
Breaking the Heart Sutra of the Wuchao Zen Master, sitting on the small Sumeru Mountain, how can the Bodhisattva of Lingji be so good?

author:Meow meow talks about things

If you think that only the familiar characters such as Monkey King, Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng in "Journey to the West" are enough to taste, then you may not have heard of the two hidden bosses Lingji Bodhisattva and Wuchao Zen Master. In this story, how does a low-key and mysterious Bodhisattva break through the defense of a great Zen master sitting in the West in one fell swoop?

Breaking the Heart Sutra of the Wuchao Zen Master, sitting on the small Sumeru Mountain, how can the Bodhisattva of Lingji be so good?

In the world of "Journey to the West", there is not only the majesty of the Monkey King, but also many lesser-known characters who also have amazing abilities and wonderful stories. Among them, the story of Lingji Bodhisattva and Wuchao Zen Master is particularly fascinating.

Breaking the Heart Sutra of the Wuchao Zen Master, sitting on the small Sumeru Mountain, how can the Bodhisattva of Lingji be so good?

Lingji Bodhisattva, this mysterious bodhisattva dominates Mount Meru, seemingly inconspicuous on the outside, but has extraordinary abilities that move the heavenly court even with it. He didn't like to show off too much, and lived in a small monastery with only a few monks, living a very simple life. It is this low-key that makes his strength and influence often underestimated.

It is said that once, the four Tang monks and apprentices encountered a powerful Yellow Wind Monster on the way to learn scriptures. This Yellow Wind Monster was originally a subordinate of Lingji Bodhisattva, a goblin with extraordinary abilities. At that time, Tang monks and apprentices were trapped by the strong wind of the Yellow Wind Monster, and they were in danger.

Breaking the Heart Sutra of the Wuchao Zen Master, sitting on the small Sumeru Mountain, how can the Bodhisattva of Lingji be so good?

Before this, Wuchao Zen Master had given Tang Seng a copy of the Heart Sutra, claiming that this Sutra could keep him safe. Zen Master Wuchao himself is also a figure to be reckoned with, his status is extremely respected in the West, and he is one of the top celebrities in the Western world. His ashram was located on Mount Futu, and the name of the mountain itself implied recognition of its status. Through the gift of the Heart Sutra, he undoubtedly wanted to provide Tang Seng with a talisman.

When the wind power of the Yellow Wind Monster came out, the "Heart Sutra" recited by Tang Seng did not seem to play its due role, and Tang Seng and his party were almost swept away by the demon wind. This scene is undoubtedly a huge blow to Wuchao Zen Master's "Heart Sutra", and it also makes Tang Seng doubt the effectiveness of this scripture.

Breaking the Heart Sutra of the Wuchao Zen Master, sitting on the small Sumeru Mountain, how can the Bodhisattva of Lingji be so good?

At this time, the ability of Lingji Bodhisattva is undoubtedly revealed. He not only broke the Heart Sutra of Wuchao Zen Master in an almost silent way through the Yellow Wind Monster, but also indirectly demonstrated his strength. Lingji Bodhisattva's practice is not only a challenge to the strength of Wuchao Zen Master, but also to tell Tang monks and apprentices that the real strength does not only come from books, but also from actual practice and the use of wisdom.

The story of Lingji Bodhisattva does not stop there. Legend has it that he was once prominent among the Buddhas of the West, and even the Buddha gave him three points. With such a high level of cultivation and unfathomable background, he has a very high status in the Buddhist world. But he chose to live in seclusion on Mount Meru, only as a bodhisattva, and this indifferent attitude towards fame and fortune is even more admirable.

Breaking the Heart Sutra of the Wuchao Zen Master, sitting on the small Sumeru Mountain, how can the Bodhisattva of Lingji be so good?

Lingji Bodhisattva's supernatural powers are vast, and he can easily crack the "Heart Sutra" of Wuchao Zen Master, in fact, it also reveals a deep truth: even the most advanced method has its limitations, and the key lies in how to use it. Lingji Bodhisattva showed Tang Seng this point through practical actions, so that Tang Seng had a deeper knowledge and understanding of the path of learning scriptures.

Although Wuchao Zen Master appeared to be a little overshadowed in this incident, his status and influence should not be underestimated. Although his "Heart Sutra" failed to play a role in the fight against the Yellow Wind Monster, it also helped Tang monks and apprentices out of danger on other occasions. This also makes people see that no kind of power is absolute, and the key is how to keep pace with the times and respond flexibly.

Breaking the Heart Sutra of the Wuchao Zen Master, sitting on the small Sumeru Mountain, how can the Bodhisattva of Lingji be so good?

The contest between strength and intelligence, tradition and innovation in the story is not just a simple mythological duel, but more like a philosophical reflection. Lingji Bodhisattva and Wuchao Zen Master, these two seemingly opposing characters, are actually constantly teaching Tang Seng and the majority of readers a more far-reaching truth through their own actions and choices: in the face of difficulties and challenges, we should not only rely on external objects, but also rely on our own inner cultivation and wisdom.

The story also hints at a deeper theme – that even immortals have their own shortcomings and limitations. Although Lingji Bodhisattva was able to break the Heart Sutra, he also chose to live in seclusion, which may reflect his self-knowledge of his own power and detachment from worldly affairs. Although Zen Master Wuchao was slightly deficient in this incident, his tolerance and generosity, as well as his deep understanding of the Heart Sutra, are also worth learning from each of us.

Breaking the Heart Sutra of the Wuchao Zen Master, sitting on the small Sumeru Mountain, how can the Bodhisattva of Lingji be so good?

Through the story of Lingji Bodhisattva and Wuchao Zen Master, we can not only see the colorful fairy world in "Journey to the West", but also deeply understand the profound philosophy contained in it. Although these stories take place in distant mythological times, in fact, each plot is closely related to our real life. Whether we are facing the ups and downs of life, or in the pursuit of personal growth and breakthroughs, the stories of Lingji Bodhisattva and Wuchao Zen Master can give us inspiration and courage.