
Marshal Tianpeng commanded the 80,000 Tianhe Water Division, why couldn't he kill the goldfish essence? Look at what Guanyin Bodhisattva said

author:Onigiri says things

What kind of challenges did the three high-ranking disciples in "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk encounter in Tongtian River, this is not an ordinary goblin, but a goldfish spirit who seems to be weak. Why is it that Zhu Bajie, who is as powerful as Marshal Tianpeng, who once commanded 80,000 Tianhe Water Divisions, is not the opponent of the goldfish essence in the water?

Marshal Tianpeng commanded the 80,000 Tianhe Water Division, why couldn't he kill the goldfish essence? Look at what Guanyin Bodhisattva said

In "Journey to the West", a classic masterpiece that everyone loves, there is one chapter that is particularly eye-catching, that is, the Battle of Tongtianhe. Tongtian River, this mysterious river, is not only a turbulent water, but also a zone where goblins are rampant. Here, Sun Wukong and his two brothers encountered an opponent who was not amazing but extremely powerful - Goldfish Essence.

Marshal Tianpeng commanded the 80,000 Tianhe Water Division, why couldn't he kill the goldfish essence? Look at what Guanyin Bodhisattva said

The goldfish essence was originally just a small goldfish in the lotus pond of Guanyin Bodhisattva, but because of its mysterious power, it became the king of inspiration, swept through the Tianhe River, and became a water tyrant. Although the monkey brother Sun Wukong is excellent in martial arts, he is a half-man in the water, and he is beaten by the opponent without the power to fight back. On the other hand, Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha, although they both have good water nature, they are still invincible to goldfish essence in underwater battles, why is this?

We need to understand the combat characteristics of the goldfish essence. The goldfish spirit carries an artifact, the nine-petaled copper hammer, which is extremely powerful underwater and can unleash great power. And on land, even if Sun Wukong is holding a Ruyi golden hoop stick, it can only put the goldfish essence at a temporary disadvantage. But once in the water, the power of this inspiration king is like a fish in water, overturning rivers and seas, and no one can beat him.

Marshal Tianpeng commanded the 80,000 Tianhe Water Division, why couldn't he kill the goldfish essence? Look at what Guanyin Bodhisattva said

There is actually a very key reason hidden in this - the layout of the goldfish essence in the water and its cunning. He not only erected the Temple of Inspiration Dawang in the Tongtian River as a stronghold on the surface, but in fact, he also occupied the old nest of the old turtle as a real base deep underwater. This strategy of "land and water" allows him to respond flexibly to attacks and adjust his strategy at any time.

As for Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk, although they were both good hands in the water, they were obviously still powerless in the face of an opponent like Goldfish Essence who was proficient in water and had powerful artifacts. What's more, the goldfish spirit has set up many traps and ambushes in the waters of the Tongtian River, making it difficult for even old rivers and lakes like Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk to deal with.

Marshal Tianpeng commanded the 80,000 Tianhe Water Division, why couldn't he kill the goldfish essence? Look at what Guanyin Bodhisattva said

The battle lasted for two hours, from the bottom to the surface, from the fierce battle to exhaustion, the three great apprentices experienced unprecedented challenges. Especially Zhu Bajie, who once proudly led the 80,000 Tianhe Water Division, known as the invincible Marshal of Tianpeng in water warfare, is now suffering under the hands of a goldfish essence who was once a small ornamental fish, which is simply ironic and regrettable.

The Fishfish's tactical layout also shows its extraordinary intelligence. He not only competed with Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk in terms of strength, but also completely gained the upper hand in strategy. Goldfish Essence is extremely aware of the topography of the waters, and uses this to set traps, making it difficult for Sun Wukong and his brothers to use their fists.

Marshal Tianpeng commanded the 80,000 Tianhe Water Division, why couldn't he kill the goldfish essence? Look at what Guanyin Bodhisattva said

In retrospect, although Sun Wukong is a monkey brother with extremely strong combat effectiveness, in this battle, he seems extremely helpless. For no other reason, although his fighting skills are diverse, the underwater environment greatly limits his playfulness. And the goldfish essence took advantage of this and chose the battlefield underwater, so that his underwater advantage was fully brought into play.

For the audience, this battle is not just a simple battle of strength, it is more like a battle of intelligence and strategy. The goldfish essence is not only prepared in terms of strength, but also has done enough in resourcefulness. This also gives us a profound enlightenment: in the face of difficulties and challenges, brute force alone is not enough, and the right strategy and resourcefulness are equally important.

Marshal Tianpeng commanded the 80,000 Tianhe Water Division, why couldn't he kill the goldfish essence? Look at what Guanyin Bodhisattva said

The battle ended with the defeat of Sun Wukong and his brothers, who had to rethink their countermeasures in order to challenge and completely solve the threat of the Goldfish Essence. This failure is both a lesson and an opportunity for them to grow.

Marshal Tianpeng commanded the 80,000 Tianhe Water Division, why couldn't he kill the goldfish essence? Look at what Guanyin Bodhisattva said

The Battle of Tongtian is not only a wonderful chapter in "Journey to the West", it is more like a profound test of wisdom and courage. Although the goldfish essence is small, it defeats the strong with the weak, demonstrating the importance of strategy and wisdom. Although Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha have been on the battlefield, this experience has undoubtedly made them more aware that no matter how big the challenge is, the right strategy and adequate preparation are the keys to success. Such stories are not only evocative, but also full of life philosophy, which is worth pondering for each of us.

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