
The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast have been under Russia for 165 years, so why is it still not developing well?

author:jokes about a hundred years of elegance

In 1860, the Qing Dynasty signed the Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing with Tsarist Russia, formally ceding part of the Outer Northeast to Tsarist Russia. This land is extremely vast, more than 1 million square kilometers, covering the area from today's Outer Northeast to the Far East, and is an extremely important strategic resource area. This decision was made against the backdrop of the gradual decline of the Qing Dynasty's national strength and the restriction of diplomacy by others. At that time, the Qing Dynasty was in the midst of internal and external troubles, and was no longer able to resist the aggression and oppression of Western powers.

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast have been under Russia for 165 years, so why is it still not developing well?

General Yishan stood on the north bank of the Heilongjiang River, looked into the distance, and said to the adjutant beside him heavily: "This place is no longer the land of my generation today. The hand of Tsarist Russia can reach this point. His voice was full of helplessness and sorrow, this land that was once guarded by him was now officially a foreign land.

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast have been under Russia for 165 years, so why is it still not developing well?

At this time in the capital, Prince Gong was engaged in final negotiations with the Russian ambassador. The Russian ambassador Stizilik indifferently adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and said coldly: "This is the last condition, accept, or we will continue to march north." In the face of the tough demand, Prince Gong struggled incomparably, he knew that the loss of every inch of land was a great humiliation to the Qing Empire.

Fast forward to the post-Russian occupation, and the development of the Far East was difficult. Despite the efforts of the Russian government to increase the population density of this vast region by introducing immigration policies, tax exemptions, and even the exile of prisoners, the people living in this remote and cold land still found it difficult to feel at home. The head of an immigrant family said to his children by the fire, "We are here for the land, but it is so hard and cold. ”

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast have been under Russia for 165 years, so why is it still not developing well?

During the Soviet era, in order to further develop this land, huge resources were invested in the Far East, schools, laboratories and factories were built. Behind these seeming prosperity, there are more challenges and dilemmas. One researcher, who works in the lab, told his colleague: "Although our research is going well, living here always feels isolated and forgotten. ”

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, investment and support came to an abrupt end, and the economic and social development of the Far East became even more difficult. An old immigrant who had hoped to find a new life in the Far East sighed in the town's tavern: "I thought this would be the new paradise, but I didn't expect that we were just a forgotten bunch." ”

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast have been under Russia for 165 years, so why is it still not developing well?

The Far East still faces many challenges, both in terms of economy, population and infrastructure. Young people are leaving in search of better life opportunities, leaving only the elderly and middle-aged who still have a glimmer of hope for the future. The scene of a young man saying goodbye to his family at a train station has become a common sad drama in this land. He said to his mother, "Mom, I went farther away to find our place, but I couldn't give me hope." ”

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast have been under Russia for 165 years, so why is it still not developing well?

The lost land is not just a field on the map, but the passing of the hopes and dreams of generations. History is a heavy chain of choices and consequences, and every decision can become a shackle or key to the future. In this cold land, everyone who works hard to live and struggle is a hero against fate.