple choice of weapons, but a deliberate decision. Why did Sun Wukong give up the well-equipped and powerful Fang Tian Painting Halberd and choose the seemingly ordinary golden hoop stick? The story here is not simple.

Only after watching the fate of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle did he understand why Sun Wukong disliked Fang Tian to draw halberds and use golden hoop sticks

Let's take a look at the weapon Fang Tian's Halberd. Fang Tian's halberd is a very famous weapon in history, its shape is different from ordinary halberds, more complex and powerful. The head of the Fang Tian Painting Halberd was equipped with sharp blades and hooks, making it extremely lethal on the ancient battlefield. From Lu Bu in the Three Kingdoms period to the many heroes in the Romance of the Gods in the Tang Dynasty, Fang Tian's halberd has always been a symbol of heroes. But why is such a powerful weapon not favored by Sun Wukong?

Sun Wukong's choice is actually related to his identity and pursuit. As a stone monkey from Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong's nature is free and naughty, and what he needs is a weapon that can change freely as he wants. The golden hoop rod satisfies just that. This stick is not only moderately weight, but also can be lengthened and shortened as you like, and can even be made bigger or smaller at will, which perfectly matches Sun Wukong's fighting style.

Only after watching the fate of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle did he understand why Sun Wukong disliked Fang Tian to draw halberds and use golden hoop sticks

Looking at the Fang Tian Painting Halberd again, although it is very powerful, its weight and difficulty in handling are also very large. This weapon requires extremely high martial arts and strength to control, and ordinary generals have a hard time wielding it, let alone being able to use it as much as they want in battle like Sun Wukong. The form and function of Fang Tian's halberd limit the flexibility and creativity of the user to a certain extent, which is contrary to Sun Wukong's nature of pursuing freedom and change.

Another angle that cannot be ignored is that as a weapon symbolizing royal authority and military power, the existence of the Fang Tian Painted Halberd often represents the power of authority and regular army. And Sun Wukong, the rebellious stone monkey, his image and behavior are often incompatible with established authority, and he is more inclined to break the routine and challenge authority. A weapon that symbolizes tradition and authority, clearly not suitable for a hero of his character.

Only after watching the fate of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle did he understand why Sun Wukong disliked Fang Tian to draw halberds and use golden hoop sticks

There is also a legendary secret factor that may have influenced the choice of the Monkey King. In some versions of the story, it is mentioned that the Fang Tian Painting Halberd was restricted by certain celestial forces because of its great power and special symbolism. In other words, the use of the Fang Tian Painting Halberd may be subject to some kind of restriction or monitoring by the Heavenly Realm. And Sun Wukong, the Monkey King who is rebellious by nature and longs for freedom, obviously does not want his power to be bound by any external constraints.

Only after watching the fate of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle did he understand why Sun Wukong disliked Fang Tian to draw halberds and use golden hoop sticks

Let's talk about the magic of the golden hoop stick. This stick was originally called "Dinghai Shen Needle", which was originally an artifact used to suppress the sea, and was later taken out of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea by Sun Wukong and became his personal weapon. The golden hoop stick is varied, you can change the size and length as you like, and you can even conjure up countless clones according to Sun Wukong's wishes. This kind of fickle and freewheeling nature is exactly what Sun Wukong needs. He can take advantage of this property of the Golden Hoop Rod, which allows him to respond flexibly and unpredictably in battle, making it elusive to the enemy.

Only after watching the fate of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle did he understand why Sun Wukong disliked Fang Tian to draw halberds and use golden hoop sticks

Moreover, there is another important feature of the golden hoop stick, that is, its "carrying". The golden hoop rod can be shrunk to a very small size, and can even be hidden in the ear, making it easy for Sun Wukong to carry it at any time. This kind of convenience is incomparable to Fang Tian's halberd. Imagine that when traveling long distances or running away urgently, a huge Fangtian painting halberd is obviously inconvenient to carry, and a golden hoop stick that can change the size at will is undoubtedly more in line with Sun Wukong's flowing lifestyle.

Only after watching the fate of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle did he understand why Sun Wukong disliked Fang Tian to draw halberds and use golden hoop sticks

As a magical weapon, the golden hoop rod also provides enough self-confidence for Sun Wukong due to its mysterious source and great power. When fighting against all kinds of demons and monsters, and even the gods of the heavenly court, Sun Wukong can use the power of the golden hoop stick to be invincible and powerful in all directions. This innate domineering and self-confidence is one of the important reasons why Sun Wukong chose the golden hoop stick instead of Fang Tian's halberd.

Only after watching the fate of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle did he understand why Sun Wukong disliked Fang Tian to draw halberds and use golden hoop sticks

Sun Wukong chose the golden hoop stick instead of Fang Tian's halberd, not just because of personal preference. Behind this is his quest for freedom and flexibility, his rebellion against traditional authority, and his extreme confidence in his personal abilities. The magical function and convenience of the golden hoop stick perfectly meet the character and needs of Sun Wukong, the great sage. Therefore, this is not "picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon", but a wise choice that best meets your own characteristics and needs.