
The land lord sells his wife

author:Arvin Film & TV Clip XVLM

The land lord sells his wife

In the ancient East, there is a place called Peach Blossom Village, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the people are simple. In the middle of the village, there is a small land temple, which is dedicated to the land lord. Although the land lord is a small god, but in the hearts of the villagers have a pivotal position, every festival, the villagers will come to worship, pray for good weather and good harvest.

The name of the land lord is Li Laohan, who is kind and benevolent. Although he is a god, he never puts on a show, and often incarnates as an old farmer to help the villagers solve various problems. The villagers respected him and affectionately called him "Lord of the Land".

However, in recent years, Peach Blossom Village has encountered unprecedented difficulties. Years of drought have left crops without harvest, making life extremely difficult for the villagers. Seeing it in his eyes and anxious in his heart, the land lord prayed to the heavenly court for rain many times, but the heavenly court didn't seem to pay attention to it.

One day, the land lord was thinking hard about countermeasures in the temple, and suddenly heard a commotion outside. When he walked out of the temple gate, he saw a group of villagers gathered around and talking. It turned out that Aunt Wang in the village wanted to sell her daughter Xiaofang in exchange for food because she couldn't open the pot at home.

The land lord felt a pain in his heart, he knew that if this continued, Peach Blossom Village would face a greater disaster. He must figure out a way to save the village.

Just when the land lord was at a loss, he suddenly thought of an idea. He returned to the temple and took out a treasure—a mirror that could reflect people's hearts. This mirror is the magic weapon obtained by the land lord when he became an immortal, and it can reflect the good, evil, beauty and ugliness in people's hearts.

The land lord sells his wife

The land lord decided to use this treasure mirror in exchange for the food needed by the villagers. He incarnated as an old farmer, came to the village with a treasure mirror, and announced loudly: "Fellow villagers, this treasure mirror in my hand can reflect the good and evil in people's hearts. As long as you are willing to give some food in exchange, I will use this mirror to help you see your own heart and that of others. ”

The villagers listened to the words of the land lord and expressed their willingness to exchange it for food. So, the land lord began to tour the village to display the treasure mirror. Every time he lifted the treasure mirror, the villagers could see their own and others' inner worlds, see the goodness and beauty that they usually ignore, and also see the malice and ugliness in the hearts of others.

Over time, the villagers began to reflect on their own behavior and learned to understand and tolerate each other. They no longer suspect and fight each other because of difficult situations, but unite as one to face difficulties together.

However, as the food gradually decreased, the land lord began to feel powerless. He knew that this was not a long-term solution. So, he decided to make a surprising decision - to sell his wife in exchange for more food.

This decision caused an uproar in the village. The villagers expressed their confusion and opposition, believing that the land lord's action was too extreme and not worth it. But the land lord said firmly: "For the future of Peach Blossom Village and everyone's livelihood, I must do this." ”

So, the land lord posted a notice in the village, announcing that he was going to sell his wife. When the news spread, the whole village was boiling. The villagers talked a lot, some admired the sacrifice of the land lord, and some felt that his approach was too ridiculous.

At this moment, a mysterious merchant came to Peach Blossom Village. After he heard the news that the land lord was going to sell his wife, he took the initiative to come to the door. The merchant expressed his willingness to exchange a large amount of grain for the wife of the land lord.

The land lord sells his wife

The land lord looked at the businessman in front of him, and his heart was mixed. He knew that once he made this decision, he would lose his closest partner. But for the sake of the future of Peach Blossom Village, he must be ruthless.

So, under the stunned eyes of the villagers, the land lord made a deal with the merchant. He exchanged his wife for a large amount of food and saved Peach Blossom Village from fire and water.

However, at the very moment when the deal was completed, the sky suddenly became cloudy and thunder rumbled. A bolt of lightning struck, and the merchant disappeared in place. It turned out that this merchant was actually an envoy sent by the Heavenly Court to test the Lord of the Land. The spirit of sacrifice of the Lord of the Land touched the Heavenly Court, so the Heavenly Court decided to send down Ganlin to save the Peach Blossom Village.

As the rain fell, Peach Blossom Village was revitalized. Crops began to thrive, and life for the villagers gradually returned to normal. And the wife of the land lord also returned to his side under the moisture of the rain.

After this incident, the villagers of Taohua Village cherish the friendship between each other even more, and they unite as one to build a beautiful home together. And the land lord has also won the deeper respect and love of the villagers because of his selflessness and sacrifice.

Since then, Peach Blossom Village has lived a happy and peaceful life under the protection of the land lord. And the story of the land lord selling his wife has also become a good story passed down by word of mouth among the villagers, and it has been passed down through the ages.

The land lord sells his wife

Peach Blossom Village has been reborn, and the villagers have lived a stable life, but the matter of the land lord selling his wife has always been a knot in their hearts. Whenever this matter was mentioned, everyone felt both grateful and guilty, as if they owed the land lord a favor that could not be repaid.

