
Can't sleep with "head to east and feet to west"? Is there still a saying about the orientation? You'll understand after reading it!

author:Aru talks about popular science
Can't sleep with "head to east and feet to west"? Is there still a saying about the orientation? You'll understand after reading it!

Text丨Aru talks about popular science

Editor丨Aru talks about popular science


Sleep is an important part of human health, and good sleep quality has an important impact on both the body and mind.

Can't sleep with "head to east and feet to west"? Is there still a saying about the orientation? You'll understand after reading it!

In daily life, there are many theories about sleep, including the saying that you sleep with your head facing east and your feet facing west.

Many people have heard of this statement to a greater or lesser extent, and even consider it when choosing a bedroom or bed placement.

So, what's really going on with the head facing east and the feet facing west? Is there really a correlation between orientation and sleep quality?

Let's demystify this mystery and see how science and medicine look at this issue.

Where does the saying that the head is facing east and the feet facing west originate

Can't sleep with "head to east and feet to west"? Is there still a saying about the orientation? You'll understand after reading it!

Most of the various theories about sleep are derived from traditional folk culture or superstitious concepts.

The saying that "the head is facing east and the feet are facing west" is not established on any scientific basis, but is influenced by Chinese feng shui culture.

In traditional Chinese Feng Shui, the orientation of the head is very important, and it is believed that the orientation of the head towards auspiciousness can bring good luck and health.

The east is considered to be the heaviest position of yang energy, so many people misunderstand that sleeping with the head facing east can absorb more yang energy, which is conducive to health and peace.

As for why the feet are facing west, there are relatively few explanations for this statement, perhaps to keep the body balanced, or to be influenced by other Feng Shui cultures.

No matter which statement it is, it lacks scientific basis and evidence support, and belongs to blind conformity and superstitious concepts, so there is no need to care too much about and pursue such a feng shui layout in daily life, let alone worry and anxiety about it.

A scientific look at the orientation of sleep

Can't sleep with "head to east and feet to west"? Is there still a saying about the orientation? You'll understand after reading it!

From a scientific and medical point of view, there is no direct correlation between sleep orientation and physical health, nor does it have a substantial impact on sleep quality.

The quality of people's sleep is more affected by the quietness, comfort, psychological state and other factors of the environment, rather than simply determined by the orientation of the head.

Generally speaking, the sleeping environment should be as quiet, dark and comfortable as possible, so that the body can relax and enter a deep sleep state.

If you are too entangled and superstitious when choosing the direction of sleep, it will increase the risk of sleep disorders and lead to insomnia and other problems. So, consider more comfort and practicality in the placement of beds and the decoration of bedrooms to create an overall environment conducive to sleep.

How to ensure a good night's sleep

Can't sleep with "head to east and feet to west"? Is there still a saying about the orientation? You'll understand after reading it!

In addition to the environment in which you sleep, there are many other factors in your daily life that can affect the quality of your sleep, so when pursuing a good night's sleep, adjustments and improvements should be made from many aspects.

Reasonable work and rest:

Maintain a regular sleep schedule, try to get enough sleep between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., and avoid staying up late and taking long naps.

Scientific Diet:

Pay attention to a balanced and varied diet, avoid being too full or too hungry, try to eat as early as possible, and you can also eat some ingredients that help you sleep in moderation, such as cereals and dairy products.

Moderate Exercise:

Moderate physical activity every day helps to deplete physical strength and regulate the body's biological clock, but avoid strenuous exercise before bedtime so as not to affect falling asleep.

Good Habits:

Developing good bedtime habits, such as relaxing massages, meditation, and avoiding prolonged exposure to the light of electronic devices, can help promote falling asleep.

Psychological Adjustment:

Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, learn to cope with stress and emotions, and seek help and confide in you if you have sleep problems to avoid long-term anxiety and worry.

Can't sleep with "head to east and feet to west"? Is there still a saying about the orientation? You'll understand after reading it!

Although the direction of sleep reflects people's pursuit of health and safety to a certain extent, it is not a key factor in determining the quality of sleep.

What is really important is to understand and treat sleep from a scientific point of view, understand the various factors that affect sleep, and make targeted adjustments and improvements, so that we can truly enjoy healthy and abundant sleep.

In daily life, you can appropriately learn from some feng shui culture about the layout principles of the direction, but it is not advisable to be overly superstitious and blindly follow the herd, and more importantly, we should pay attention to the adjustment of internal cultivation and external living habits, so as to comprehensively improve the overall quality of life of ourselves and our families.

Can't sleep with "head to east and feet to west"? Is there still a saying about the orientation? You'll understand after reading it!