The land lord looked at this matter very lightly, he always smiled and said: "It's all for the village, for everyone, I just did what I should do." But the villagers know that they will never forget this kindness.

As the days passed, Peach Blossom Village gradually regained its former prosperity under the protection of the land lord. And the wife of the land lord, after experiencing that bizarre loss and return, has also become more cherished every day with the land lord. The two of them are close to each other, guarding this land and the people here.

However, the calm days did not last long. One day, a demonic thing from outside the mountain made waves and did evil, causing the whole village to fall into crisis again. The demonic material power is infinite, and the villagers are no match for it at all, and can only watch it wreak havoc.

Seeing this, the land lord was very anxious. He knew that this time the enemy was unlike any before, and he had to come up with a new way to deal with it. However, after all, he is a minor god, and his strength is limited, and it is extremely difficult to deal with such a demonic thing.

Just when the land lord was at a loss, he suddenly thought of a way. He decided to use his divine power to engage in a life-and-death contest with demonic things. He knew it was risky, but he had no other choice.

So, on a stormy night, the Lord of the Land stepped forward and started a fierce battle with the evil things. The two sides come and go, and the fight is inextricable. In the end, at the critical moment, the land lord burst out with amazing power and defeated the demonic thing in one fell swoop.

The land lord sells his wife

However, the land lord also became weak because of the exhaustion of his divine power. He knew that his days were numbered. In the last moments of his life, he gathered all the villagers and told them the fact that he was about to leave.

When the villagers heard the news, they all wept bitterly. They expressed their willingness to exchange their lives for the stay of the land lord. But the land lord shook his head with a smile, and he said, "I have completed my mission, and now it is time to go back." ”

After speaking, the body of the Earth Lord gradually became transparent, and finally turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky. The villagers looked in the direction he had disappeared and were reluctant to leave for a long time.

Although the land lord left them, his spirit remained in Peach Blossom Village forever. In order to commemorate him, the villagers renovated the land temple to be more solemn, and on a specific day every year, a grand sacrifice will be held to commemorate this great land lord.

Although the land lord left Peach Blossom Village, his spirit and legendary story have always inspired the villagers. Whenever the peach blossoms are in full bloom, the villagers will sit in front of the land temple and tell the heroic deeds of the great land lord.

With the passage of time, Peach Blossom Village has undergone changes again and again, but the legend of the land lord has never faded. Until one day, a young Taoist priest passed by Peach Blossom Village and heard the story of the land lord, he was deeply moved and decided to stay and help the villagers.

The land lord sells his wife

This Taoist priest's name is Qingfeng, and he has a profound Taoism and a kind heart. After he came to Taohua Village, he not only helped the villagers solve many problems in their lives, but also taught them some simple Taoism so that they could better protect themselves.

With the help of the breeze, Peach Blossom Village has become more harmonious and peaceful. The villagers are grateful to Qingfeng and see him as their new guardian. And Qingfeng often mentions the story of the land lord, telling everyone to cherish the happiness in front of them and not forget the kindness of the past.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, an evil demon wind suddenly swept through Peach Blossom Village, bringing unprecedented disasters. Everywhere the demon wind went, houses collapsed, crops withered, and the villagers fell into panic.

Seeing this, the Qingfeng Daoist immediately stepped forward and started a fierce battle with the demon wind. But the demon wind was too powerful, and although the Qingfeng Daoist tried his best, he still couldn't defeat it. Just as the villagers were about to despair, a golden light suddenly came from the sky.

The golden light fell to the ground, transforming into a majestic deity. He is dressed in gold armor and holds a sword, and he is the Lord of the Land! It turned out that although the land lord had left Peach Blossom Village, his divine power had not dissipated. He had been paying attention to everything in Peach Blossom Village in Heavenly Court, and when he saw the villagers suffering disasters, he resolutely decided to go down to help them.

The Land Lord and the Qingfeng Daoist join forces to fight against the demon wind together. After a fierce battle, the demon wind was finally defeated and dissipated into a wisp of green smoke in the air. Peach Blossom Village has once again restored its former tranquility and beauty.

The land lord sells his wife

When the villagers saw the return of the land lord, they all cheered. They fell to their knees one after another, thanking the Lord of the Land for saving his life. The land lord smiled and helped the villagers up, telling them to cherish the days of peace and tranquility and protect the land together.

Since then, the Land Lord and the Qingfeng Taoist have guarded the Peach Blossom Village together. They taught the villagers the Tao and taught them wisdom, making Taohua Village more prosperous. And the story of the land lord selling his wife has also been passed down from generation to generation in Peach Blossom Village, and has become an eternal story.

Time flies, and under the protection of the land lord and the Qingfeng Taoist, Peach Blossom Village has gradually developed into a village full of vitality and vitality. The story of the land lord selling his wife has also become an indispensable part of the culture of Taohua Village, inspiring the villagers to move forward bravely and create a better future.